
Sidst redigeret d. 11/4 - 2024
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Det amerikansk-israelske mord på World Central Kitchen hjælpearbejdere

WSWS d. 5/4 - 2023

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Mandag aften dræbte de israelske forsvarsstyrker syv internationale hjælpearbejdere fra World Central Kitchen i Gaza i en serie af tre luftangreb på deres køretøjskonvoj. Hjælpearbejderne var statsborgere i USA/Canada, Storbritannien, Australien, Polen og Palæstina.

Angrebene brugte præcis luftbåren ammunition, der var direkte rettet mod køretøjernes tage, som viste store logoer, der tydeligt identificerede deres ombordværende som humanitære arbejdere.

Talsmænd for Israels premierminister Benjamin Netanyahu og USA's præsident Joe Biden hævdede, absurd nok, at de tre luftangreb var resultatet af en "fejl" og "fejlidentifikation". Disse påstande, som genlydes i medierne, er faldet fra hinanden i lyset af stigende beviser for, at angrebene var omhyggeligt målrettet.

I et interview med Reuters sagde restaurantør José Andrés, grundlæggeren af World Central Kitchen, at arbejderne blev målrettet "systematisk, bil i bil." Andrés afviste påstandene fra USA og Israel om, at angrebene var utilsigtede, og sagde "kategorisk nej."...

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Israels jagt på UNRWA er urimelig

Jyllandsposten d. 28/3 - 2024 af Ole Olsen

Det er Israel, der opfører sig urimeligt, når det går efter FN-organisationen.

...Måske står det efterhånden klart, at den israelske kritik af UNRWA handler om, at denne FN-organisations eksistens er en daglig påmindelse til verden om, at Israel aldrig har levet op til en af betingelserne for at blive optaget som medlem i FN. Her var det nemlig et krav i FN-beslutningen fra 1949, at Israel skulle tillade de palæstinensiske flygtninge at vende hjem til Israel så snart som praktisk muligt. UNRWA’s opgaver var (og er fortsat) at bistå med hjælp indtil da.

Så hvis Israel ønsker UNRWA nedlagt, bør Israel åbne for hjemvenden eller bidrage til en rettighedsbaseret afslutning på det palæstinensiske flygtningespørgsmål, som Israel selv er hovedårsag til eksisterer.

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Israels angreb på FN: Det er værre, end du tror

Global nyt Kirsten Larsen d. 27/3 - 2024

PODCAST: Israel nøjes ikke med at beskylde FN’s organisation for hjælp til palæstinensiske flygtninge, UNRWA, for at medvirke til terrorangreb. Landet prøver på mange måder at gøre det umuligt for organisationen at fungere.

UNRWA bliver afkrævet husleje for bygninger, organisationen selv har bygget og ejer. Den bliver søgt smidt ud af Jerusalem. Internationalt ansatte kan kun få visum en til to måneder ad gangen. Forsyninger kan ikke komme frem til UNRWA og så videre. Israel prøver på alle mulige måder at gøre det umuligt for organisationen at fungere.

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Den israelske general dræbte israelere den 7. oktober og løj derefter om det


...Video- og vidneberetninger for nylig offentliggjort af israelske medier afslører nye detaljer om, hvordan israelske styrker dræbte deres egne civile i Kibbutz Be'eri den 7. oktober.
I sidste uge udgav Israels Channel 12 hidtil usete optagelser af en israelsk kampvogn, der skyder mod et civilt hjem i bosættelsen, kun få kilometer øst for Gaza.

De nye beviser viser, at den israelske øverstbefalende på stedet, brigadegeneral Barak Hiram, løj for en top israelsk journalist om, hvad der skete i kibbutzen den dag, efter at palæstinensiske modstandsfolk indledte et storstilet angreb på israelske militærbaser og bosættelser på tværs af landet. grænsen fra Gaza.

Dette svarer til et forsøg på tilsløring af en højtstående militærofficer med mediemedvirken.

Men langt fra at blive holdt ansvarlig på nogen måde, er Hiram snart klar til at påtage sig sin nye rolle som øverstbefalende for Gaza-divisionen, den israelske hærbrigade, der blev dirigeret af palæstinensiske styrker den 7. oktober...

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(Herfra er der henvisning til flere nyheder om den samme sag - hvordan det officielle Israel lyver)


Jødisk kulturhistoriker: Israel er en europæisk kolonial forestilling

Sameksistens d. 12/3 - 2023 af Michala Linn

...Det zionistiske projekt er grundlæggende racistisk og udspringer af Europa, lyder det fra den jødiske kulturhistoriker Morten Thing ved dobbeltforedrag i Svendborg arrangeret af Palæstinainitiativet i Svendborg.
Morten Thing rejser Danmark tyndt sammen med Fathi El-Abed, der er formand for Dansk Palæstinensisk Venskabsforening, og holder sammen dobbeltforedraget: “Krigen - og freden der udeblev”. Tirsdag den 5. marts 2024 nåede de AOFs lokaler i det sydfynske...

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Israel går fra at blokere for nødhjælp til at angribe folk, der venter på nødhjælp


Efter Israel i flere uger har blokeret for lastbiler med nødhjælp til Gaza, vælger israelske styrker nu at gå til angreb og dræbe over 100 civile palæstinensere, der var samlet for at hente nødhjælpen.

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Israel har bombet Gaza 20 dage i træk

Arbejderen d. 31/8 - 2020

Siden 6. august har israelske fly og artilleri bombet Gaza næsten dagligt. Samtidig har Israel strammet belejringen. Dansk-palæstinenser undrer sig over mainstreammediernes tavshed under den langvarige bombekampagne.

Hvorfor er der så lidt medieomtale af de 20 dages bombninger af Gaza? Formanden for Dansk-Palæstinensisk Venskabsforening Fathi El-Abed er frustreret.

– Jeg har virkelig undret mig, selv om vi i Danmark gennem de seneste uger har opdateret dagligt om begivenhederne. Desuden har vi skrevet et brev til medierne og henvendt os specifikt til TV-stationerne for at høre, hvorfor der er organiseret tavshed og mørklægning, siger han til Arbejderen.

Han mener, at Israel har anvendt palæstinensiske unges lancering af ufarlige brændende balloner som påskud til at bombe Gaza igen...

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Israel og De Forenede Arabiske Emirater indgår fredsaftale: 'Det er altså historisk'

Politikken d. 13/8 - 2020

Emiraterne bryder et kæmpe tabu ved at indgå en aftale med Israel, siger DR's korrespondent.

Israel og De Forenede Arabiske Emirater har i dag indgået en overraskende aftale, der fører til fuld normalisering af de diplomatiske relationer mellem landene.
Det gør Emiraterne til det første af de såkaldte Golfstater til at indgå diplomatiske forbindelser med Israel.
Det arabiske land, der blandt andet huser Dubai, peger på, at aftalen indbefatter et stop for Israels planlagte annekteringer af palæstinensisk land.
- Under en telefonsamtale med præsident Trump og premierminister Netanyahu blev en aftale indgået om at stoppe yderligere israelsk annektering af palæstinensiske territorier, siger Emiraternes kronprins, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed.
Her til aften understreger den israelske premierminister, Benjamin Netanyahu, dog, at annekteringen af Vestbredden er "udsat", men "ikke aflyst"...

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Israels annektering af Vestbredden er sat på standby

Information d. 13/7 - 2020

...Kolde, amerikanske fødder
Politiske iagttagere i Jerusalem hælder til den antagelse, at Trump har fået kolde fødder, efter at det står klart, at hans modstander ved det kommende præsidentvalg, demokraten Joe Biden, utvetydigt har vendt sig mod planen.

Demokratiske kongresmedlemmer har endvidere bebudet, at de vil forsøge at straffe Israel med en beskæring af de 3,8 milliarder dollar i årlig militær støtte, dersom annekteringen finder sted. Uanset, at et sådant initiativ næppe vil passere det republikansk dominerede senat, menes Donald Trump at gå uden om en valgkamp, hvor israelsk ekspansion er et hovedpunkt. Det skal også ses i lyset af, at de to markante amerikanske jødiske organisationer, AIPAC og ’J-Street’, er voldsomt uenige i spørgsmålet...

...Netanyahu har heller ikke opbakning i den regering, der blev dannet i marts med deltagelse af oppositionspartiet Kahol-Lavan (Blå-Hvid) og partiets leder og forsvarsminister, Benny Gantz. Han støtter i princippet Trumps ’fredsplan’, men har en stribe forbehold over for præmisserne for annektering.

Især har Gantz hæftet sig ved, at såvel Jordan som Egypten, der som de eneste arabiske lande har fredstraktater med Israel, undsiger annektering i lighed med de to ’moderate’ arabiske regimer, som Israel har nærmet sig de senere år, nemlig Forenede Arabiske Emirater og Saudi-Arabien.

Endelig har Benny Gantz betinget sig en forståelse med Det Palæstinensiske Selvstyre (PA) der har afvist at forhandle om planen. I stedet har PA-præsident, Mahmoud Abbas, sendt FN en alternativ plan som udgangspunkt for forhandlinger. Hvad den nærmere indeholder er ikke offentliggjort...

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ACTION ALERT: "Say No To Your Tax Dollars Paying For Illegal Annexation"

Americans for Peace Now, APN, 9/7 - 2010

Annexation is a game changer. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s plan to unilaterally annex parts of the West Bank, with the blessing – indeed the encouragement – of the Trump administration, is a dire threat to the prospects of a peaceful future for Israelis and Palestinians.

Last week, Senator Chris Van Hollen introduced an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (the bill that authorizes providing U.S. aid to Israel), which would block the Netanyahu government from using any US aid to fund its illegal annexation.

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Israels planlagte annektering af Vestbredden gør landet til en de facto-apartheidstat

Information d. 6/7 - 2020

Det vil føre til en spiral af konflikter og krige og dermed destabilisere Mellemøsten yderligere, hvis Israel lykkes med at annektere dele af den palæstinensiske vestbred, skriver direktør i Den Nationale Menneskerettighedskommission i Palæstina og strategisk rådgiver i Institut for menneskerettigheder i dette debatindlæg...

...Mange af verdens ledere – heriblandt også den danske udenrigsminister – har taget afstand fra de israelske planer. Men Israels annekteringer af Golanhøjderne og Jerusalem i henholdsvis 1980 og 1981 medførte ligeledes fordømmelse bredt i det internationale samfund, og det gjorde alligevel ingen forskel i praksis. Disse annekteringer står i dag fortsat som brud på international lov.

Det må ikke ske igen. Det handler ikke ’blot’ om ulovlig annektering. Det er første gang, at den israelske regering har USA’s opbakning til at bryde med international lov og herved underminerer man en grundsøjle i international lov om, at annektering af land er ulovligt...

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Jeppe Kofod: Israels plan om annektering er ulovlig

Jyllandsposten d. 2/7 - 2020

Danmark har sendt et "klokkeklart signal" til Israel om, at annektering af Vestbredden ikke er vejen til fred.

En israelsk annektering af Vestbredden vil ikke være en vej mod fred. Derimod skal israelerne og palæstinenserne tilbage til forhandlingerne om en tostatsløsning.

Sådan lyder budskabet fra den danske udenrigsminister Jeppe Kofod (S). Han har denne uge holdt samtaler med henholdsvis den israelske og den palæstinensiske udenrigsminister.

- Jeg har sendt en klokkeklar besked fra dansk side om, at en annektering vil være i strid med folkeretten, og det vil ikke være det rigtige at gøre, siger Jeppe Kofod...

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US wants Gantz and Ashkenazi on board with any unilateral annexation move

Knowing how divisive PM’s plan will be in the region, and preoccupied with anti-racist protests and COVID-19 at home, Trump team said requiring at least Israel’s leaders be united

The Times of Israel By TOI STAFF and JACOB MAGID d. 8/6 - 2020

The Trump administration is disinclined to back Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s repeatedly declared intention to unilaterally annex parts of the West Bank next month, unless the move is supported by Netanyahu’s Blue and White coalition partners Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi, a TV report claimed Monday night...

