FN - Forenede Nationer

Sidst redigeret d. 10/7 - 2024
Foto: United Nations Photo. Palais des Nations, Geneva. “Allée des drapeaux” (meaning "Flags Way"). Link foto.

International dag for at leve sammen i fred, 16. maj

Forenet i forskelligheder og mangfoldighed

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At leve sammen i fred handler om at acceptere forskelligheder og have evnen til at lytte til, anerkende, respektere og værdsætte andre, samt leve på en fredelig og forenet måde.
FN's Generalforsamling erklærede i sin resolution 72/130 den 16. maj for den internationale dag for at leve sammen i fred som et middel til regelmæssigt at mobilisere det internationale samfunds indsats for at fremme fred, tolerance, inklusion, forståelse og solidaritet. Dagen har til formål at opretholde ønsket om at leve og handle sammen, forenet i forskelligheder og mangfoldighed, for at opbygge en bæredygtig verden af ??fred, solidaritet og harmoni.
Dagen inviterer lande til yderligere at fremme forsoning for at bidrage til at sikre fred og bæredygtig udvikling, herunder ved at arbejde med samfund, trosledere og andre relevante aktører, gennem forsonende foranstaltninger og tjenestehandlinger og ved at tilskynde til tilgivelse og medfølelse blandt enkeltpersoner.

Efter ødelæggelsen af ??Anden Verdenskrig blev FN oprettet for at redde efterfølgende generationer fra krigens svøbe. Et af dets formål er at opnå internationalt samarbejde om at løse internationale problemer, herunder ved at fremme og tilskynde til respekt for menneskerettigheder og for grundlæggende frihedsrettigheder for alle uden forskel med hensyn til race, køn, sprog eller religion.

I 1997 udråbte generalforsamlingen - ved sin resolution 52/15 - år 2000 til "det internationale år for en fredskultur". I 1998 proklamerede den perioden 2001-2010 som "det internationale årti for en kultur af fred og ikke-vold for verdens børn."

I 1999 vedtog generalforsamlingen ved resolution 53/243 erklæringen og handlingsprogrammet om en fredskultur, der tjener som det universelle mandat for det internationale samfund, især FN-systemet, til at fremme en fredskultur og ikke-vold, der gavner hele menneskeheden, inklusive fremtidige generationer.

Erklæringen kom i stand som et resultat af det langvarige og elskede koncept - indeholdt i UNESCOs forfatning - at "da krige begynder i menneskers sind, er det i menneskers sind, fredens forsvar skal konstrueres. " Erklæringen omfatter princippet om, at fred ikke blot er fravær af konflikt, men også kræver en positiv, dynamisk deltagelsesproces, hvor dialog tilskyndes og konflikter løses i en ånd af gensidig forståelse og samarbejde.

Erklæringen anerkender også, at for at opfylde et sådant ønske er der behov for at fjerne alle former for diskrimination og intolerance, herunder dem, der er baseret på race, farve, køn, sprog, religion, politisk eller anden opfattelse, national, etnisk eller social oprindelse, formueforhold, handicap, fødsel eller anden status.

I en verden, hvor konflikter formerer sig og polariserer ideer lige så meget som samfund, minder denne dag os om, at det er netop, når denne fredshorisont virker fjern, at vi ubønhørligt må opbygge dette ideal om enighed og social samhørighed.

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Peter Hansen var i mange år chef for omstridt FN-organisation i Gaza – og han tvivler på Israels anklager: Ofte grundløse

Berlingske d. 9/2 - 2024

12 ansatte i UNRWA, FNs hjælpeorganisation for Palæstina-flygtninge, står anklaget for at have medvirket til Hamas' terrorangreb 7. oktober. Men tidligere UNRWA-chef, danske Peter Hansen, er ikke overbevist om troværdigheden af de israelske anklager. Det siger han i »Pilestræde«....

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Gaza: ICJ ruling, UN failures, and US complicity | The Chris Hedges Report w/Craig Mokhiber

d. 26/2 - 2024

The International Court of Justice has just issued preliminary measures against Israel for the crime of genocide in Gaza. The ruling follows weeks of anticipation and months of international outcry for Israel to face accountability from the UN. While much remains undetermined, this is a critical development in a time when the integrity of international institutions has been thrown into crisis by their ineffectiveness in the face of Israel's slaughter. Former director of the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Craig Mokhiber, who resigned from his position last fall in protest of what he called the UN's "failure" to protect Palestinians, joins The Chris Hedges Report for a discussion on the weaknesses of the UN in the face of US and Israeli impunity.

Editor's note: This interview was recorded prior to the Jan. 26 ICJ ruling.

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Berømt diplomat: Det var Vesten, og ikke Putin, der indledte opgøret med vor tids verdensorden

Politikken d. 19/3 - 2023 INTERVIEW af Michael Jarlner

Den tidligere FN-våbeninspektør Hans Blix ser krigen i Irak som det første store angreb på den regelbaserede verdensorden. Selv danske Anders Fogh Rasmussen burde måske for en domstol, mener han.

Stop myten om, at det er Rusland, der med angrebet på Ukraine har åbnet for nedbrydningen af den såkaldt regelbaserede verdensorden efter Anden Verdenskrig. Det var Vesten selv, der tog det første skridt med krigen i Irak for 20 år siden, lyder det fra den verdensberømte diplomat og tidligere FN-våbeninspektør Hans Blix. Han støtter ligefrem krigsforbrydersager mod USA’s tidligere præsident George W. Bush og Storbritanniens Tony Blair samt – for medvirken – blandt andet tidligere statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen (V).

Vi skal præcis 20 år tilbage, til natten til 20. marts 2003, da USA og Storbritannien med støtte fra blandt andet Danmark og Australien og i strid med FN’s regler invaderede Irak.

»Det var reelt det første store angreb på den regelbaserede verdensorden«, siger Hans Blix, der ser Nato’s krig i Kosovo i 1999 som en slags præludium.

Også den foregik uden klart FN-mandat.

»Dette er på ingen måde en frikendelse af Vladimir Putin, som jeg i den grad ønsker for en international krigsforbryderdomstol. Men det var ikke ham, der tog de første skridt til at nedbryde den regelbaserede verdensorden«.

Hans Blix mener derfor, at ikke blot Ruslands præsident Putin bør retsforfølges for invasionen af Ukraine. Det bør også de ansvarlige for Irakkrigen, og altså især USA’s og Storbritanniens tidligere ledere, George W. Bush og Tony Blair. Men måske også ’medskyldige’ som tidligere statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, der uden FN-mandat trak Danmark ind i krigen.

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West opposes rest of world in UN votes for fairer economic system, equality, sustainable development

G/E af Ben Norton d. 22/12 - 2022

The West opposed the rest of the planet in United Nations General Assembly votes that called for a new international economic order based on sovereign equality, sustainable development, and biological diversity.

Most countries on Earth voted at the United Nations General Assembly to support a call for a new international economic order that is based on sovereign equality and cooperation, that rejects unilateral sanctions and advocates for debt relief for the Global South.

The only countries that opposed this widely popular proposal were the West and its allies.

The United States and its proxies were also the lone votes against common-sensical resolutions promoting sustainable development, biological diversity, and basic civil rights for Palestinians. Almost the entire world supported these proposals.

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Link til to resulutioner:

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly 3201 (S-VI) Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order.

General Assembly 1/5 1974


Globalization and interdependence : globalization and interdependence : report of the 2nd Committee : General Assembly, 75th session, 2020


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“End War in Ukraine” Say 66 Nations at UN General Assembly

Countercurrents d. 29/9 - 2022 by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies

We have spent the past week reading and listening to speeches by world leaders at the UN General Assembly in New York. Most of them condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a violation of the UN Charter and a serious setback for the peaceful world order that is the UN’s founding and defining principle.

But what has not been reported in the United States is that leaders from 66 countries, mainly from the Global South, also used their General Assembly speeches to call urgently for diplomacy to end the war in Ukraine through peaceful negotiations, as the UN Charter requires. We have compiled excerpts from the speeches of all 66 countries to show the breadth and depth of their appeals, and we highlight a few of them here.

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Secretary-General's remarks to the Security Council on Ukraine

UN Secretary-General d. 22/9 - 2022

...There is only one way to end the suffering in Ukraine – and that is by ending the war.

I will continue to spare no effort for peace – peace in line with international law and the Charter of the United Nations.

And I appeal to all Member States, and especially those here today, to redouble all efforts to prevent further escalation, and to do all they can to end the war and to ensure lasting peace.

Thank you.

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Building peace, preventing violence, and supporting community resilience in Haiti

Peace and Security d. 18/9 - 2022

A fund set up by the United Nations to build peace, prevent violence, reinforce justice, strengthen the rule of law and security institutions, and boost resilience amongst Haiti’s most vulnerable people, is supporting government efforts to restore security and stability in the country.

The UN Peacebuilding Fund, (PBF), which emphasizes the role of women and youth in peacebuilding efforts through their meaningful participation, began work in Haiti in 2019 in response to needs identified by the government.

Ahead of the International Day of Peace marked annually on 21 September, here are five things you need to know about the PBF.

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Historisk handlingsplan og politisk erklæring på statspartsmøtet til FNs atomvåpenforbud

Kjære ICAN-venner,

Torsdag 23. juni ble det første statspartsmøtet i FNs atomvåpenforbud hevet med imponerende sluttdokumenter.

I Wien har de statene som mener alvor med nedrustning vist politisk vilje og lederskap. En inkluderende prosess der overlevende og berørte samfunn står i sentrum, der sivilsamfunn tas på alvor og parlamentarikere, akademikere og ungdom har blitt hørt. Sterke uttalelser med fokus på de humanitære konsekvensene av atomvåpen har preget debatten.

Som svar på Russlands atomtrusler og den økende faren for bruk av atomvåpen, fordømte statspartene utvetydig «any and all nuclear threats, whether they be explicit or implicit and irrespective of the circumstances». Dette er den sterkeste fordømmelsen av atomtrusler fra en multilateral FN-konferanse...

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Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – Meeting of States Parties



First meeting (2022)
21 to 23 June 2022 in Vienna, Austria
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) entered into force on 22 January 2021. Article 8, paragraph 2, of the Treaty specifies that "the first meeting of States Parties shall be convened by the Secretary- General of the United Nations within one year of the entry into force of this Treaty."

Originally scheduled to be held in January 2022, States Parties subsequently decided to hold the Meeting from 21 to 23 June 2022 at the Austria Center Vienna. On 4 April 2022, the Secretary-General of the United Nations circulated a note verbale convening the Meeting of States Parties and inviting States not party to the TPNW to attend the Meeting as observers (available in English, Français & Español).

Delegates and representatives of civil society are requested to review the information on information on participation and information for civil society, respectively. Please also keep an eye on this website, as updated information will be made available closer to the dates of the Meeting.

All members of delegations to the Meeting of States Parties, irrespective of whether they are already in possession of a grounds pass to the United Nations Office in Vienna, are reminded that a special conference pass is needed to allow entry to the Meeting of States Parties.

The live list of speakers for the high-level segment and the general exchange of views is now available.

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Global impact of the war in Ukraine: Billions of people face the greatest cost-of-living crisis in a generation


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Biden gjorde klogt i at forsvare IMF’s direktør i en ’skandale’, der involverer Kina

Information d. 13/10 - 2021, leder

Konservative kræfter i USA forlangte IMF-direktør Kristalina Georgievas hoved på et fad i en affære fra 2017, hvor hun angiveligt skal have tilgodeset Kinas interesser i Verdensbanken. Men IMF’s bestyrelse frikendte hende mandag efter grønt lys fra USA’s præsident...

...Under Georgievas ledelse er låneporteføljen desuden blevet udvidet til at omfatte grønne forskningsprojekter og hjælp til sundhedssektorer under pandemien. Initiativer, som hun er blevet stærkt kritiseret for af konservative kræfter i USA. De forlanger, at IMF holder sig til sit oprindelige kompetenceområde – at slukke finanskriser med lån ydet på betingelse af at følge en nyliberal økonomisk politik (sparepolitik, privatisering af statslige sektorer og en afregulering af private virksomheder, red.)...

...Formentlig har sagen skadet de to bankers renommé som neutrale FN-institutioner, i hvert fald på kort sigt. På længere sigt er udfaldet – Georgievas fortsatte ledelse – en sejr for de kræfter, der slår til lyd for, at geopolitisk rivalisering ikke må hindre IMF og Verdensbanken i at føre en lånepolitik, der især kommer denne verdens underprivilegerede til gavn.

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Foto Gordon Lew, The United Nations building from the East River, link til billede


75 år med FN: Alternativ til junglelov og 'koalitioner af villige'

Arbejderen d. 23/10 - 2020 - interview med folkretsekspert Jacques Hartmann

Den 24. oktober 1945 blev FN oprettet i en tid med håb om fred. Årsdagen er en god anledning til at genopfriske, hvad de 51 stiftende lande ønskede at opnå, da de oprettede FN. For FN-pagten indeholder faktisk en smuk vision for en fredelig verden.