...Monday’s Channel 12 report said that the Americans want to see Israel’s government fully united behind any annexation move in part because the US president is already preoccupied with problems at home — with the anti-racism protests, and the COVID-19 crisis — and the administration knows that unilateral Israeli annexation of West Bank territory will cause it problems overseas. Allies in the Gulf are opposed to the move, as is the European Union. The US Democratic Party is also opposed. Even Israel’s settler leaders are divided on the entire Trump plan, with some favoring annexation now, and others rejecting the entire vision because it conditionally provides for a Palestinian state...

...Later this week, the German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas is set to visit Israel to warn against unilateral annexation. According to a Haaretz report late Monday, Israel has told him he would have to quarantine in Israel for 14 days if he goes to visit Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas during the trip, and Maas is therefore instead going to talk with Abbas via video link...

...Ashkenazi is set to tell Maas that Israel is looking carefully at annexation in the context of “the ramifications in the region,” including with regard to Israel’s peace treaties [with Jordan and Egypt], Channel 12 reported — hardly a ringing endorsement of unilateral annexation.

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EU indgår nye aftaler med Israel trods planer om anneksion af Vestbredden

Arbejderen 25/6 - 2020

Om seks dage vil Israel begynde at annektere store dele af Vestbredden, siger premierminister Netanyahu. EU kritiserer planerne, men underskiver samtidig flere samarbejdsaftaler med Israel. Udenrigsminister Jeppe Kofod støtter EU's holdning, viser et samråd i Folketingets Udenrigsudvalg.

Om seks dage vil Israels regering ifølge premierminister Netanyahu begynde at annektere store dele af den palæstinensiske Vestbred. Samtidig underskriver EU samarbejdsaftaler med Israel.

I februar udtrykte EU-kommissionen stærk modstand mod Israels plan om at annektere besatte palæstinensiske områder med ordene, "det vil ikke ske uden konsekvenser". Få uger efter nedtonede EU advarslen ved blot at "udtrykke bekymring".

Onsdag i sidste uge udtalte EU's udenrigsrepræsentant Josep Borrell i EU-parlamentet, at anneksionen vil "være en alvorlig krænkelse af international ret."

– Fra et EU-perspektiv vil en anneksion uundgåeligt få betydelige konsekvenser for det nære forhold, vi i øjeblikket har til Israel, sagde han.

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Thousands Gather in Rabin Square against Annexation and Occupation

The Communist Party of Israel d. 8/6 - 2020

Several thousand demonstrators gathered on Saturday evening, June 6, in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square to protest far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plans to annex large parts of the occupied Palestinian West Bank, possibly as early as July 1. The crowd of Jews and Arabs denounced Netanyahu’s annexation saying the move was beneficial to neither Israelis nor Palestinians.

Organized under the initiative of Hadash (the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality) and the Communist Party of Israel (CPI), the rally included participants from numerous organizations: Young Communist League of Israel, Meretz, Coalition of Women for Peace, Rabbis for Human Rights, Breaking the Silence, Crime Minister, Peace Now, Standing Together, Mossawa Center, Yesh Gvul, Mesarvot, Academy for Peace, Gush Shalom, Combatants for Peace, Social Workers for Peace and Social Welfare, Parents Circle – Families Forum, Sikkuy, Ir-Amin, Other Voice, Arab Alternative Planning Center, The School of Peace – Neve Shalom, Zazim, Free Jerusalem, Black Flag – Against Annexation, All That’s Left – Anti-Occupation Collective, Socialist Struggle, Resist Apartheid, and Arab Movement for Equality.

Protesters held aloft a variety of flags (red, Israeli and Palestinian) with several dozen holding up pictures of Iyad Halak, a 32-year-old Palestinian man with autism and who was shot dead last week in Jerusalem’s Old City by Israeli border police.

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Palestinian Lives Matter: Huge Jewish-Arab Rally in Tel Aviv Decries Netanyahu’s Plan to Annex 1/3 of West Bank

Global Research d. 7/6 - 2020

Arab48 reports that some 6,000 Israelis gathered in Rabin Square in Tel Aviv on Saturday to protest the Netanyahu government’s plan to annex one third of the Palestinian West Bank.

The gathering was addressed via video by US Senator Bernie Sanders, who said,

“It has never been more important to stand up for justice and to fight for the future we all deserve. I am extremely heartened to see that so many of you, Arabs and Jews alike, are standing together tonight for peace, justice and democracy.” “It is up to all of us to stand up to authoritarian leaders and work together to build a peaceful future for every Palestinian and every Israeli. Like you, I believe that the futures of the Israeli and Palestinian people are entwined and that all of your children deserve to live in safety, freedom and equality. For that to be possible, the plan to illegally annex any part of the West Bank must be stopped; the Occupation must be ended, and we must work together toward a future or equality and dignity for all people in Israel and Palestine. I know that on the day when we finally celebrate the establishment of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel it will be because people like you stood up for justice, stood up for democracy, and stood up for human rights. In the words of my friend Ayman Odeh, “The only future is a shared future. We will build it together.”

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Professorer: I ly af coronakrisen er Israel i færd med at annektere Vestbredden

Politikken d. 30/4 - 2020

Vi kan ikke tillade, at den nye israelske regering får frit lejde til at gøre, som de vil.
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On First Day of Ramadan, Jewish Settlers Destroy Dozens of Olive Trees near Nablus

The Palestine Chronicle d. 24/4 - 2020

Jewish settlers today chopped down over 30 olive trees in the Palestinian town of As-Sawiya, near Nablus, according to the Palestinian news agency WAFA.

Ghassan Daghlas, who monitors settlement construction in the northern West Bank, confirmed that a group of settlers from the nearby illegal settlement of Rechelim chopped off 33 olive trees belonging to Hamad Saleh Jazi, a local Palestinian farmer.

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UN, EU warn Israel against West Bank annexation

Al-Jazeera d. 24/4 - 2020

UN's Middle East envoy says move would be 'devastating' to a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The United Nations and the European Union warned Israel not to annex parts of the occupied West Bank.

The UN's special Middle East envoy Nickolay Mladenov on Thursday said such a move would be a "devastating blow" to the internationally-backed two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as the EU said annexing Palestinian territory "would constitute a serious violation of international law".

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During the Coronavirus crisis, Israel confiscates tents designated for clinic in the Northern West Bank

B’Tselem d. 26/3 - 2020

This morning, Thursday, 26 March 2020, at around 7:30 am, officials from Israel’s Civil Administration in the West Bank arrived with a military jeep escort, a bulldozer and two flatbed trucks with cranes at the Palestinian community of Khirbet Ibziq in the northern Jordan Valley. They confiscated poles and sheeting that were meant to form eight tents, two for a field clinic, and four for emergency housing for residents evacuated from their homes, and two as makeshift mosques. The force also confiscated a tin shack in place for more than two years, as well as a power generator and sacks of sand and cement. Four pallets of cinder blocks intended for the tent floors were taken away and four others demolished.

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Israeli settlers storm West Bank village, beat residents with sticks and sharp objects

Middle East Eye d. 24/3 - 2020

Af Shatha Hammad, Ramallah, den besatte Vest Bred

Israeli settlers stormed a Palestinian village in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday and injured several residents, resulting in the skull fracture of a middle aged man, residents told Middle East Eye.

Naji Tanatra, a father of six, also sustained internal bleeding after Israeli settlers attacked him and other residents in the Umm al-Safa village with sharp tools and wooden sticks...

...Israeli army refused to intervene

Shortly after the attack, the Israeli army closed all entrances to the village, leading to confrontations with local Palestinian youths.

During the clashes, which took place from 12pm until 5pm, the Israeli army fired teargas and rubber-coated steel bullets, causing dozens of cases of suffocation, and damage to a number of homes.

Mustafa Tanatra, a local activist, told MEE that the settlers constantly attack Umm al-Safa, but this was the first time they attacked the residents themselves.

He explained that residents asked the Israeli army to intervene and stop the assault, but instead the army blamed the residents and refused to intervene...

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RECORDING: "Cutting off East Jerusalem from the West Bank" - Briefing call with Jerusalem expert Danny Seidemann - Friday, Febraury 28

Americans for Peace Now d. 25/2 - 2020

Over the past week, Israeli authorities advanced three new settlement initiatives around East Jerusalem, which would cut it off from the West Bank and deny contiguity to a future Palestinian state. These initiatives come days before Israel’s national elections and as a joint Israeli-American committee starts determining the status of West Bank settlements.

Listen to Jerusalem expert and longtime analyst Daniel Seidemann on APN's urgent briefing call from Friday, February 28th when he discussed these developments and the Israeli government’s preparatory measures to annex large swathes of the West Bank.

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'They dumped him like trash': Palestinian with suspected coronavirus symptoms thrown out of Israel
Labourer who later tested negative for coronavirus struggled to breathe in scene described as something out of a horror film

Middle East Eye d. 23/3 - 2020
af Akram Al-Waara fra det besatte Vest Bred

It was like a scene straight out of a horror film.

That's how 25-year-old Ibrahim Abu Safiya described the moment he saw someone lying on the ground near an Israeli checkpoint on the outskirts of Beit Sira village, west of Ramallah.

"We approached the man lying on the ground, and he looked terribly ill," Abu Safiya told Middle East Eye.

"He had an extremely high fever. He could barely move his body and he was struggling to breathe," Abu Safiya said.

The man lying on the ground was a Palestinian labourer who works in Israel. He told Abu Safiya that he had been showing signs of the coronavirus over the past four days, and was recently tested for the virus. That test later came back negative...

...Abu Safiya said he understood why so many workers chose to risk their health and safety to go work in Israel in the middle of the pandemic.

"They had to make the impossible choice of staying healthy, or letting their families starve," he said. "So many people chose to work so they can provide for their families. And we can’t blame them for that."

"But Israel also wants them to work, so they should take care of them. If they can't treat them in Israel, at least don’t throw them to die like animals," he said, the frustration evident in his voice.

"It's like we are slaves to them," he continued. "They use us when they need us, and when they are finished, they throw us away like trash."

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Jewish settlers burn down Palestinian churches and mosques

Middle East Monitor d. 28/1 - 2020

Israel’s Tag Meir organisation revealed on Monday that extremist Jewish settlers have carried out arson attacks on 46 mosques and 12 churches in the occupied West Bank and Israel over the past decade, Al Sabeel has reported.

Tag Meir, which was established 15 years ago to counter settlers’ hate crimes and racism in Israel and the West Bank, said that the perpetrators of these crimes generally went unpunished. It pointed out that most of these arson attacks were committed by an extremist settler group called Price Tag, and that the criminals spray graffiti such as “Death to Arabs” and other hate messages on the walls of the buildings they burn down.

The last of these attacks was the on a mosque in the Beir Safafa neighbourhood of occupied Jerusalem. The fire started by the illegal settlers caused severe damage to the building.

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Emne: Mellemøsten, udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitik
Afholdelse af samrådet

Folketinget d. 22/11 - 2019

USA accepterer Israels bosættelser på Vestbredden. Ifølge USA er de israelske bosættelser på Vestbredden ikke mere i strid med folkeretten. 1) Hvad mener ministeren om USA's nye holdning til bosættelserne på Vestbredden? 2) Hvad vil ministeren gøre for at sikre en fortsat mulighed for en fredelig løsning på Israel/Palæstina-konflikten? 3) Hvilke initiativer vil ministeren tage for at sikre FNs beslutninger og internationale aftaler om Israel/Palæstina-konflikten?
Af: Christian Juhl (EL) , Rasmus Nordqvist (ALT) , Sjúrður Skaale (JF)
Til: udenrigsminister Jeppe Kofod ()
Dato: 22-11-2019
Status: Besvaret
Emne: Mellemøsten, udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitik
Afholdelse af samrådet

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USA accepterer Israels bosættelser på Vestbredden

DR d. 19/11 - 2019 / ritzau / Reuters

Israel glæder sig over, at USA bløder op i spørgsmålet om omstridte bosættelser. Palæstinenserne protesterer.

USA har ændret syn på Israels bosættelser. Amerikanerne vil ikke længere betragte de israelske bosættelser på Vestbredden som værende i strid med folkeretten.

Det siger USA's udenrigsminister, Mike Pompeo, på en pressekonference mandag.

Dermed tager han afstand fra en vurdering, som det amerikanske udenrigsministerium foretog i 1978. Her blev det slået fast, at Israels bosættelser på den besatte Vestbred ikke er i overensstemmelse med folkeretten.