I morgen er det 75 år siden, at 51 lande – heriblandt Danmark – oprettede FN med det formål at sikre verden mod endnu en verdenskrig og skabe et forum for dialog mellem verdens lande.

De mange lande havde kort forinden – med Anden Verdenskrigs rædsler som bagtæppe – skrevet under på FN-pagten, der er en slags grundlov for, hvordan verdens lande skal samarbejde og løse konflikter, og hvordan verden skal udvikle sig.

Årsdagen er en god anledning til at genopfriske, hvad de 51 lande ønskede at opnå, da de oprettede FN den 24. oktober 1945. For FN-pagten indeholder faktisk en smuk vision for en fredelig verden...

...Jacques Hartmann er født i Vordingborg, men er lektor på Dundee University, hvor han underviser i folkeret. Herudover gæsteforelæser han på en række universiteter og har en ph.d. i folkeret fra Cambridge University. Han har desuden været juridisk rådgiver for en række lande, blandt andet ved Den Internationale Domstol i Haag.

– Efter afslutningen på Anden Verdenskrig var der en unik situation i verden. I 1945 havde verden været igennem død og ødelæggelse i en enorm skala. Derfor var der stor politisk vilje til at oprette et system og skabe et stærkt regelsæt mellem verdens lande for at undgå krig, forklarer Jacques Hartmann til Arbejderen.

Størstedelen af verdens lande underskrev FN-pagten. FN-pagten slår fast, at alle FN-lande skal "afholde sig fra trussel om magtanvendelse eller brug deraf; det være sig mod nogen stats territorielle integritet eller politiske uafhængighed eller på nogen anden måde, der er uforenelig med De Forende Nationers formål".

– Forbuddet mod magtanvendelse står meget klart og er helt centralt i FN-pagten. Derfor er FN-pagten afgørende for at sikre fred og stabilitet i verden. Hvis ikke vi havde FN-pagten og folkeretten, ville det være den stærkestes ret – det vil sige det land med flest bomber og missiler – der frit kunne tryne andre stater...

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Stalled Security Council resolution adopted, backing UN’s global humanitarian ceasefire call

FN d. 1/7 - 2020

The Security Council on Wednesday echoed the Secretary-General’s call for a worldwide ceasefire, to combat the coronavirus pandemic that has already claimed more than half a million lives. The UN chief welcomed the long-awaited move, calling for countries to "redouble their efforts for peace".

Endangering peace

The unprecedented extent of the novel coronavirus pandemic “is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security”, it said, adding that it could also set back peacebuilding and development gains in countries emerging from conflict.

The two-page resolution – drafted by France and Tunisia - was adopted 111 days after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

“It is a very strong signal of unity (within) the Council and a sign of hope that we send from the Security Council out into the world”, said Christoph Heusgen, Germany’s Permanent Representative to the UN.

He announced the 15-in-favour vote on the first day of his country’s Council presidency.

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The WHO v coronavirus: why it can't handle the pandemic

The Guardian d. 10/4 - 2020

Attacked by Trump and ignored by many of its most powerful members, the World Health Organization is facing a major crisis – just at the moment we need it most. By Stephen Buranyi...

...The WHO’s response to Sars was considered a huge success. Fewer than 1,000 people worldwide died of the disease, despite it reaching a total of 26 countries. The pandemic was defeated not with vaccines or medicines, but with NPIs, or “non-pharmaceutical interventions” in WHO parlance: travel warnings, tracking, testing and isolating cases, and a huge information-gathering operation across multiple countries, all made possible by the WHO’s willingness to wield authority that it had, in a sense, created simply by speaking it into existence. “Brundtland did things the WHO had no authority doing. She just did them,” said Fidler. “She sort of used Sars as a way to test drive some very radical changes.”

“After Sars, the WHO’s position was essentially: that was great, let’s formalise it,” said Clare Wenham, a professor of global health policy at LSE. In 2005, the WHO drew up a new version of the International Health Regulations (IHR), the central legal document that all member states are bound by. According to Fidler, the updated IHR, which is in force to this day, is a radical document. It asks its members to prepare for public health threats according to standards set by the WHO, and to report any outbreaks and all subsequent developments. It also allows the WHO to declare a public health emergency of international concern (or PHEIC, pronounced, incredibly, “fake”), using its own information, over the objection of any single country. During an emergency, countries are expected to take the lead from the WHO’s guidelines and report any deviations to the organisation. All of these requirements, bar the reporting of outbreaks, were new...

...Ironically, it is most needed now, at a time when faith in the other administrators and overseers of the global order are in decline – a trend that Covid-19 only seems to be accelerating. “As it’s gone on, you see the WHO becoming less important,” said Wenham. “No one is thinking about reducing the global numbers, only their own. The WHO is a global force, but people aren’t thinking globally.”

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The Wrong Side Of History: America’s ‘Veto’ And ‘Abstention-Imperialism’

Popular Resistance d. 18/4 - 2020 af
Danny Sjursen
Danny Sjursen is a retired U.S. Army officer and contributing editor at antiwar.com.

...History stands still at the United Nations. Consider it an imperial time capsule; and a nefarious one at that. After all, the real authority at the UN – the five member permanent Security Council – is itself a dated vestige of a bygone era: a flawed power structure freeze frame from a second war that failed “to end all wars.” Ostensibly an organization dedicated to self-determination, sovereign state equality, and the extinction of cross-border aggression, in truth the UN mirrored and formalized existing power inequities from the first...

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Living apart, ‘we must stand together’ to battle coronavirus pandemic – UN rights chief

FN d. 9/4 - 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is a “colossal test of leadership”, the top UN rights official said on Thursday, underscoring the need for “decisive, coordinated and innovative action from all, and for all”.

“We simply cannot return to where we were just a few months ago”, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said in an informal briefing to the Human Rights Council, urging instead, a more “cooperative, global and human rights-based approach” to the crisis.

“We are physically distant today, but we must stand together”, she stressed.

And while it is natural and necessary for national efforts to be a strong priority in any crisis, Ms. Bachelet said that as this is a global pandemic, “only global solidarity will ensure that we can combat it effectively”...

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UN chief calls for domestic violence ‘ceasefire’ amid ‘horrifying global surge’

FN d. 6/4 - 2020

UN chief António Guterres is calling for measures to address a “horrifying global surge in domestic violence” directed towards women and girls, linked to lockdowns imposed by governments responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a reference to his repeated appeals for a ceasefire in conflicts around the world, to focus on the shared struggle to overcome the virus, the Secretary-General pointed out that violence is not confined to the battlefield, and that “for many women and girls, the threat looms largest where they should be safest: in their own homes”...

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U.N. Security Council ‘Missing In Action’ in Coronavirus Fight

The New York times d. 2/4 - 2020

Nedenfor citater fra artiklen oversat med google

...Det mest øjeblikkelige og vigtigste skridt, som Rådet kunne tage, var en erklæring om, at coronavirus repræsenterer en trussel mod fred og sikkerhed, som det gjorde for seks år siden under ebolaudbruddet i Vestafrika. En sådan betegnelse, der bærer styrken af ??international lov, ville signalere Rådets kollektive beslutning om at besejre pandemien og give Mr. Guterres anmodninger meget mere vægt...

...Angst over sikkerhedsrådets passivitet forelagde ambassadører fra Ghana, Indonesien, Liechtenstein, Norge, Singapore og Schweiz en resolution til den 193-medlemmer Generalforsamling, der udtrykte støtte til et stærkt og samlet svar på pandemien...

...”Folk over hele verden forventer ikke mindre af De Forenede Nationer,” skrev de.

Resolutionen, der blev vedtaget ved konsensus torsdag aften, var stort set symbolsk, men de sponsorerende diplomater sagde, at de håbede, at det ville øge presset på Sikkerhedsrådet til at handle...

...Mr. Guterres also acknowledged that his pleas for a global cease-fire, which he made more than a week ago, had not been met. “Many of the parties to conflicts in different parts of the world have said that they were ready to accept it,” he told reporters in an online news conference. “But there is a big difference between being ready to accept it and implementing it on the ground.”...

...He took some solace at the reaction in the European Union, where member states that initially acted independently are now starting to help each other. “You see more solidarity, people transported from one country to another. You see masks and equipment sent, you see coordinated procurement — not in the first hour, but in the second hour,” he said.

“I hope you’ll see the same kind of evolution at the United Nations.”...

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Economic sanctions should be lifted to prevent hunger crises in countries hit by COVID-19 – UN rights expert

FN 31/3 - 2020

As the world exhibits new bonds of solidarity in response to the coronavirus pandemic, it is a matter of “humanitarian and practical urgency to lift unilateral economic sanctions immediately,” to prevent hunger crises in pandemic-hit countries, a UN human rights expert, said on Tuesday.

The continued imposition of such measures on Syria, Venezuela, Iran, Cuba and Zimbabwe in particular, severely undermines the fundamental right to sufficient and adequate food,Hilal Elver, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, stressed.

History has shown that unilateral economic sanctions generally have dramatic and detrimental impacts on economic, social and cultural rights, she recalled. “As a result, the wellbeing of the civilian populations becomes severely compromised.”...

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Øget modstand mod sanktioner
FN-top: Ophæv sanktioner mod Iran, Cuba og Venezuela under coronakrisen

Arbejderen d. 31/3 - 2020

FN's generalsekretær António Guterres, højkommissær for menneskerettigheder Michelle Bachelet, ekspræsident Lula da Silva, kongresmedlem i USA James McGovern og Argentinas præsident Alberto Fernández er blot nogle af dem, som kræver blokader og sanktioner ophævet i kampen mod COVID-19.

Topfolk i FN og politiske ledere i flere lande kræver nu højlydt: Ophæv økonomiske sanktioner og handelsblokader, fordi de rammer landes kamp mod coronapandemien.

Lande, som er meget hårdt ramt af sanktioner, er Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Nordkorea og Zimbabwe...

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FNs generalsekretær Anténio Guterres d. 23/3 2020 om COVID-19

First - coordination and cooperation to suppress the virus.

Second-we must minimize the social and economic impact of COVID-19 for everyone and stimulate a faster recovery everywhere

Third-we must reaffirm our common responsibility to “recover better”, with more inclusive and sustainable models of development

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Hvilken sikkerhed?

Marts 2020

Af Jens Thoft, revisor og tidl. folketingsmedlem.
Vi burger over 30 mia. om året på at beskytte landet mod vores fjender. (Læs: russerne). I praksis bruges pengene på dansk deltagelse i USA's mange krige. Der er akut mangel på fjender! Men der er andre farer. Dem lukker vi øjnene for.
Oven på først tørke så oversvømmelser og mens Corona virussen har sat landet i stå, må vi til at se sikkerhedspolitik på en mere nuanceret måde, end pressen, militærfolk, krigsindustri og politikere har gjort til alle tider. De har hidtil bestemt, hvad sikkerhedspolitik er.
Tror du, at de oversvømmede beboerne langs Gudenåen eller Roskilde Fjord, føler at deres sikkerhed er beskyttet? Tror du landmændene i tørken for 2 år siden eller i markoversvømmelserne i år, følte at deres sikkerhed var beskyttet? Mon de små erhvervsdrivende, der i disse dage er uden indkomst, føler nogen økonomisk sikkerhed? Det sidste skyldtes at sundhedsberedskabet var totalt uforberedt.
De ”kloge” siger, at den nuværende pandemi er noget vi ikke kunne tage højde for. Det passer ikke! WHO (Verdenssundheds¬organisationen) har advaret siden 1999. Epidemier forekommer stadigt hyppigere. Fra 2011-2018 registrerede WHO 1483 eksempler på verdensomspændende epidemier. De havde alle kimen til en pandemi. Nogle kender vi. Fugleinfluenzaerne SARS, MERS. H5N1, insektbårne smitter som, ZIKA, Gul Feber, Malaria samt smitten fra pattedyr Ebola, Corona-19 og HIV. Hovedparten af de 1483 epidemier, har vi aldrig hørt om. Vi sikrer os mod de farligste, ved at blive vaccineret, når vi rejser ud. De fleste andre epidemier forekommer fjerne steder i verden, som rager os og pressen en høstblomst.
Så sent som i september 2019, 2½ måned før Coronaudbruddet i Kina, advarede WHO mod at verden var fuldstændig uforberedt på en pandemi. Advarslen var udsendt mange gange tidligere med truslen: ”Det er ikke et spørgsmål, om det sker, men kun om hvornår det sker”. Ingen af de ”kloge” reagerede – jo der blev købt nye kampfly.
Dem, der har ansvaret for vores sikkerhed, havde lagrene fyldt af gasmasker og dragter til arbejde i en atomkrig. Masker til vores ansigter, håndsprit, dragter til at undgå smitte og respiratorer, var og er en mangelvare. Hospitalssektoren er rundbarberet gennem mange år. Pengene er ikke fulgt med de stærkt stigende opgaver, som nye metoder, medicin og antallet af os gamle, medfører.
Det officielle Danmark har haft blikket stift rettet på at kunne deltage i USAs krige rundt om i verden. Dansk sikkerhed er baseret på kampfly, krudt og kugler. Den tankegang har altid været utilstrækkelig. Det burde være klart for den mest tungnemme nu.
Klmaforandrringerne forøges af militæret, som står for 1/6-del af drivhusgasserne og et endnu større forbrug af knappe ressourcer.
Truslen fra russerne skal begrunde større militærudgifter. Den er et rent fatamorgama. Russernes forsvasbudget er lavere end Tyskland og Italiens til sammmen.
Militær sikkerhedspolitik, hat udspillet sin rolle. Vi må se danskernes sikkerhed i et langt større perspektiv. Det håber jeg bliver resultatet af den nuværende krise.
Trist at så mange skulle dø, miste arbejdet, gå fallit, fordi vi var så uforberedte på de virkelige trusler.