Den vurdering har været en vigtig grundsten i den amerikanske politik i Mellemøsten i de seneste 40 år.

I resten af verden er der udbredt enighed om, at de israelske bosættelser er i strid med folkeretten, og at de udgør en alvorlig hindring for fred mellem israelere og palæstinensere...

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Israel destroyed record number of Palestinian homes in Jerusalem in 2019

Mondoweiss d. 25/10 - 2019

Israel has demolished a record number of homes in occupied East Jerusalem in 2019, the most in the past 15 years, Israeli rights group B’Tselem reported on Thursday.

More than 140 Palestinian homes were demolished, resulting in the displacement of 238 Palestinians, 127 of them minors.

Of the homes that were destroyed, 39 were destroyed by the owners themselves after they received demolition orders from Israel, in order to avoid incurring the municipality’s demolition fees.

This year’s demolitions far surpassed the second highest number of demolitions, which occurred in 2016 when 92 homes were destroyed.

Since B’Tselem began recording home demolitions in East Jerusalem in 2004, Israel has destroyed a total of 949 homes, displacing more than 3,000 Palestinians.

Following the Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank in 1967, Israel illegally annexed some 70,000 dunums of Palestinian land and extended the boundaries of the Jerusalem municipality to dozens of Palestinian neighborhoods.

There are some 350,000 Palestinians living in East Jerusalem. Following the occupation of the city, they were given “permanent residency” status, compared to Jewish residents of the city who have full citizenship.

Despite the fact that Palestinians make up 40% of Jerusalem’s population, Israel’s Jerusalem Municipality has zoned only 15% of the land in East Jerusalem for residential use.

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Trump swears allegiance to Israel as he decries endless Middle East wars

The Jerusalem Post d. 13/10 - 2019

...“We are standing with our close friend and partner, the State of Israel,” Trump said, as he reviewed the steps he has taken on behalf of the Jewish state since taking office, such as relocating the US embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing Israeli sovereignty on the Golan Heights...

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Nyt angreb på solidaritetsbevægelse
Israel truer med at smide leder af boykot-bevægelse ud

Arbejderen d. 18/9 - 2019

Den israelske vicestatsadvokat truer med at smide Omar Barghouti, grundlægger af BDS-bevægelsen, ud af Israel, fordi han opfordrer til boykot, frasalg og sanktioner, indtil Israels forlader de besatte palæstinensiske områder.

Den israelske vicestatsadvokat skal snart afgøre, om medstifteren af BDS-bevægelsen, Omar Barghouti, skal deporteres ud af Israel og miste sin ret til permanent ophold i landet.

Det skriver det israelske medienetværk Arutz Sheva.

Barghouti er palæstinenser, født i golfstaten Qatar i 1964, men har haft permanent opholdstilladelse i Israel siden 1993 på grund af ægteskab med en israelsk kvinde.

Den israelske vicestatsadvokat skal snart afgøre, om medstifteren af BDS-bevægelsen, Omar Barghouti, skal deporteres ud af Israel og miste sin ret til permanent ophold i landet.

Det skriver det israelske medienetværk Arutz Sheva.

Barghouti er palæstinenser, født i golfstaten Qatar i 1964, men har haft permanent opholdstilladelse i Israel siden 1993 på grund af ægteskab med en israelsk kvinde.

Han grundlagde i 2005 BDS-bevægelsen, der gennemfører internationale kampagner for boykot af og sanktioner mod Israel samt frasalg af investeringer i Israel. BDS er en global kanpagne fort at lægge ikke-voldelig pres på Israel for at få landet til at overholde folkeretten...

... Omar Barghouti er kendt for-kæmper for menneske-rettigheder og er som palæstinenser beskyttet af international ret.
TWT, Storbritannien...

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Generational shift: Young Jews come out as anti-Zionist without fearing parents’ wrath

Mondoweiss d. 23/7 - 2019

This past May, something remarkable happened in the senior issue of the Evanston Township High School newspaper, the Evanstonian: two Jewish seniors published essays unburdened of the anxiety and baggage that typically accompany such essays critical of the Jewish State. Rachel Krumholz and Abe Frolichstein-Appel, both anti-Zionist teens, wrote pieces that oppose Israel and Zionism without apology.

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Netanyahu: IDF the only army ready to fight Iran (IDF: Israel Defense Forces)

af Menachem Shlomo

The Jerusalem Post d. 15/7 - 2019

Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that the only army ready to combat Iran is the IDF.

Speaking to members of the National Security College at the Prime Minister's Office, Netanyahu slammed the 2015 nuclear deal, saying that only he was against it at the time.

"The only thing that the terrible nuclear agreement gave is a strong and sweeping rapprochement with major Arab countries," Netanyahu said. "Iran says simply: 'We will destroy you and destroy you first by nuclear weapons.'"

"I had to fight alone to block the nuclear agreement," Netanyahu lamented. "I had to fight against all the powers and against the president of the United States - I went to the American Congress...

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550 Palestinians to be homeless after Israel demolishes entire Jerusalem neighbourhood

MEM d. 14/6 - 2019

Israeli authorities are pressing ahead with plans to demolish an entire Palestinian neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem, human rights NGO B’Tselem reported, which will leave 550 homeless.

Wadi Yasul, located between the neighbourhoods of Abu Tur and Silwan, is home to 72 Palestinian families.

According to B’Tselem, the Jerusalem Municipality has “issued demolition orders for all the neighbourhood homes so all the families there are facing the threat of expulsion.”

In late April, “the city already demolished two of the orders and displaced two of the families.”

The NGO noted that Wadi Yasul built “is adjacent to a forest, also located on privately owned land that was expropriated from its Palestinian owners in 1970.”

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Facebook thwarts Israeli firm's efforts to interfere in foreign politics

the Jerusalem Post d. 17/5 - 2019

Approximately 2.8 million Facebook accounts followed one or more of the deceptive pages and approximately 5,500 joined the Facebook groups.

Facebook has removed 265 deceptive Facebook and Instagram accounts, pages and other content promoted in an attempt by an Israeli company to influence foreign politics, it announced on Thursday.

Deceptive political content promoted by Archimedes Group, including the purchase of advertisements valued at $812,000, focused on influencing domestic politics in a range of countries in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as some activity in Latin America and Southeast Asia.
“People behind the network used groups of fake accounts to run pages, disseminate content and artificially increase engagement,” Nathaniel Gleicher, Facebook’s head of cybersecurity policy, told reporters. “They also represented themselves as locals, including making themselves look like local news organizations and published supposedly leaked information about local politicians. Pages would frequently post about political news, including topics like elections, candidate views and criticisms of candidates’ opponents.”

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Melodi Grand Prix i Tel Aviv dv

Klip fra TV2 d. 19/5 -2019

Popdronningen Madonnas optræden lørdag ved det internationale Melodi Grand Prix i Tel Aviv var ventet med spænding.

Det lykkedes Madonna at overtræde EBU's principper om at være ikke-politisk ved at putte det israelske og palæstinensiske flag på ryggen af sine dansere.

Den engelske musiker Rosa Martinez var begejstret, #Madonna may have sounded flat but she won my heart tonight - being an artist is not always about having a perfect voice, but having something inspiring to say, and knowing how to deliver the message. She did outperform everyone else and she was #ArealQueen. #MadonnaEurovision

Der var naturligvis andre der ikke var begejstret

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Iceland's Eurovision entry Hatari holds up Palestinian flag during contest

CNN d. 18/5 - 2019

Iceland's hair-raising heavy metal Eurovision act Hatari raised Palestinian flags during their appearance on the show, which had been steeped in controversy over its host country of Israel.
The band's on-stage performance had been hotly anticipated, and their aggressive showing predictably disrupted the otherwise kitsch edition of the singing competition.
But the political elements of this year's show hovered over proceedings, and the group's members nodded to the controversy by holding up Palestinian flags as results were announced.

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Without explanation, Israel tears down new Palestinian school in Jerusalem

If americans knew blog d. 20/3 - 2019

On March 19th, with no advance warning, Israel evacuated a Palestinian school in Shaufat, Occupied East Jerusalem, then demolished it. The school’s principal reports that no official reason has been given.

article reposted from Telesur

video reposted from Middle East Monitor

A Palestinian-owned school building that was under construction, in the Shuafat refugee camp, in occupied East Jerusalem was demolished by Israeli forces’ bulldozers Tuesday.

Eyewitnesses recount dozens of Israeli occupation forces escorting the bulldozers into the refugee camp, while others closed off traffic at the checkpoint near the school.

The Israeli forces then, reportedly, surrounded the al-Razi School from rooftops of nearby buildings while students and faculty were evacuated prior to the demolition. According to multiple witnesses, there were drones observed flying above the two-story school building and rubber-coated steel bullets fired on locals in the camp.

The owner of the demolished school building, Muhammad Alqam, insists that he issued all necessary permits at the Israeli Jerusalem Municipality before beginning construction. Alqam was assured that the area belonged to the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA).

There was no prior notice of the demolition before it took place, says Saleh Alqam, principal of the al-Razi school and an official reason for the demolition is yet to be confirmed.

Despite the requisite preparations being carried out, the demolition order was issued, in November, by Israeli authorities.

The United Nations has consistently condemned Israel for the practice of illegal demolition, since 2015.

The al-Razi School had registered about 400 kindergarten and elementary students for the upcoming school year for the new building.

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Israel should face justice for unlawful Gaza protest killings

Middle East Monitor d. 28/2 - 2019

Israeli security forces may have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in killing 189 Palestinians and wounding more than 6,100 at weekly protests in Gaza last year, United Nations investigators said on Thursday, reports Reuters.

The independent panel said it had confidential information about those it believes to be responsible for the unlawful killings, including Israeli army snipers and commanders. It called on Israel to prosecute them.

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The IDF doesn't investigate Palestinian deaths — it whitewashes them (IDF - Israel Defense Forces)

+972 d. 1/1 - 2019

The Israeli army says it would like to conduct thorough investigations of the Palestinians it kills or wounds. The only problem? It is unable to do so honestly.

...Here are the figures: since the beginning of the Second Intifada in late 2000 until 2015, B’Tselem demanded the MPIU open an investigation in 739 cases in which soldiers killed or otherwise harmed Palestinians. Ninety-seven percent of those cases were closed, either after an “investigation” was conducted, or even without launching one. Indictments were filed in only 25 cases. The number of convictions is obviously even much lower. Suffice it so say, hardly anyone is ever held accountable...

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Opinion: Now Israel Has a Race Law

Haaretz d. 21/9 - 2018

From now on by court decree, two types of blood exist in Israel: Jewish blood and non-Jewish blood

...The circle has been closed, completed and perfected. Now it is a real race law, according to the unavoidable interpretation of the court of the nation-state law. From now on, two types of blood exist in Israel: Jewish blood and non-Jewish blood, on the law books as well. The price of these two types of blood is also different. Jewish blood is priceless, it must be protected in every possible way. Non-Jewish blood is terrifyingly cheap, it can be shed like water. A situation that existed until now only de facto, with different standards and punishments for Jews and others, is from today by court decree.

Seventy years of nationalism and racism toward the victims is now receiving its appropriate legal backing. The nation-state law, which they said was only declarative, in the correct interpretation of Drori, has earned its true meaning: The basic law for the superiority of Jewish blood. From now on, Israel has race law.

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En israelsk journalist fortæller hvorfor to-statsløsningen ikke er en mulighed.
Løsningen er demokrati for alle.

This Israeli journalist knows how to make a point... Must watch

I september 2018 nåede videoen op på
20.000 visninger.

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Israelske soldater fortæller hvordan israelere stjæler palæstinesiske boliger

Imagine living in a house
with Israeli settlers
occupying the floor above.

Is this the most occupied city

Offentliggjort på Facebook d. 23/9 - 2018

(d. 26/9 - 12.000 visninger)

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Israeli soldiers cut down Palestinian farmers' olive trees

Derek Richards d. 9/8 - 2018

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Horrifying Video Shows Israeli Soldiers Shoot, Kill 16yo Boy While His Hands Were In The Air

The Free Thought Projekt d. 8/9 - 2018

Gaza – A disturbing video was posted online this week that shows the moments before a 16-year-old Palestinian boy was shot down by Israeli soldiers while he stood in a field, with his hands in the air.