2019 Stockholm Security Conference on Conflict and Technology

se video på Youtube

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Expected Council Action

FN d. 30/4 - 2019

In May, the Council will hold an open debate on “Investing in Peace: Delivering Quality Training and Capacity Building to Improve Safety and Security and Performance of UN Peacekeepers”. Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi will chair the meeting. Secretary-General António Guterres; the force commander of the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), Lieutenant General Elias Rodrigues Martins Filho; and the director of the secretariat of the International Forum for the Challenges of Peace Operations, Björn Holmberg, are expected to brief.

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The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA)

The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) is a main part of the United Nations Secretariat, funded primarily through the world body’s regular budget. But that money does not cover all the work that growing demand for the Department’s expertise and services generates. That means relying on voluntary contributions, mobilized through DPPA’s Multi-Year Appeal (MYA). DPPA has just released the latest accounting of the use of such funding, the 2018 AnnualReport on the Multi-Year Appeal (MYA), which lists successes for the year but also points to ongoing challenges...

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Peace and Security News from DPPA

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Securing our common Future

An Agenda for Disarmament.

FN - 2018


We are living in dangerous times. Protracted conflicts are causing unspeakable human
suffering. Armed groups are proliferating, equipped with a vast array of weapons.
Global military spending and competition in arms are increasing, and the tensions of the
cold war have returned to a world that has grown more complex. In today’s multipolar
environment, the mechanisms for contact and dialogue that once helped to defuse tensions
between two super-powers have eroded and lost their relevance.
This new reality demands that disarmament and non-proliferation are put at the centre of
the work of the United Nations. This is the backdrop for my age nda for disarmament.
Throughout history, countries have pursued disarmament to build a safer, more secure world
and to protect people from harm. Since the foundation of the United Nations, disarmament
and arms control have played a critical role in preventing and ending crises and armed
conflict. Heightened tensions and dangers can only be resolved through serious political
dialogue and negotiation—never by more arms. Disarmament and arms control measures
can help ensure national and human security in the 21st Century, and must be an integral
part of our collective security system.
The existential threat that nuclear weapons pose to humanity must motivate us to
accomplish new and decisive action leading to their total elimination. We owe this to the
Hibakusha—the survivors of nuclear war—and to our planet.
We must also increase efforts to prevent and reverse the over-accumulation of all other
types of arms. We must put people at the centre of our disarmament efforts, and ensure
disarmament that saves lives today and tomorrow. We owe this to the millions of people
killed, injured and uprooted from their homes, in the Syrian Arab Republic, Yemen,
Afghanistan, South Sudan, Somalia, Mali and elsewhere.
We must also work together to make sure that developments in science and technology are
used for the good of humankind. Our joint efforts to prevent the weaponization of new
technologies will save future generations. We owe this to our children and grandchildren.
My agenda for disarmament aims to be comprehensive, but not exhaustive. It proposes
solutions, and it raises questions. It is not intended to replace the responsibilities of Member
States, nor is it meant to impose any specific measures on them. My hope is that this agenda
will reinvigorate dialogue and negotiations on international disarmament, stimulate new
ideas and create new momentum.
My agenda also integrates disarmament into the priorities of the whole United Nations
system, laying the foundations for new partnerships and greater collaboration between
different parts of our organization and Governments, civil society, the private sector and
others. It focuses on practical measures and indicates where I intend personally to engage
and support Member States in carrying out their responsibilitie s.
Many Member States, independent experts and members of civil society have contributed
to developing this agenda. I thank them sincerely for their eng agement and support.
There are moments in history when individual and collective courage and conscience come
together to change the course of events. I hope this disarmament agenda will help set our
world on a path towards sustainable peace and security for all.
António Guterres
United Nations Secretary-General
24 May 2018

se fil



2018 Annual Report, Multi-Year Appeal


The demand for preventive diplomacy, conflict resolution, peacebuilding and mediation – the core of the work of DPPA, formerly DPA1 – keeps grow-ing. In the absence of more robust and predictable regular budget funding, the Department mobilizes resources through its Multi-Year Appeal (MYA). DPPA relies on extra-budgetary resources to prevent or mitigate conflict and respond to crises. Voluntary contributions also help the Department meet the increasing demand for its services from Member States with the flexibility and urgency that preventive diplomacy and crisis response require...

Link til rapport'

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United Nations Treaty Collection

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António Guterres nytårstale.

UN d. 31/12 - 2018.

FN's generalsekretær, António Guterres, gav sidste år verden et "rød alam" og siger at det ikke er blevet bedre, men at vi sammen kan gøre en forandring.

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FN's generalsekretær holder dyster nytårstale

DR d. 31/12 - 2018

FN's generalsekretær, António Guterres, har holdt nytårstale. I talen slår han 'rød alarm' for verdens tilstand.

António Guterres fra Portugal er FN's generalsekretær.

António Guterres har holdt en nytårstale, hvor han gør status over 2017.

I talen advarede han mod øgede konflikter og sagde, at han er bekymret for en mulig atomkrig.
Generalsekretæren slår rød alarm for verden

- Min appel for 2017 var, at det skulle blive et fredens år. Desværre er verden gået fundamentalt tilbage, sagde António Guterres.

-Derfor vil jeg ikke komme med en appel, men slå alarm: en rød alarm for vores verden, sagde han.

António Guterres talte også om klimaforandringer, voksende nationalisme og fremmedangst som nogle af årets største problemer.

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António Guterres (UN Secretary-General) on Technological advances during the Web Summit

UN Web TV d. 5/11 - 2018 -

António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, giving a speech on Technological advances and the digital future during the three-day Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal.

Han opfordre bl.a. til et forbud mod våben med kunstig intelligens.

Se videoen


FN Byen København

FN Byen København består af to Campuser. Campus 1 på Marmormolen åbnede i juli 2013 og huser i dag 11 FN organisationer med 1.500 ansatte, som repræsenterer over 100 forskellige nationaliteter. Campus 2, beliggende i containerhavnen i Københavns Nordhavn, udgør UNICEF’s nye højlager. Med en kapacitet på op til 37.000 paller er det verdens største humanitære varehus.

FN Byen Campus 1 er et af Skandinaviens mest bæredygtige bygninger. Bygningen har modtaget en Platinum LEED certificering og EU-Kommissionens Green Building Award for nye bygninger. Bygningen er designet til at bruge mindst 55 procent mindre energi end lignende kontorbygninger, og den bidrager derfor til FN’s mission om at gøre alle FN operationer mere energieffektive.

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FN's 17 Verdensmålene

De nye verdensmål for bæredygtig udvikling bygger videre på resultaterne af de otte såkaldte 2015-mål, som havde deadline i 2015. 2015-målene har vist os, at det er muligt at opnå resultater, hvis den politiske vilje er til stede, og vi opstiller klare mål og prioriterer vores ressourcer derefter. Modsat hvad mange danskere tror, er der opnået betydelige udviklingsresultater de sidste 20 år. Siden 1990 er fattigdommen i verden faldet fra hele 47% til 14%, ni ud af ti børn i udviklingslandene indskrives i dag i skole, og dobbelt så mange børn overlever deres fem års fødselsdag. 45% færre kvinder dør i forbindelse med graviditet og fødsel, to milliarder mennesker har fået adgang til forbedret drikkevand, og millioner af menneskeliv bliver reddet i dag p.g.a. bedre forebyggelse og behandling af smitsomme sygdomme som malaria, tuberkulose og HIV/AIDS.

Alle skal med denne gang!

De nye verdensmål vil færdiggøre 2015-målene og gå endnu længere og én gang for alle udrydde fattigdom og sult i verden. Alle har ret til et værdigt liv, og vi har i dag den fornødne viden, teknologi og ressourcer til at gøre det muligt.

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Link til billede

Can the Security Council Prevent Conflict?

FN 2017, nr. 1, 9/2 - 2017

Klip fra rapporten:

Meeting Formats The ability of the Council to receive frank and timely analysis and information is critical to its effective engagement on conflict preven-tion, mediation, management and resolution. In recent years, there has been significant experimentation with various meeting for-mats designed to inform the Security Coun-cil’s decision-making. While the Secretariat is the primary source of information for the Council, members also receive information from other sources through different meet-ing formats that have developed over time. However, it has to be said that—due to the political sensitivities of discussing matters not already on the agenda and the fact that the Council is in perpetual conflict manage-ment mode—it very rarely uses these meet-ing formats for preventive purposes and only sometimes for a Council role in mediation. Hence, while platforms for preventive discus-sion exist, they are in general not being effec-tively utilised.

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FN's 17 verdensmål for bæredygtig udvikling

Hvad er FN’s Verdensmål for bæredygtig udvikling?

Den 25. september 2015 vedtog verdens stats- og regeringsledere på FN topmødet i New York en hidtil uset ambitiøs og transformativ udviklingsdagsorden. Målene trådte i kraft den 1. Januar 2016 og skal frem til 2030 sætte os kurs mod en mere bæredygtig udvikling for både mennesker og planeten, vi bor på.

Verdensmålene udgør 17 konkrete mål og 169 delmål, som forpligter alle FN’s 193 medlemslande til helt at afskaffe fattigdom og sult i verden, reducere uligheder, sikre god uddannelse og bedre sundhed til alle, anstændige jobs og mere bæredygtig økonomisk vækst. De fokuserer ligeledes på at fremme fred og sikkerhed og stærke institutioner, og på at styrke internationale partnerskaber. Den nye dagsorden anerkender således, at social, økonomisk og miljømæssig udvikling, fred, sikkerhed og internationalt samarbejde er tæt forbundne, og at det kræver en integreret indsats at opnå holdbare udviklingsresultater.

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FN-chef slår dyster tone an i åbningstale

Politikken d. 25/9 2018

António Guterres advarer om en stadig mere kaotisk verdensorden, hvor internationalt samarbejde er afgørende.

...Prinele artiklencippet om multinationalt samarbejde 'er under beskydning, præcis når vi har mest brug for det'.

Guterres advarer i sin tale om stigende populisme og polarisering mellem verdens lande. Samtidig med at populismen vinder frem, nedbrydes tilliden til internationale institutioner, siger han.

»De, der ser deres naboer som farlige, kan forårsage en trussel, hvor der ikke fandtes en. De, der lukker deres grænser for almindelig indvandring, giver blot menneskesmuglerne mere arbejde«, siger Guterres...

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Trump lancerer en patriotisk doktrin og sætter streg under de to forskellige verdenssyn, der deler landene på FN’s generalforsamling.

Politiken d. 25/9 - 2018

Sidste års hovedfjende, Nordkorea, var erstattet af Iran, da USA’s præsident, Donald Trump, tirsdag stod på talerstolen ved FN’s generalforsamling. Hans hovedbudskab var, nationalstaternes suverænitet, mens FN’s generalsekretær talte med bekymring om mistroen til de internationale institutioner.

...I Donald Trumps øjne ser det anderledes ud: Med sin ’Amerika først’-politik har han helt bevidst forsøgt at ryste den verdensorden, der har rådet siden Anden Verdenskrig, og som i hans optik er overhalet af en helt ny virkelighed.

Han repræsenterer et USA, der ser suverænitet og internationalt samarbejde som modsætninger.

Det var disse to helt forskellige verdenssyn – Donald Trumps og Antonio Guterres’ – der helt grundlæggende var på spil allerede fra FN-generalforsamlingens første dag.

Det store spørgsmål er, om Donald Trump og dette verdenssyn blot er en parentes i historien – eller om det er en ny normalitet, som den neokonservative analytiker og forfatter Robert Kagan formulerede det i avisen The Washington Post efter talen:

»Mange har et håb om, at det amerikanske præsidentvalg i 2020 vil bringe USA tilbage på dets gamle spor. Men de må begynde at indse, at det, vi ser i dag, ikke er en midlertidig rystelse, men en ny retning i amerikansk udenrigspolitik eller rettere en tilbagevenden til en gammel tradition«...