The boy has been identified as Ahmed Masabah Abu Tuyur, and he was pronounced dead on Saturday morning, as a result of the injuries he sustained from the shooting on Friday, according to a report from Haartz. The shooting reportedly occurred during a protest, and Abu Tuyur can be seen picking up a rock off of the ground and hurling it into the air.

In the video, it does not appear that the rock thrown by Abu Tuyur hit anything or harmed anyone, and the boy can be seen standing with his hands in the air for approximately 10 seconds before he is shot once and he collapses to the ground.

Some viewers would argue that because Abu Tuyur picked up a rock and threw it into the air, he was armed and posed a threat to the Israeli soldiers who appear to be perched on top of a sand dune. However, that logic begs the question—how is a boy with a rock a legitimate threat to a trained sniper with a gun, especially when there are a few hundred feet between them?

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Israeli intervention in US elections ‘vastly overwhelms' anything Russia has done, claims Noam Chomsky

The 89-year-old said the media was largely ignoring vital issues such as climate change

Andrew Buncombe New York Independent d. 30/7 -2018

...The power of the pro-Israel lobby has long been one of the contentious, and disputed, issues in Washington. In 2007, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, published The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, which described the lobby as “loose coalition of individuals and organisations who actively work to steer US foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction”...

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Israel på vej til at lovfæste adskillelsespolitik. Apartheidlignende, lyder det fra den israelske opposition.

Information d. 17/7 - 2018

I denne måned ventes det israelske parlament at stemme ja til en ny lov, der vil gøre det muligt at skabe rene jødiske boligkvarterer – kritikere hævder, at loven vil medføre Israels undergang som demokrati

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The World is Silent as Israel Bombs Palestine

Friends of Syria d. 15/7 - 2018

sraeli terror in Gaza and Palestine is barbaric , women and children are murdered for all the world to see and our politicians in the west or gulf states are all silent, shame on them.

By Judith Vonberg CNN

(CNN) — The United Nations has issued an urgent appeal for Israel and Gaza “to step back from the brink” of war and revive the reconciliation process, calling for Palestinians to keep protests peaceful and for Israel to show restraint in its response.

Nickolay Mladenov, UN special coordinator for the Middle East, was speaking just hours after an escalation in violence that saw 200 projectiles fired towards Israel from Gaza and dozens of airstrikes launched in response, according to Israel Defense Forces.

“Yesterday we were on the brink of war,” Mladenov told a press conference in Gaza on Sunday. “And it has taken the concerted efforts of everyone to make sure that we step back from confrontation. A confrontation that nobody wants, nobody needs, and a confrontation from which everybody will lose.”

Mladenov highlighted the worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza and the deteriorating political and security situation in the region.

“People’s life (in Gaza) has become more difficult as people have limited money, the economy has collapsed, electricity and water are scarce,” he said. “We cannot stand idle when we see two million Palestinians in Gaza living in such terrible conditions as they do now.”

‘One child being killed is too much’

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Irland vil forbyde salg af bosættervarer

Det irske Senat har med en historisk beslutning vedtaget, at salg og køb af varer fra israelske bosættelser er forbudt i Irland.

Arbejderen d. 13/7 - 2018

Som det første land i Europa vil Irland forbyde salg og import af produkter fremstillet i israelske bosættelser.

Det er det irske parlaments overhus, der har vedtaget loven om "produkter fra besatte lande” med stemmerne 25-20.

Loven kriminaliserer enhver form for import af produkter og tjenesteydelser fra de israelske bosættelser i det besatte Palæstina (Vestbredden og Østjerusalem) samt de syriske Golan-højder.

Loven kalder bosættelserne illegale og henviser til, at både Irland, FN og EU allerede har kendt dem ulovlige. Hvis nogen alligevel importerer de pågældende varer, er det kriminelt og kan give fængsel på mellem fem og 10 år.

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Israel ønsker at mørklægge militærets aktiviteter på Vestbredden d. 22/06/2018…
ANALYSE – Siden foråret har israelske politikere arbejdet på at gøre det ulovligt at filme soldater, der gør tjeneste i de besatte områder. Forslaget, der er blevet stærkt kritiseret, er blevet godkendt af Knesset, men er i sin nuværende form kendt forfatningsstridigt af landets statsadvokat.
Forestil dig en situation, hvor en dansk politibetjent blev fanget på video, idet han gik hen til en såret og bevidstløs forbryder, og herefter henrettede ham med sin pistol.
Forestil dig så, at flere medlemmer af regeringen udråbte betjenten til helt, og dernæst støttede et lovforslag, der fremover gjorde det strafbart at filme danske betjente i et forsøg på at undgå lignende sager i at se offentlighedens lys…

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Israeli lawmaker proclaims supremacy of ‘Jewish race’

The times of Israel d. 13/6 - 2018

Likud's MK Miki Zohar says Jews are the smartest in the world, so know Netanyahu isn't corrupt

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Why isn’t anyone talking about the Israeli military coming to Alaska?

Antiwar Media for Peace and Justice
The Peace Report d. 6/6 - 2018

Israel will be testing their Arrow 3 weapons system from the island of Kodiak, just off the coast of Alaska. 62 shipping containers that have been renovated into sleeping quarters for the Israeli troops and have already been shipped to the Pacific Spaceport Complex-Alaska, where the missile tests will take place. Yet, we’ve heard nothing on mainstream media about foreign troops coming to train on American soil.

The secret behind military operations and missile launches is the pollution left behind, mainly from the toxic rocket fuel. That fuel is difficult to transport, ship, store, use, and to clean up. Kodiak is still being cleaned up from the mess made back during WW2! The Pentagon has already admitted that it can not be cleaned up completely...

...The reason given for Israel to begin testing their missiles (funded and developed by both Israel and America) is that the Arrow 3 interceptor is an exoatmospheric missile. The missile literally flies into space and comes back to crash on Earth’s surface. Being that the Mediterranean Sea is too small an area to test such a missile, they somehow managed to squeeze their way into pristine Alaskan territory. The question then would be asked, who is Israel targeting? Why do they need missiles to go above and beyond the Mediterranean Sea?...

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Israel: no country for black people

ILO 24/1 2018

Earlier this month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that African refugees had three months to get out of the country.

Describing African refugees numbering about 40 000 as “infiltrators”, Netanyahu said they had two choices. They could either accept a once-off payment of $3500 (R42300) and relocate to another African country or spend the rest of their life in jail in Israel. They have until March to decide...

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2017 blev rekordår
Boykot Israel-kampagnen vokser

Arbejderen d. 16/1 - 2018

I året der gik høstede bevægelsen for boykot, sanktioner og de-investeringer (BDS) mod Israel store sejre. Fra Palæstina lyder det optimistisk: "Vores sydafrikanske øjeblik nærmer sig" med henvisning til apartheid, der faldt sammen i 1990.

Kræver abonnement - Link til siden.


Powerful resignation letter by UN’s Rima Khalaf about removal of UN apartheid report

If Americans Knew 20/3 - 2017

(About Us: If Americans Knew is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to informing Americans about Israel-Palestine. We particularly focus on information largely omitted from mainstream media coverage. (For statistics, history, and context see our main website.)

...In the space of two months you have instructed me to withdraw two reports produced by ESCWA, not due to any fault found in the reports and probably not because you disagreed with their content, but due to the political pressure by member states who gravely violate the rights of the people of the region.

You have seen first hand that the people of this region are going through a period of suffering unparalleled in their modern history; and that the overwhelming flood of catastrophes today is the result of a stream of injustices that were either ignored, plastered over, or openly endorsed by powerful governments inside and outside the region. Those same governments are the ones pressuring you to silence the voice of truth and the call for justice represented in these reports.

Given the above, I cannot but stand by the findings of ESCWA’s report that Israel has established an apartheid regime that seeks the domination of one racial group over another. The evidence provided by this report drafted by renowned experts is overwhelming. Suffice it to say that none of those who attacked the report had a word to say about its content. I feel it my duty to shed light on the legally inadmissible and morally indefensible fact that an apartheid regime still exists in the 21st century rather than suppressing the evidence. In saying this I claim no moral superiority nor ownership of a more prescient vision. My position might be informed by a lifetime of experiencing the dire consequences of blocking peaceful channels to addressing people’s grievances in our region.

After giving the matter due consideration, I realized that I too have little choice. I cannot withdraw yet another well-researched, well-documented UN work on grave violations of human rights, yet I know that clear instructions by the Secretary-General will have to be implemented promptly. A dilemma that can only be resolved by my stepping down to allow someone else to deliver what I am unable to deliver in good conscience. I know that I have only two more weeks to serve; my resignation is therefore not intended for political pressure. It is simply because I feel it my duty towards the people we serve, towards the UN and towards myself, not to withdraw an honest testimony about an ongoing crime that is at the root of so much human suffering. Therefore, I hereby submit to you my resignation from the United Nations.


Rima Khalaf

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Yes, What Israel Is Doing To Palestinians Is Actually Genocide.

D. 1/3 - 2017 by Benjamin L. Corey

The legal definition of genocide includes the following:

“Acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group such as:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

...While A and B are both elements we find present in Israel’s approach to Palestinians, the key aspect of genocide being waged by Israel is found in C: the deliberate infliction of conditions that in part or as a whole will destroy a people group. Arab Christians and Muslims known as Palestinians have been undoubtedly the target of Israel and a desire to eradicate them from the land...

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Dansk- og EU-finansieret nødhjælp igen ødelagt af israelsk militær

Folkekirkens Nødhjælp d. 16/11 -2016

Lige inden regntiden har den israelske hær ødelagt tre vandcisterner, der sikrer vand til dyr og mennesker i det lille landbrugssamfund Al Ganoub på den besatte Vestbred.

Klokken seks om morgenen rykkede den israelske hær ind i den lille landsby Al Ganoub mellem Betlehem og Hebron på den palæstinensiske Vestbred. To bulldozere smadrede tre vandcisterner, mens soldater holdt indbyggerne på afstand og konfiskerede deres mobiltelefoner, så ingen kunne tage billeder eller filme. Det lykkedes én person at beholde sin mobiltelefon og filme begivenhederne (se video - links nedenfor). Blot et par uger før blev syv huse revet ned i samme landsby, bl.a. hjemmene til de familier, hvis cisterner blev ødelagt.

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I det palæstinensiske ’laboratorium’ forfines den israelske våbenteknologi

Information d. 7/12 - 2015

Våben- og sikkerhedsteknologier er en grundpille i den israelske økonomi. Men udviklingen af nye teknologier skaber nye usikkerheder for såvel israelere som palæstinensere og er i sidste ende en hindring for fred, siger Leila Stockmarr, der i sin ph.d.-afhandling har kortlagt den israelske sikkerhedsindustri

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Israel Moves To Ban Boycott Supporters From Entering The Country

MintPressNews d. 12/11 - 2015

”Anyone who is not an Israeli citizen or a permanent resident will not be granted any kind of visa or permit if they, or any company, organization or foundation they represent, calls for a boycott of Israel.”

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Israelere protesterer mod ultraortodoks vold efter drab

Politiken d. 1/8 - 2015

Flere steder i Israel er folk gået på gaden for at demonstrere imod ortodokse jøders vold den seneste uge.

Tusinder af israelere er lørdag aften gået på gaden i landets to største byer, Tel Aviv og Jerusalem, i protest mod vold i kølvandet på jødiske ekstremisters angreb på palæstinensere og homoseksuelle den seneste uge.

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Vi er passive vidner til Israels overgreb

Politikken d. 25/7 - 2015 af Herbert Pundik

… Danske skatteborgeres penge bliver brugt af EU til at forbedre vilkårene for de fattigste palæstinensere i afsides beliggende landsbyer uden adgang til vand eller elektricitet.

EU bygger simple konstruktioner, der kan huse skoler eller klinikker og graver brønde, hvorefter besættelsesmyndighederne omgående destruerer projekterne. Husene bliver bulldozet, og brøndene blokeret med cement…

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Netanyahu launches US media blitz against Iran deal

The Jerusalem Post d. 16/7 - 2015

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu embarked on a US media blitz on Wednesday, a day after the world powers reached a nuclear agreement with Iran, in a full-court effort to explain to Americans why Israel believes this is a “bad, bad deal.”