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Peace on Earth: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

DEC 24, 2012

Dr. King first delivered, “Peace on Earth” sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church, where he served as co-pastor, on Christmas Eve, 1967.

...Now let me suggest first that if we are to have peace on earth, our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional. Our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective. No individual can live alone; no nation can live alone. We must either learn to live together as brothers or we are all going to perish together as fools...

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Klip fra denne webside:


FN's database

Klip fra
FN's Charter
Artikkel 26
Fredsskabelse - peacebuilding - DPPA
United Nations Treaty Collection

På dansk og på engelsk

The Sustainable Development Goals 2015 – 2030

UNA-GP, The Sustainable Development Goals 2015 – 2030 og nyheder med kommentar til disse flotte mål.

Millenium Development Goals 2005 - 2015:
Dansk portal

FN Portal


Information 8 ledere om de 8 mål

Rapport om målene

Andre emner:
Irakkrigen og den fremtidige vedensorden
FNs resolution om Konflikt Forebyggelse

Uniting for Peace & vigtige FN tekster

FN's nedrustningskommissions rapport 2003

Om USA´s holdning til FN

FNs bibliotek
Se Web-TV fra FN
The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook

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Her den den officielle danske oversættelse af De forenede Nationers pagt.

FN - database

FN anbefaler at man bruger Google Chrome eller Opera til deres database.


FN's Charter

Charter of the United Nations

We the Peoples
of the United nations
United for a Better World



to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and

to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and

to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and

to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,


to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and

to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and

to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and

to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,


Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the city of San Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organization to be known as the United Nations.

Article 26

In order to promote the establishment and maintenance of international peace and security with the least diversion for armaments of the world's human and economic resources, the Security Council shall be responsible for formulating, with the assistance of the Military Staff Committee referred to in Article 47, plans to be submitted to the Members of the United Nations for the establishment of a system for the regulation of armaments.



‘Our Common Agenda’ - raporten på engelsk

FN-forbundet - med dansk oversættelse.

Du kan se eller gense præsentationen her.


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The Sustainable Development Goals 2015 – 2030

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals for the period 2015-2030 are:

1) End poverty in all its forms everywhere
2) End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
3) Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
4) Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all
5) Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
6) Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
7) Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all
8)Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
9) Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
10) Reduce inequality within and among countries
11) Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
12) Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
13) Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (in line with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)
14) Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
15) Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
16) Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
17¡) Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Læs mere her.

UN Climate Change Newsroom

UN Framework Convention om Climate Change

COP 21 Paris

FN’s 70 . Generalforsamling 2015 Instruktion for den danske delegation

Handlingsplan for FN's 17 verdensmål

FN-sambandet 2020 om mål nr. 16

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Lykketoft: FN-aftale om udviklingsmål er epokegørende

DR d. 3/8 - 2015

FN forpligter sig fuldt ud i kampen mod klimaproblemer, lyder det fra den nyvalgte formand, Mogens Lykketoft.

…Målene stræber efter at udrydde sult og ekstrem fattigdom, nedbringe ulighed både i enkelte lande og lande imellem, sikre ligestilling, forbedre kvaliteten af vand og energiforsyning og tage omgående tiltag for at bekæmpe klimaforandringer…

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FN er klar med en bæredygtig udviklingsplan

Arbejderen d. 4/8 - 2015

...Søndag blev forhandlere fra FN's 193 medlemslande enige om en plan, som med sine 17 mål lægger op til at udrydde ekstrem fattigdom og sult inden 2030 samt skabe "menneskelig velfærd samtidig med at miljøet beskyttes", lyder det fra FN

Der ventes mindst 150 stats- og regeringsledere til et særligt topmøde i FN's generalforsamling den 25. til 27. september, hvor planen ventes vedtaget....

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Millennium Development Goals 
- 2015 Målene

www.2015.dk er et led i den danske oplysningskampagne for 2015 Målene. Redaktionsgruppen bag webportalen består af FN-Forbundet, FN's Informationskontor for de nordiske lande, Udenrigsministeriet og UNDP's nordiske kontor. For spørgsmål eller bidrag til siden, kontakt venligst info@2015.dk

Vurdering af om målene blev nået

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FN´s Millenium portal

Her kan man bl.a. finde et link til:

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
55/2. United Nations Millennium Declaration

Som vi har taget et klip fra, se nedenfor, som omhandler fredsarbejdet (II starter med pkt. 8):

II. Peace, security and disarmament

8. We will spare no effort to free our peoples from the scourge of war, whether within or between States, which has claimed more than 5 million lives in the past decade. We will also seek to eliminate the dangers posed by weapons of mass destruction.

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9. We resolve therefore:
• To strengthen respect for the rule of law in international as in national affairs and, in particular, to ensure compliance by Member States with the decisions of the International Court of Justice, in compliance with the Charter of the United Nations, in cases to which they are parties.
• To make the United Nations more effective in maintaining peace and security by giving it the resources and tools it needs for conflict prevention, peaceful resolution of disputes, peacekeeping, post-conflict peace-building and reconstruction. In this context, we take note of the report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations1 and request the General Assembly to consider its recommendations expeditiously. 
• To strengthen cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VIII of the Charter. 
• To ensure the implementation, by States Parties, of treaties in areas such as arms control and disarmament and of international humanitarian law and human rights law, and call upon all States to consider signing and ratifying the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.2 
• To take concerted action against international terrorism, and to accede as soon as possible to all the relevant international conventions 
• To redouble our efforts to implement our commitment to counter the world drug problem. 
• To intensify our efforts to fight transnational crime in all its dimensions, including trafficking as well as smuggling in human beings and money laundering. 
• To minimize the adverse effects of United Nations economic sanctions on innocent populations, to subject such sanctions regimes to regular reviews and to eliminate the adverse effects of sanctions on third parties. 
• To strive for the elimination of weapons of massdestruction, particularly nuclear weapons, and to keep all options open for achieving this aim, including the possibility of convening an international conference to identify ways of eliminating nuclear dangers. 
• To take concerted action to end illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons, especially by making arms transfers more transparent and supporting regional  disarmament measures, taking account of all the recommendations of the forthcoming United Nations Conference on Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons. 
• To call on all States to consider acceding to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and 
on Their Destruction, 3 as well as the amended mines protocol to the Convention on conventional weapons.4

10. We urge Member States to observe the Olympic Truce, individually and collectively, now and in the future, and to support the International Olympic Committee in its efforts to promote peace and human understanding through sport  and the Olympic Ideal. 