“They decided that they want to wipe Israel off the map,” Netanyahu said of the Iranian regime in an interview on CBS.

“If somebody says, ‘I’m going to destroy you,’ you know, what you want to do is make sure they can’t.”…

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Jan Øberg: t's no longer the time to poke fun or say that Israel's leadership is hysteric.
It's time to ask: Who can h-e-l-p and dissuade Israel from creating havoc in the Middle East and go further down its self-destructive path?

Google oversæt: Det er ikke længere tid til at stikke sjov eller sige, at Israels ledelse er hysteric.
Det er tid til at spørge: Hvem kan hjælpe og afskrække Israel fra at skabe ravage i Mellemøsten og gå længere ned sin selvdestruktive vej?
- Jan Øberg


Why I Won’t Serve Israel

The New York Times 11/1 - 2015

…Last year brought something of a surge in refusals. Open letters of refusal were published by a group of high schoolers, a group of reservists, veterans of the elite intelligence Unit 8200 and alumni and former staff members of the prestigious Israel Arts and Sciences Academy. All were denounced by politicians and in the media…

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Skældte ud på Israel: Norsk læge er udvist af Gaza på livstid

DR d. 14/11 - 2014

Den norske læge, der under den seneste konflikt mellem Israel og Palæstina, har rapporteret fra Gaza, må nu ikke længere komme ind i det lukkede landområde.

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Der er så mange eksempler på hvor grusomt israelerne behandler palæstinenserne.

Se f.eks. hvordan soldaterne behandler en lille dreng: Klik her (det kræver du er på facebook)

Eller hvordan bosættere blot stjæler en ældre kvindes hus. klik her (det kræver du er på facebook)

"Old lady arrives home finds Jewish settlers have stolen her house

The Israelis have the right to take any non-jews land as soon as they leave it.

Twenty settlers ( with sleeping bags), accompanied by private armed security and backed by Israeli police forces, entered an extension of the Palestinian house, and started clearing it of the familys belongings.

One Palestinian resident, Khamis al-Gawi, has been arrested shortly after the settlers arrived, and is still being held at a local police station. Two international activists, American and Swedish nationals, who were filming the settlers taking over the house were also arrested by the police and their video cameras confiscated."


Det er korrekt at Hamas også bruger våben og at disse kan rammer civile.

I international lov har et besat folk lov til en modstandsbevægelse. Det havde vi også under 2. verdenskrig.



Israels løgne bliver til sandhed i danske medier

Politikken d. 17/7 - 2014
...Jeg kan endnu huske, at man, dengang vietnameserne rejste sig mod amerikanerne, og de sorte i Sydafrika begyndte kampen mod det hvide styre, talte om, at et undertryk folk altid har ret.

Men det gælder tilsyneladende ikke for palæstinenserne. De har ingen rettigheder. Måske fordi de bare er en flok muslimer og dermed notorisk regnes for potentiale terrorister. Denne fuldstændig enøjede behandling af konflikten rejser for mig derfor spørgsmålet om, hvem og hvordan den danske mediedebat styres og kontrolleres?...

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Israel vil ikke tillade at palæstineneserne
får en stat.

The Times of Israel d. 13/7 2014
Netanyahu finally speaks his mind
…Netanyahu is Israel’s second-longest serving prime minister ever…
…He made explicitly clear that he could never, ever, countenance a fully sovereign Palestinian state in the West Bank…

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Geneve forståelsen

PLO og den israelsk opposition har indgået en detaljeret forståelse af hvordan der kan laves en aftale som sikre freden i Mellemøsten.

FN finder at Genève forståelsen et godt forslag.

Support the Geneva Accords

The Hague Appeal for Peace congratulates the negotiators, men and women, from Palestinian and Israeli civil society who have spent the past two years, with the facilitation of the Swiss government, in arriving at a plan for peace in the Middle East.

Hundreds of representatives from the Middle East will be joined by former President Jimmy Carter at a signing ceremony today in Geneva. We send them our very best wishes and congratulations. We also pledge to help mobilize support for these Accords from around the world. 


The Geneva Accord

October 21, 2003 
By Israeli leftist opposition & Palestinian officials 
Annex X referred to in the document is yet to be completed 

Draft Permanent Status Agreement


The State of Israel (hereinafter "Israel") and the Palestine Liberation Organization (hereinafter "PLO"), the representative of the Palestinian people (hereinafter the "Parties"): 

Reaffirming their determination to put an end to decades of confrontation and conflict, and to live in peaceful coexistence, mutual dignity and security based on a just, lasting, and comprehensive peace and achieving historic reconciliation; 

Recognizing that peace requires the transition from the logic of war and confrontation to the logic of peace and cooperation, and that acts and words characteristic of the state of war are neither appropriate nor acceptable in the era of peace; 

Affirming their deep belief that the logic of peace requires compromise, and that the only viable solution is a two-state solution based on UNSC Resolution 242 and 338; 

Affirming that this agreement marks the recognition of the right of the Jewish people to statehood and the recognition of the right of the Palestinian people to statehood, without prejudice to the equal rights of the Parties' respective citizens; 

Recognizing that after years of living in mutual fear and insecurity, both peoples need to enter an era of peace, security and stability, entailing all necessary actions by the parties to guarantee the realization of this era; 

Recognizing each other's right to peaceful and secure existence within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force; 

Determined to establish relations based on cooperation and the commitment to live side by side as good neighbors aiming both separately and jointly to contribute to the well-being of their peoples; 

Reaffirming their obligation to conduct themselves in conformity with the norms of international law and the Charter of the United Nations; 

Confirming that this Agreement is concluded within the framework of the Middle East peace process initiated in Madrid in October 1991, the Declaration of Principles of September 13, 1993, the subsequent agreements including the Interim Agreement of September 1995, the Wye River Memorandum of October 1998 and the Sharm El-Sheikh Memorandum of September 4, 1999, and the permanent status negotiations including the Camp David Summit of July 2000, the Clinton Ideas of December 2000, and the Taba Negotiations of January 2001; 

Reiterating their commitment to United Nations Security Council Resolutions 242, 338 and 1397 and confirming their understanding that this Agreement is based on, will lead to, and - by its fulfillment - will constitute the full implementation of these resolutions and to the settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in all its aspects; 

Declaring that this Agreement constitutes the realization of the permanent status peace component envisaged in President Bush's speech of June 24, 2002 and in the Quartet Roadmap process; 

Declaring that this Agreement marks the historic reconciliation between the Palestinians and Israelis, and paves the way to reconciliation between the Arab World and Israel and the establishment of normal, peaceful relations between the Arab states and Israel in accordance with the relevant clauses of the Beirut Arab League Resolution of March 28, 2002; and 

Resolved to pursue the goal of attaining a comprehensive regional peace, thus contributing to stability, security, development and prosperity throughout the region; 

Have agreed on the following: 

Articles 1-4 

Article 1 - Purpose of the Permanent Status Agreement 

1. The Permanent Status Agreement (hereinafter "this Agreement") ends the era of conflict and ushers in a new era based on peace, cooperation, and good neighborly relations between the Parties. 

2. The implementation of this Agreement will settle all the claims of the Parties arising from events occurring prior to its signature. No further claims related to events prior to this Agreement may be raised by either Party.

Article 2 - Relations between the Parties

1. The state of Israel shall recognize the state of Palestine (hereinafter "Palestine") upon its establishment. The state of Palestine shall immediately recognize the state of Israel. 

2. The state of Palestine shall be the successor to the PLO with all its rights and obligations. 

3. Israel and Palestine shall immediately establish full diplomatic and consular relations with each other and will exchange resident Ambassadors, within one month of their mutual recognition. 

4. The Parties recognize Palestine and Israel as the homelands of their respective peoples. The Parties are committed not to interfere in each other's internal affairs. 

5. This Agreement supercedes all prior agreements between the Parties. 

6. Without prejudice to the commitments undertaken by them in this Agreement, relations between Israel and Palestine shall be based upon the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations. 

7. With a view to the advancement of the relations between the two States and peoples, Palestine and Israel shall cooperate in areas of common interest. These shall include, but are not limited to, dialogue between their legislatures and state institutions, cooperation between their appropriate local authorities, promotion of non-governmental civil society cooperation, and joint programs and exchange in the areas of culture, media, youth, science, education, environment, health, agriculture, tourism, and crime prevention. The Israeli-Palestinian Cooperation Committee will oversee this cooperation in accordance with Article 8. 

8. The Parties shall cooperate in areas of joint economic interest, to best realize the human potential of their respective peoples. In this regard, they will work bilaterally, regionally, and with the international community to maximize the benefit of peace to the broadest cross-section of their respective populations. Relevant standing bodies shall be established by the Parties to this effect. 

9. The Parties shall establish robust modalities for security cooperation, and engage in a comprehensive and uninterrupted effort to end terrorism and violence directed against each others persons, property, institutions or territory. This effort shall continue at all times, and shall be insulated from any possible crises and other aspects of the Parties' relations. 

10. Israel and Palestine shall work together and separately with other parties in the region to enhance and promote regional cooperation and coordination in spheres of common interest. 

11. The Parties shall establish a ministerial-level Palestinian-Israeli High Steering Committee to guide, monitor, and facilitate the process of implementation of this Agreement, both bilaterally and in accordance with the mechanisms in Article 3 hereunder. 

Article 3: Implementation and Verification Group

1. Establishment and Composition 
(a) An Implementation and Verification Group (IVG) shall hereby be established to facilitate, assist in, guarantee, monitor, and resolve disputes relating to the implementation of this Agreement. 

(b) The IVG shall include the U.S., the Russian Federation, the EU, the UN, and other parties, both regional and international, to be agreed on by the Parties. 

(c) The IVG shall work in coordination with the Palestinian-Israeli High Steering Committee established in Article 2/11 above and subsequent to that with the Israeli-Palestinian Cooperation Committee (IPCC) established in Article 8 hereunder. 

(d) The structure, procedures, and modalities of the IVG are set forth below and detailed in Annex X. 

2. Structure
(a) A senior political-level contact group (Contact Group), composed of all the IVG members, shall be the highest authority in the IVG. 

(b) The Contact Group shall appoint, in consultation with the Parties, a Special Representative who will be the principal executive of the IVG on the ground. The Special Representative shall manage the work of the IVG and maintain constant contact with the Parties, the Palestinian-Israeli High Steering Committee, and the Contact Group. 

(c) The IVG permanent headquarters and secretariat shall be based in an agreed upon location in Jerusalem. 

(d) The IVG shall establish its bodies referred to in this Agreement and additional bodies as it deems necessary. These bodies shall be an integral part of and under the authority of the IVG. 

(e) The Multinational Force (MF) established under Article 5 shall be an integral part of the IVG. The Special Representative shall, subject to the approval of the Parties, appoint the Commander of the MF who shall be responsible for the daily command of the MF. Details relating to the Special Representative and MF Force Commander are set forth in Annex X. 

(f) The IVG shall establish a dispute settlement mechanism, in accordance with Article 16. 

3. Coordination with the Parties
A Trilateral Committee composed of the Special Representative and the Palestinian-Israeli High Steering Committee shall be established and shall meet on at least a monthly basis to review the implementation of this Agreement. The Trilateral Committee will convene within 48 hours upon the request of any of the three parties represented. 

4. Functions
In addition to the functions specified elsewhere in this Agreement, the IVG shall: 
(a) Take appropriate measures based on the reports it receives from the MF, 
(b) Assist the Parties in implementing the Agreement and preempt and promptly mediate disputes on the ground. 

5. Termination
In accordance with the progress in the implementation of this Agreement, and with the fulfillment of the specific mandated functions, the IVG shall terminate its activities in the said spheres. The IVG shall continue to exist unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. 

Article 4 – Territory

1. The International Borders between the States of Palestine and Israel
(a) In accordance with UNSC Resolution 242 and 338, the border between the states of Palestine and Israel shall be based on the June 4th 1967 lines with reciprocal modifications on a 1:1 basis as set forth in attached Map 1. 

(b) The Parties recognize the border, as set out in attached Map 1, as the permanent, secure and recognized international boundary between them. 

2. Sovereignty and Inviolability
(a) The Parties recognize and respect each other's sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence, as well as the inviolability of each others territory, including territorial waters, and airspace. They shall respect this inviolability in accordance with this Agreement, the UN Charter, and other rules of international law. 

(b) The Parties recognize each other's rights in their exclusive economic zones in accordance with international law. 

3. Israeli Withdrawal
(a) Israel shall withdraw in accordance with Article 5. 

(b) Palestine shall assume responsibility for the areas from which Israel withdraws. 

(c) The transfer of authority from Israel to Palestine shall be in accordance with Annex X. 

(d) The IVG shall monitor, verify, and facilitate the implementation of this Article. 

4. Demarcation
(a) A Joint Technical Border Commission (Commission) composed of the two Parties shall be established to conduct the technical demarcation of the border in accordance with this Article. The procedures governing the work of this Commission are set forth in Annex X. 

(b) Any disagreement in the Commission shall be referred to the IVG in accordance with Annex X. 

(c) The physical demarcation of the international borders shall be completed by the Commission not later than nine months from the date of the entry into force of this Agreement. 

5. Settlements
(a) The state of Israel shall be responsible for resettling the Israelis residing in Palestinian sovereign territory outside this territory. 

(b) The resettlement shall be completed according to the schedule stipulated in Article 5. 

(c) Existing arrangements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip regarding Israeli settlers and settlements, including security, shall remain in force in each of the settlements until the date prescribed in the timetable for the completion of the evacuation of the relevant settlement. 

(d) Modalities for the assumption of authority over settlements by Palestine are set forth in Annex X. The IVG shall resolve any disputes that may arise during its implementation. 

(e) Israel shall keep intact the immovable property, infrastructure and facilities in Israeli settlements to be transferred to Palestinian sovereignty. An agreed inventory shall be drawn up by the Parties with the IVG in advance of the completion of the evacuation and in accordance with Annex X. 

(f) The state of Palestine shall have exclusive title to all land and any buildings, facilities, infrastructure or other property remaining in any of the settlements on the date prescribed in the timetable for the completion of the evacuation of this settlement. 

6. Corridor
(a) The states of Palestine and Israel shall establish a corridor linking the West Bank and Gaza Strip. This corridor shall: 
i. Be under Israeli sovereignty. 
ii. Be permanently open. 
iii. Be under Palestinian administration in accordance with Annex X of this Agreement. Palestinian law shall apply to persons using and procedures appertaining to the corridor. 
iv. Not disrupt Israeli transportation and other infrastructural networks, or endanger the environment, public safety or public health. Where necessary, engineering solutions will be sought to avoid such disruptions. 
v. Allow for the establishment of the necessary infrastructural facilities linking the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Infrastructural facilities shall be understood to include, inter alia, pipelines, electrical and communications cables, and associated equipment as detailed in Annex X. 
vi. Not be used in contravention of this Agreement. 

(b) Defensive barriers shall be established along the corridor and Palestinians shall not enter Israel from this corridor, nor shall Israelis enter Palestine from the corridor. 

(c) The Parties shall seek the assistance of the international community in securing the financing for the corridor. 

(d) The IVG shall guarantee the implementation of this Article in accordance with Annex X. 

(e) Any disputes arising between the Parties from the operation of the corridor shall be resolved in accordance with Article 16. 

(f) The arrangements set forth in this clause may only be terminated or revised by agreement of both Parties. 

Article 5 – Security 

1. General Security Provisions
(a) The Parties acknowledge that mutual understanding and co-operation in security-related matters will form a significant part of their bilateral relations and will further enhance regional security. Palestine and Israel shall base their security relations on cooperation, mutual trust, good neighborly relations, and the protection of their joint interests. 

(b) Palestine and Israel each shall: 
i. Recognize and respect the other's right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from the threat or acts of war, terrorism and violence; 
ii. refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the other and shall settle all disputes between them by peaceful means; 
iii. refrain from joining, assisting, promoting or co-operating with any coalition, organization or alliance of a military or security character, the objectives or activities of which include launching aggression or other acts of hostility against the other; 
iv. refrain from organizing, encouraging, or allowing the formation of irregular forces or armed bands, including mercenaries and militias within their respective territory and prevent their establishment. In this respect, any existing irregular forces or armed bands shall be disbanded and prevented from reforming at any future date; 
v. refrain from organizing, assisting, allowing, or participating in acts of violence in or against the other or acquiescing in activities directed toward the commission of such acts. 

(c) To further security cooperation, the Parties shall establish a high level Joint Security Committee that shall meet on at least a monthly basis. The Joint Security Committee shall have a permanent joint office, and may establish such sub-committees as it deems necessary, including sub-committees to immediately resolve localized tensions. 

2. Regional Security
(a) Israel and Palestine shall work together with their neighbors and the international community to build a secure and stable Middle East, free from weapons of mass destruction, both conventional and non-conventional, in the context of a comprehensive, lasting, and stable peace, characterized by reconciliation, goodwill, and the renunciation of the use of force. 

(b) To this end, the Parties shall work together to establish a regional security regime. 

3. Defense Characteristics of the Palestinian State
(a) No armed forces, other than as specified in this Agreement, will be deployed or stationed in Palestine. 

(b) Palestine shall be a non-militarized state, with a strong security force. Accordingly, the limitations on the weapons that may be purchased, owned, or used by the Palestinian Security Force (PSF) or manufactured in Palestine shall be specified in Annex X. Any proposed changes to Annex X shall be considered by a trilateral committee composed of the two Parties and the MF. If no agreement is reached in the trilateral committee, the IVG may make its own recommendations. 
i. No individuals or organizations in Palestine other than the PSF and the organs of the IVG, including the MF, may purchase, possess, carry or use weapons except as provided by law. 

(c) The PSF shall: 
i. Maintain border control; 
ii. Maintain law-and-order and perform police functions; 
iii. Perform intelligence and security functions; 
iv. Prevent terrorism; 
v. Conduct rescue and emergency missions; and 
vi. Supplement essential community services when necessary. 

(d) The MF shall monitor and verify compliance with this clause. 

4. Terrorism
(a) The Parties reject and condemn terrorism and violence in all its forms and shall pursue public policies accordingly. In addition, the parties shall refrain from actions and policies that are liable to nurture extremism and create conditions conducive to terrorism on either side. 

(b) The Parties shall take joint and, in their respective territories, unilateral comprehensive and continuous efforts against all aspects of violence and terrorism. These efforts shall include the prevention and preemption of such acts, and the prosecution of their perpetrators. 

(c) To that end, the Parties shall maintain ongoing consultation, cooperation, and exchange of information between their respective security forces. 

(d) A Trilateral Security Committee composed of the two Parties and the United States shall be formed to ensure the implementation of this Article. The Trilateral Security Committee shall develop comprehensive policies and guidelines to fight terrorism and violence. 

5. Incitement
(a) Without prejudice to freedom of expression and other internationally recognized human rights, Israel and Palestine shall promulgate laws to prevent incitement to irredentism, racism, terrorism and violence and vigorously enforce them. 

(b) The IVG shall assist the Parties in establishing guidelines for the implementation of this clause, and shall monitor the Parties' adherence thereto. 

6. Multinational Force 
(a) A Multinational Force (MF) shall be established to provide security guarantees to the Parties, act as a deterrent, and oversee the implementation of the relevant provisions of this Agreement. 

(b) The composition, structure and size of the MF are set forth in Annex X. 

(c) To perform the functions specified in this Agreement, the MF shall be deployed in the state of Palestine. The MF shall enter into the appropriate Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the state of Palestine. 

(d) In accordance with this Agreement, and as detailed in Annex X, the MF shall: 
i. In light of the non-militarized nature of the Palestinian state, protect the territorial integrity of the state of Palestine. 
ii. Serve as a deterrent against external attacks that could threaten either of the Parties. 
iii. Deploy observers to areas adjacent to the lines of the Israeli withdrawal during the phases of this withdrawal, in accordance with Annex X. 
iv. Deploy observers to monitor the territorial and maritime borders of the state of Palestine, as specified in clause 5/13. 
v. Perform the functions on the Palestinian international border crossings specified in clause 5/12. 
vi. Perform the functions relating to the early warning stations as specified in clause 5/8. 
vii. Perform the functions specified in clause 5/3. 
viii. Perform the functions specified in clause 5/7. 
ix. Perform the functions specified in Article 10. 
x. Help in the enforcement of anti-terrorism measures. 
xi. Help in the training of the PSF. 

(e) In relation to the above, the MF shall report to and update the IVG in accordance with Annex X. 

(f) The MF shall only be withdrawn or have its mandate changed by agreement of the Parties. 

7. Evacuation
(a) Israel shall withdraw all its military and security personnel and equipment, including landmines, and all persons employed to support them, and all military installations from the territory of the state of Palestine, except as otherwise agreed in Annex X, in stages. 

(b) The staged withdrawals shall commence immediately upon entry into force of this Agreement and shall be made in accordance with the timetable and modalities set forth in Annex X. 

(c) The stages shall be designed subject to the following principles: 
i. The need to create immediate clear contiguity and facilitate the early implementation of Palestinian development plans. 
ii. Israel's capacity to relocate, house and absorb settlers. While costs and inconveniences are inherent in such a process, these shall not be unduly disruptive. 
iii. The need to construct and operationalize the border between the two states. 
iv. The introduction and effective functioning of the MF, in particular on the eastern border of the state of Palestine. 

(d) Accordingly, the withdrawal shall be implemented in the following stages: 
i. The first stage shall include the areas of the state of Palestine, as defined in Map X, and shall be completed within 9 months. 
ii. The second and third stages shall include the remainder of the territory of the state of Palestine and shall be completed within 21 months of the end of the first stage. 

(e) Israel shall complete its withdrawal from the territory of the state of Palestine within 30 months of the entry into force of this Agreement, and in accordance with this Agreement. 

(f) Israel will maintain a small military presence in the Jordan Valley under the authority of the MF and subject to the MF SOFA as detailed in Annex X for an additional 36 months. The stipulated period may be reviewed by the Parties in the event of relevant regional developments, and may be altered by the Parties' consent. 

(g) In accordance with Annex X, the MF shall monitor and verify compliance with this clause. 

8. Early Warning Stations
(a) Israel may maintain two EWS in the northern, and central West Bank at the locations set forth in Annex X. 

(b) The EWS shall be staffed by the minimal required number of Israeli personnel and shall occupy the minimal amount of land necessary for their operation as set forth in Annex X. 

(c) Access to the EWS will be guaranteed and escorted by the MF. 

(d) Internal security of the EWS shall be the responsibility of Israel. The perimeter security of the EWS shall be the responsibility of the MF. 

(e) The MF and the PSF shall maintain a liaison presence in the EWS. The MF shall monitor and verify that the EWS is being used for purposes recognized by this Agreement as detailed in Annex X. 

(f) The arrangements set forth in this Article shall be subject to review in ten years, with any changes to be mutually agreed. Thereafter, there will be five-yearly reviews whereby the arrangements set forth in this Article may be extended by mutual consent. 

(g) If at any point during the period specified above a regional security regime is established, then the IVG may request that the Parties review whether to continue or revise operational uses for the EWS in light of these developments. Any such change will require the mutual consent of the Parties. 

9. Airspace
(a) Civil Aviation 
i. The Parties recognize as applicable to each other the rights, privileges and obligations provided for by the multilateral aviation agreements to which they are both party, particularly by the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation (The Chicago Convention) and the 1944 International Air Services Transit Agreement. 
ii. In addition, the Parties shall, upon entry into force of this Agreement, establish a trilateral committee composed of the two Parties and the IVG to design the most efficient management system for civil aviation, including those relevant aspects of the air traffic control system. In the absence of consensus the IVG may make its own recommendations. 

(b) Training 
i. The Israeli Air Force shall be entitled to use the Palestinian sovereign airspace for training purposes in accordance with Annex X, which shall be based on rules pertaining to IAF use of Israeli airspace. 
ii. The IVG shall monitor and verify compliance with this clause. Either Party may submit a complaint to the IVG whose decision shall be conclusive. 
iii. The arrangements set forth in this clause shall be subject to review every ten years, and may be altered or terminated by the agreement of both Parties. 

10. Electromagnetic Sphere
(a) Neither Party's use of the electromagnetic sphere may interfere with the other Party's use. 