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Information om FN's milleniumplan

Fattigdom og sult (nr. 1)
»Mål for 2015: Halvér andelen af mennesker, der lever for under en dollar om dagen og som lider af sult.« Mål nummer ét i FN’s såkaldte Millenium-plan for bekæmpelse af fattigdom.

Grundskole til alle (nr. 2)
»Mål for 2015: At sikre at alle drenge og piger gennemfører grundskolen« Mål nummer to i FN’s storstilede plan om uddannelse for alle 

Kønsulighed i skolerne (nr. 3)
»Målsætninger for 2005 og 2015: At udrydde kønsuligheder på grund- og mellemskoleniveau – så vidt muligt inden 2005 – og på alle niveauer før 2015.« Mål nummer tre i FN’s Milleniumplan

Færre børn skal dø (nr. 4)
»Mål for 2015: at reducere børnedødeligheden for børn under fem år med to tredjedele.«
Mål nummer fire i FN’s Milleniumplan 

Bedre fødselsforhold (nr 5)
»Mål for 2015: Antallet af kvinder som dør under fødsel, skal reduceres med 75 procent.«
Mål nummer fem i FN’s Milleniumplan

Stop spredning af aids (nr. 6)
Mål for 2015: Stop og begynd at reducere spredningen af hiv/aids, malaria og andre større sygdomme Mål nummer seks i FN’s storstilede millennium-plan – vedtaget i september 2000

Natur konserves (nr. 7)
»Mål for 2015 og 2020: Indarbejdelse af principperne for bæredygtig udvikling i national politik og programlægning og omslag fra tab af miljømæssige goder – 2015: Halvering af antal mennesker uden adgang til ordentligt drikkevand – 2020: Mærkbar forbedring af levekårene for mindst 100 millioner slum-beboere.«
Mål nummer syv i FN’s Milleniumplan 

Globalt partnerskab (nr. 8)
Mål: At udvikle et globalt partnerskab for udvikling.
Mål nummer 8 i FN's milleniumplan for bekæmpelse af fattigdom.


Rapport om Millennium Development Goals 2015

Millennium Development Goals Repport 2015

Rapport i pdf fil

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Preben Wilhjelms essay
’Irakkrigen og den fremtidige verdensorden’

Se Information på dette link.

Som fredsbevægelse må vi arbejde på at alle respektere FN's love. Heri er en angrebskrig ikke tillad. Vi må arbejde på at FN love forbedres og ikke forringes ved at USA, Danmark m.fl. ikke overholder dem. Læs den spændende essay om konsekvenserne af en ulovlig krig af Preben Wilhjelm.


Foto Lily, UN Geneva Flags, flickr, link til billlede



FNs resolution om Konflikt Forebyggelse  

kan findes på:
som et pdf dokument. Dette link er ikke længere tilgængelig for alle, ovenstående link virker ikke længere, måske kan dette bruges i stedet.

IPB President Cora Weiss comments: 

This resolution is very important. It was drafted by the Swedes and negotiated for over 100 hours by Sweden's Amb. Pierre Schori...it is the first major conflict prevention strategy prepared by the UN and it is a good resource for students to discuss in class, and communities, and then advocate for its implementation. Peace Education is conflict prevention."

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Petition for an Emergency United Nations

Resolution on Iraq United Peoples & United Nations: Uniting for Peace

Email adresser til medlemmer af sikkerhedsrådet

Email adresser til medlemslandenes rep. i FN

Vigtige fredsdokumenter fra FN

Vigtige FN tekster / vedtagelser

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FN's nedrustningskommissions rapport for 2003

Fra Erik Arnsted fra FN-Forbundet har vi modtaget link til ovenstående. Hele rapporten kan findes på: http://www.un.dk/doc/A.58.0042.pdf 

Vi har lagt en del af rapporten her.

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USA vil danne et militærpolitikorps uden om FN sammen med deres allierede

At Bush ønsker at danne en militærpolitistyrke til at stabilisere efter en krig uden om FN kan ikke undre nogen, men det er endnu et anslag fra USA mod dannelsen af et internationalt retssamfund.

Det vil naturligvis være bedst for amerikanerne, hvis NATO og andre allierede støtter så organisationens handlinger kan ligne et lovligt internationalt engagement, der kan tage over efter en ulovlig amerikansk besættelse.

Vi håber, at det kan lade sig gøre at påvirke den danske regering til at satse på internationale løsninger gennem FN, med respekt for de regler der er vedtaget internationalt, selv om regeringen indtil nu har vist noget andet.

Poul Eck Sørensen

Min kilde: Information d. 27/12-2003

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Schwerter zu Pflugscharen - Jewgeni Wutschetitsch - Geschenk der Sowjetunion an die UNO - 1959" by Neptuul - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.">Link til billede



Websider - FN:

First Committee,
Disarmament and International Security

The First Committee deals with disarmament, global challenges and threats to peace that affect the international community and seeks out solutions to the challenges in the international security regime.


FNs bibliotek

Link til Dag Hammerskjõld Libary


Web-TV fra FN:

First Committee, 25th meeting - General Assembly, 69th Session. 15 Jun 2015 - Disarmament and International Security Committee - Klik her




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Security Council, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2250 (2015), Urges Member States to Increase Representation of Youth in Decision-Making at All Levels

UN 9/12 - 2015

Recognizing the threat to stability and development posed by the rise of radicalization among young people, the Security Council today urged Member States to consider ways to give youth a greater voice in decision-making at the local, national, regional and international levels.

Through the unanimous adoption of resolution 2250 (2015), which defined youth as persons aged 18 through 29, the Council also urged Member States to consider setting up mechanisms that would enable young people to participate meaningfully in peace processes and dispute resolution.

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UN Security Council adopts first-ever resolution on youth, peace and security

9 December 2015 – The United Nations Security Council today adopted a historic resolution on youth, peace and security that urges greater representation by young men and women in the prevention and resolution of conflict amid “the rise of radicalization to violence and violent extremism amongst youth, which can be conducive to terrorism.”

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FN d. 30/8 - 2001


Unanimously Adopts Resolution 1366 (2001)

The Security Council this morning, reiterating the shared commitment to save people from the ravages of armed conflicts, expressed its determination to pursue the objective of prevention of armed conflict as an integral aspect of its responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security.

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