(b) Annex X shall detail arrangements relating to the use of the electromagnetic sphere. 

(c) The IVG shall monitor and verify the implementation of this clause and Annex X. 

(d) Any Party may submit a complaint to the IVG whose decision shall be conclusive. 

11. Law Enforcement
The Israeli and Palestinian law enforcement agencies shall cooperate in combating illicit drug trafficking, illegal trafficking in archaeological artifacts and objects of arts, cross-border crime, including theft and fraud, organized crime, trafficking in women and minors, counterfeiting, pirate TV and radio stations, and other illegal activity. 

12. International Border Crossings
(a) The following arrangements shall apply to borders crossing between the state of Palestine and Jordan, the state of Palestine and Egypt, as well as airport and seaport entry points to the state of Palestine. 

(b) All border crossings shall be monitored by joint teams composed of members of the PSF and the MF. These teams shall prevent the entry into Palestine of any weapons, materials or equipment that are in contravention of the provisions of this Agreement. 

(c) The MF representatives and the PSF will have, jointly and separately, the authority to block the entry into Palestine of any such items. If at any time a disagreement regarding the entrance of goods or materials arises between the PSF and the MF representatives, the PSF may bring the matter to the IVG, whose binding conclusions shall be rendered within 24 hours. 

(d) This arrangement shall be reviewed by the IVG after 5 years to determine its continuation, modification or termination. Thereafter, the Palestinian party may request such a review on an annual basis. 

(e) In passenger terminals, for thirty months, Israel may maintain an unseen presence in a designated on-site facility, to be staffed by members of the MF and Israelis, utilizing appropriate technology. The Israeli side may request that the MF-PSF conduct further inspections and take appropriate action. 

(f) For the following two years, these arrangements will continue in a specially designated facility in Israel, utilizing appropriate technology. This shall not cause delays beyond the procedures outlined in this clause. 

(g) In cargo terminals, for thirty months, Israel may maintain an unseen presence in a designated on-site facility, to be staffed by members of the MF and Israelis, utilizing appropriate technology. The Israeli side may request that the MF-PSF conduct further inspections and take appropriate action. If the Israeli side is not satisfied by the MF-PSF action, it may demand that the cargo be detained pending a decision by an MF inspector. The MF inspector's decision shall be binding and final, and shall be rendered within 12 hours of the Israeli complaint. 

(h) For the following three years, these arrangements will continue from a specially designated facility in Israel, utilizing appropriate technology. This shall not cause delays beyond the timelines outlined in this clause. 

(i) A high level trilateral committee composed of representatives of Palestine, Israel, and the IVG shall meet regularly to monitor the application of these procedures and correct any irregularities, and may be convened on request. 

(j) The details of the above are set forth in Annex X. 

13. Border Control
(a) The PSF shall maintain border control as detailed in Annex X. 

(b) The MF shall monitor and verify the maintenance of border control by the PSF. 

Article 6 - Jerusalem

1. Religious and Cultural Significance:
(a) The Parties recognize the universal historic, religious, spiritual, and cultural significance of Jerusalem and its holiness enshrined in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In recognition of this status, the Parties reaffirm their commitment to safeguard the character, holiness, and freedom of worship in the city and to respect the existing division of administrative functions and traditional practices between different denominations. 

(b) The Parties shall establish an inter-faith body consisting of representatives of the three monotheistic faiths, to act as a consultative body to the Parties on matters related to the city's religious significance and to promote inter-religious understanding and dialogue. The composition, procedures, and modalities for this body are set forth in Annex X. 

2. Capital of Two States
The Parties shall have their mutually recognized capitals in the areas of Jerusalem under their respective sovereignty. 

3. Sovereignty
Sovereignty in Jerusalem shall be in accordance with attached Map 2. This shall not prejudice nor be prejudiced by the arrangements set forth below. 

4. Border Regime
The border regime shall be designed according to the provisions of Article 11, and taking into account the specific needs of Jerusalem (e.g., movement of tourists and intensity of border crossing use including provisions for Jerusalemites) and the provisions of this Article. 

5. al-Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount (Compound) 
(a) International Group 
i. An International Group, composed of the IVG and other parties to be agreed upon by the Parties, including members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), shall hereby be established to monitor, verify, and assist in the implementation of this clause. 
ii. For this purpose, the International Group shall establish a Multinational Presence on the Compound, the composition, structure, mandate and functions of which are set forth in Annex X. 
iii. The Multinational Presence shall have specialized detachments dealing with security and conservation. The Multinational Presence shall make periodic conservation and security reports to the International Group. These reports shall be made public. 
iv. The Multinational Presence shall strive to immediately resolve any problems arising and may refer any unresolved disputes to the International Group that will function in accordance with Article 16. 
v. The Parties may at any time request clarifications or submit complaints to the International Group which shall be promptly investigated and acted upon. 
vi. The International Group shall draw up rules and regulations to maintain security on and conservation of the Compound. These shall include lists of the weapons and equipment permitted on the site. 

(b) Regulations Regarding the Compound 
i. In view of the sanctity of the Compound, and in light of the unique religious and cultural significance of the site to the Jewish people, there shall be no digging, excavation, or construction on the Compound, unless approved by the two Parties. Procedures for regular maintenance and emergency repairs on the Compound shall be established by the IG after consultation with the Parties. 
ii. The state of Palestine shall be responsible for maintaining the security of the Compound and for ensuring that it will not be used for any hostile acts against Israelis or Israeli areas. The only arms permitted on the Compound shall be those carried by the Palestinian security personnel and the security detachment of the Multinational Presence. 
iii. In light of the universal significance of the Compound, and subject to security considerations and to the need not to disrupt religious worship or decorum on the site as determined by the Waqf, visitors shall be allowed access to the site. This shall be without any discrimination and generally be in accordance with past practice. 

(c) Transfer of Authority 
i. At the end of the withdrawal period stipulated in Article 5/7, the state of Palestine shall assert sovereignty over the Compound. 
ii. The International Group and its subsidiary organs shall continue to exist and fulfill all the functions stipulated in this Article unless otherwise agreed by the two Parties. 

6. The Wailing Wall
The Wailing Wall shall be under Israeli sovereignty. 

7. The Old City
(a) Significance of the Old City 
i. The Parties view the Old City as one whole enjoying a unique character. The Parties agree that the preservation of this unique character together with safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the inhabitants should guide the administration of the Old City. 
ii. The Parties shall act in accordance with the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List regulations, in which the Old City is a registered site. 

(b)IVG Role in the Old City 
i. Cultural Heritage 
1. The IVG shall monitor and verify the preservation of cultural heritage in the Old City in accordance with the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List rules. For this purpose, the IVG shall have free and unimpeded access to sites, documents, and information related to the performance of this function. 
2. The IVG shall work in close coordination with the Old City Committee of the Jerusalem Coordination and Development Committee (JCDC), including in devising a restoration and preservation plan for the Old City. 
ii. Policing 
1. The IVG shall establish an Old City Policing Unit (PU) to liaise with, coordinate between, and assist the Palestinian and Israeli police forces in the Old City, to defuse localized tensions and help resolve disputes, and to perform policing duties in locations specified in and according to operational procedures detailed in Annex X. 
2. The PU shall periodically report to the IVG. 
iii. Either Party may submit complaints in relation to this clause to the IVG, which shall promptly act upon them in accordance with Article 16. 

(c) Free Movement within the Old City 
Movement within the Old City shall be free and unimpeded subject to the provisions of this article and rules and regulations pertaining to the various holy sites. 

(d) Entry into and Exit from the Old City 
i. Entry and exit points into and from the Old City will be staffed by the authorities of the state under whose sovereignty the point falls, with the presence of PU members, unless otherwise specified. 
ii. With a view to facilitating movement into the Old City, each Party shall take such measures at the entry points in its territory as to ensure the preservation of security in the Old City. The PU shall monitor the operation of the entry points. 
iii. Citizens of either Party may not exit the Old City into the territory of the other Party unless they are in possession of the relevant documentation that entitles them to. Tourists may only exit the Old City into the territory of the Party which they posses valid authorization to enter. 

(e) Suspension, Termination, and Expansion 
i. Either Party may suspend the arrangements set forth in Article 6.7.iii in cases of emergency for one week. The extension of such suspension for longer than a week shall be pursuant to consultation with the other Party and the IVG at the Trilateral Committee established in Article 3/3. 
ii. This clause shall not apply to the arrangements set forth in Article 6/7/vi. 
iii. Three years after the transfer of authority over the Old City, the Parties shall review these arrangements. These arrangements may only be terminated by agreement of the Parties. 
iv. The Parties shall examine the possibility of expanding these arrangements beyond the Old City and may agree to such an expansion. 

(f) Special Arrangements 
i. Along the way outlined in Map X (from the Jaffa Gate to the Zion Gate) there will be permanent and guaranteed arrangements for Israelis regarding access, freedom of movement, and security, as set forth in Annex X. 
1. The IVG shall be responsible for the implementation of these arrangements. 
ii. Without prejudice to Palestinian sovereignty, Israeli administration of the Citadel will be as outlined in Annex X. 

(g) Color-Coding of the Old City 
A visible color-coding scheme shall be used in the Old City to denote the sovereign areas of the respective Parties. 

(h) Policing 
i. An agreed number of Israeli police shall constitute the Israeli Old City police detachment and shall exercise responsibility for maintaining order and day-to-day policing functions in the area under Israeli sovereignty. 
ii. An agreed number of Palestinian police shall constitute the Palestinian Old City police detachment and shall exercise responsibility for maintaining order and day-to-day policing functions in the area under Palestinian sovereignty. 
iii. All members of the respective Israeli and Palestinian Old City police detachments shall undergo special training, including joint training exercises, to be administered by the PU. 
iv. A special Joint Situation Room, under the direction of the PU and incorporating members of the Israeli and Palestinian Old City police detachments, shall facilitate liaison on all relevant matters of policing and security in the Old City. 

(i) Arms 
No person shall be allowed to carry or possess arms in the Old City, with the exception of the Police Forces provided for in this agreement. In addition, each Party may grant special written permission to carry or possess arms in areas under its sovereignty. 

(j) Intelligence and Security 
i. The Parties shall establish intensive intelligence cooperation regarding the Old City, including the immediate sharing of threat information. 
ii. A trilateral committee composed of the two Parties and representatives of the United States shall be established to facilitate this cooperation. 

8. Mount of Olives Cemetery
(a) The area outlined in Map X (the Jewish Cemetery on the Mount of Olives) shall be under Israeli administration; Israeli law shall apply to persons using and procedures appertaining to this area in accordance with Annex X. 
i. There shall be a designated road to provide free, unlimited, and unimpeded access to the Cemetery. 
ii. The IVG shall monitor the implementation of this clause. 
iii. This arrangement may only be terminated by the agreement of both Parties. 

9. Special Cemetery Arrangements
Arrangements shall be established in the two cemeteries designated in Map X (Mount Zion Cemetery and the German Colony Cemetery), to facilitate and ensure the continuation of the current burial and visitation practices, including the facilitation of access. 

10. The Western Wall Tunnel
(a) The Western Wall Tunnel designated in Map X shall be under Israeli administration, including: 
i. Unrestricted Israeli access and right to worship and conduct religious practices. 
ii. Responsibility for the preservation and maintenance of the site in accordance with this Agreement and without damaging structures above, under IVG supervision. 
iii. Israeli policing. 
iv. IVG monitoring 
v. The Northern Exit of the Tunnel shall only be used for exit and may only be closed in case of emergency as stipulated in Article 6/7. 

(b) This arrangement may only be terminated by the agreement of both Parties. 

11. Municipal Coordination
(a) The two Jerusalem municipalities shall form a Jerusalem Co-ordination and Development Committee ("JCDC") to oversee the cooperation and coordination between the Palestinian Jerusalem municipality and the Israeli Jerusalem municipality. The JCDC and its sub-committees shall be composed of an equal number of representatives from Palestine and Israel. Each side will appoint members of the JCDC and its subcommittees in accordance with its own modalities. 

(b) The JCDC shall ensure that the coordination of infrastructure and services best serves the residents of Jerusalem, and shall promote the economic development of the city to the benefit of all. The JCDC will act to encourage cross-community dialogue and reconciliation. 

(c) The JCDC shall have the following subcommittees: 
i. A Planning and Zoning Committee: to ensure agreed planning and zoning regulations in areas designated in Annex X. 
ii. A Hydro Infrastructure Committee: to handle matters relating to drinking water delivery, drainage, and wastewater collection and treatment. 
iii. A Transport Committee: to coordinate relevant connectedness and compatibility of the two road systems and other issues pertaining to transport. 
iv. An Environmental Committee: to deal with environmental issues affecting the quality of life in the city, including solid waste management. 
v. An Economic and Development Committee: to formulate plans for economic development in areas of joint interest, including in the areas of transportation, seam line commercial cooperation, and tourism. 
vi. A Police and Emergency Services Committee: to coordinate measures for the maintenance of public order and crime prevention and the provision of emergency services; 
vii. An Old City Committee: to plan and closely coordinate the joint provision of the relevant municipal services, and other functions stipulated in Article 6/7. 
viii. Other Committees as agreed in the JCDC. 

12. Israeli Residency of Palestinian Jerusalemites
Palestinian Jerusalemites who currently are permanent residents of Israel shall lose this status upon the transfer of authority to Palestine of those areas in which they reside. 

13. Transfer of authority
The Parties will apply in certain socio-economic spheres interim measures to ensure the agreed, expeditious, and orderly transfer of powers and obligations from Israel to Palestine. This shall be done in a manner that preserves the accumulated socio-economic rights of the residents of East Jerusalem. 

Article 7 – Refugees

1. Significance of the Refugee Problem 
(a) The Parties recognize that, in the context of two independent states, Palestine and Israel, living side by side in peace, an agreed resolution of the refugee problem is necessary for achieving a just, comprehensive and lasting peace between them. 

(b) Such a resolution will also be central to stability building and development in the region. 

2. UNGAR 194, UNSC Resolution 242, and the Arab Peace Initiative
(a) The Parties recognize that UNGAR 194, UNSC Resolution 242, and the Arab Peace Initiative (Article 2.ii.) concerning the rights of the Palestinian refugees represent the basis for resolving the refugee issue, and agree that these rights are fulfilled according to Article 7 of this Agreement. 

3. Compensation
(a) Refugees shall be entitled to compensation for their refugeehood and for loss of property. This shall not prejudice or be prejudiced by the refugee's permanent place of residence. 

(b) The Parties recognize the right of states that have hosted Palestinian refugees to remuneration. 

4. Choice of Permanent Place of Residence (PPR) 
The solution to the PPR aspect of the refugee problem shall entail an act of informed choice on the part of the refugee to be exercised in accordance with the options and modalities set forth in this agreement. PPR options from which the refugees may choose shall be as follows; 

(a) The state of Palestine, in accordance with clause a below. 

(b) Areas in Israel being transferred to Palestine in the land swap, following assumption of Palestinian sovereignty, in accordance with clause a below. 

(c) Third Countries, in accordance with clause b below. 

(d) The state of Israel, in accordance with clause c below. 

(e) Present Host countries, in accordance with clause d below. 
i. PPR options i and ii shall be the right of all Palestinian refugees and shall be in accordance with the laws of the State of Palestine. 
ii. Option iii shall be at the sovereign discretion of third countries and shall be in accordance with numbers that each third country will submit to the International Commission. These numbers shall represent the total number of Palestinian refugees that each third country shall accept. 
iii. Option iv shall be at the sovereign discretion of Israel and will be in accordance with a number that Israel will submit to the International Commission. This number shall represent the total number of Palestinian refugees that Israel shall accept. As a basis, Israel will consider the average of the total numbers submitted by the different third countries to the International Commission. 
iv. Option v shall be in accordance with the sovereign discretion of present host countries. Where exercised this shall be in the context of prompt and extensive development and rehabilitation programs for the refugee communities. 

Priority in all the above shall be accorded to the Palestinian refugee population in Lebanon. 

5. Free and Informed Choice
The process by which Palestinian refugees shall express their PPR choice shall be on the basis of a free and informed decision. The Parties themselves are committed and will encourage third parties to facilitate the refugees' free choice in expressing their preferences, and to countering any attempts at interference or organized pressure on the process of choice. This will not prejudice the recognition of Palestine as the realization of Palestinian self-determination and statehood. 

6. End of Refugee Status
Palestinian refugee status shall be terminated upon the realization of an individual refugee’s permanent place of residence (PPR) as determined by the International Commission. 

7. End of Claims
This agreement provides for the permanent and complete resolution of the Palestinian refugee problem. No claims may be raised except for those related to the implementation of this agreement. 

8. International Role
The Parties call upon the international community to participate fully in the comprehensive resolution of the refugee problem in accordance with this Agreement, including, inter alia, the establishment of an International Commission and an International Fund. 

9. Property Compensation
(a) Refugees shall be compensated for the loss of property resulting from their displacement. 

(b) The aggregate sum of property compensation shall be calculated as follows: 
i. The Parties shall request the International Commission to appoint a Panel of Experts to estimate the value of Palestinians' property at the time of displacement. 
ii. The Panel of Experts shall base its assessment on the UNCCP records, the records of the Custodian for Absentee Property, and any other records it deems relevant. The Parties shall make these records available to the Panel. 
iii. The Parties shall appoint experts to advise and assist the Panel in its work. 
iv. Within 6 months, the Panel shall submit its estimates to the Parties. 
v. The Parties shall agree on an economic multiplier, to be applied to the estimates, to reach a fair aggregate value of the property. 

(c) The aggregate value agreed to by the Parties shall constitute the Israeli “lump sum” contribution to the International Fund. No other financial claims arising from the Palestinian refugee problem may be raised against Israel. 

(d) Israel's contribution shall be made in installments in accordance with Schedule X. 

(e) The value of the Israeli fixed assets that shall remain intact in former settlements and transferred to the state of Palestine will be deducted from Israel's contribution to the International Fund. An estimation of this value shall be made by the International Fund, taking into account assessment of damage caused by the settlements. 

10. Compensation for Refugeehood
(a) A "Refugeehood Fund" shall be established in recognition of each individual's refugeehood. The Fund, to which Israel shall be a contributing party, shall be overseen by the International Commission. The structure and financing of the Fund is set forth in Annex X. 

(b) Funds will be disbursed to refugee communities in the former areas of UNRWA operation, and will be at their disposal for communal development and commemoration of the refugee experience. Appropriate mechanisms will be devised by the International Commission whereby the beneficiary refugee communities are empowered to determine and administer the use of this Fund. 

11. The International Commission (Commission)
(a) Mandate and Composition 
i. An International Commission shall be established and shall have full and exclusive responsibility for implementing all aspects of this Agreement pertaining to refugees. 
ii. In addition to themselves, the Parties call upon the United Nations, the United States, UNRWA, the Arab host countries, the EU, Switzerland, Canada, Norway, Japan, the World Bank, the Russian Federation, and others to be the members of the Commission. 
iii. The Commission shall: 
1. Oversee and manage the process whereby the status and PPR of Palestinian refugees is determined and realized. 
2. Oversee and manage, in close cooperation with the host states, the rehabilitation and development programs. 
3. Raise and disburse funds as appropriate. 
iv. The Parties shall make available to the Commission all relevant documentary records and archival materials in their possession that it deems necessary for the functioning of the Commission and its organs. The Commission may request such materials from all other relevant parties and bodies, including, inter alia, UNCCP and UNRWA. 

(b) Structure 
i. The Commission shall be governed by an Executive Board (Board) composed of representatives of its members. 
ii. The Board shall be the highest authority in the Commission and shall make the relevant policy decisions in accordance with this Agreement. 
iii. The Board shall draw up the procedures governing the work of the Commission in accordance with this Agreement. 
iv. The Board shall oversee the conduct of the various Committees of the Commission. The said Committees shall periodically report to the Board in accordance with procedures set forth thereby. 
v. The Board shall create a Secretariat and appoint a Chair thereof. The Chair and the Secretariat shall conduct the day-to-day operation of the Commission. 

(c) Specific Committees 
i. The Commission shall establish the Technical Committees specified below. 
ii. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, the Board shall determine the structure and procedures of the Committees. 
iii. The Parties may make submissions to the Committees as deemed necessary. 
iv. The Committees shall establish mechanisms for resolution of disputes arising from the interpretation or implementation of the provisions of this Agreement relating to refugees. 
v. The Committees shall function in accordance with this Agreement, and shall render binding decisions accordingly. 
vi. Refugees shall have the right to appeal decisions affecting them according to mechanisms established by this Agreement and detailed in Annex X. 

(d) Status-determination Committee: 
i. The Status-determination Committee shall be responsible for verifying refugee status. 
ii. UNRWA registration shall be considered as rebuttable presumption (prima facie proof) of refugee status. 

(e) Compensation Committee: 
i. The Compensation Committee shall be responsible for administering the implementation of the compensation provisions. 
ii. The Committee shall disburse compensation for individual property pursuant to the following modalities: 
1. Either a fixed per capita award for property claims below a specified value. This will require the claimant to only prove title, and shall be processed according to a fast-track procedure, or 
2. A claims-based award for property claims exceeding a specified value for immovables and other assets. This will require the claimant to prove both title and the value of the losses. 
iii. Annex X shall elaborate the details of the above including, but not limited to, evidentiary issues and the use of UNCCP, “Custodian for Absentees' Property”, and UNRWA records, along with any other relevant records. 

(f) Host State Remuneration Committee: 
There shall be remuneration for host states. 

(g) Permanent Place of Residence Committee (PPR Committee): 
The PPR Committee shall, 
i. Develop with all the relevant parties detailed programs regarding the implementation of the PPR options pursuant to Article 7/4 above. 
ii. Assist the applicants in making an informed choice regarding PPR options. 
iii. Receive applications from refugees regarding PPR. The applicants must indicate a number of preferences in accordance with article 7/4 above. The applications shall be received no later than two years after the start of the International Commission's operations. Refugees who do not submit such applications within the two-year period shall lose their refugee status. 
iv. Determine, in accordance with sub-Article (a) above, the PPR of the applicants, taking into account individual preferences and maintenance of family unity. Applicants who do not avail themselves of the Committee's PPR determination shall lose their refugee status. 
v. Provide the applicants with the appropriate technical and legal assistance. 
vi. The PPR of Palestinian refugees shall be realized within 5 years of the start of the International Commission's operations. 

(h) Refugeehood Fund Committee 
The Refugeehood Fund Committee shall implement Article 7/10 as detailed in Annex X. 

(i) Rehabilitation and Development Committee 
In accordance with the aims of this Agreement and noting the above PPR programs, the Rehabilitation and Development Committee shall work closely with Palestine, Host Countries and other relevant third countries and parties in pursuing the goal of refugee rehabilitation and community development. This shall include devising programs and plans to provide the former refugees with opportunities for personal and communal development, housing, education, healthcare, re-training and other needs. This shall be integrated in the general development plans for the region. 

12. The International Fund
(a) An International Fund (the Fund) shall be established to receive contributions outlined in this Article and additional contributions from the international community. The Fund shall disburse monies to the Commission to enable it to carry out its functions. The Fund shall audit the Commission’s work. 

(b) The structure, composition and operation of the Fund are set forth in Annex X. 

13. UNRWA 
(a) UNRWA should be phased out in each country in which it operates, based on the end of refugee status in that country. 

(b) UNRWA should cease to exist five years after the start of the Commission's operations. The Commission shall draw up a plan for the phasing out of UNRWA and shall facilitate the transfer of UNRWA functions to host states. 

14. Reconciliation Programs
(a) The Parties will encourage and promote the development of cooperation between their relevant institutions and civil societies in creating forums for exchanging historical narratives and enhancing mutual understanding regarding the past. 

(b) The Parties shall encourage and facilitate exchanges in order to disseminate a richer appreciation of these respective narratives, in the fields of formal and informal education, by providing conditions for direct contacts between schools, educational institutions and civil society. 

(c) The Parties may consider cross-community cultural programs in order to promote the goals of conciliation in relation to their respective histories. 

(d) These programs may include developing appropriate ways of commemorating those villages and communities that existed prior to 1949. 

Articles 8-17

Article 8 - Israeli-Palestinian Cooperation Committee (IPCC) 

1. The Parties shall establish an Israeli-Palestinian Cooperation Committee immediately upon the entry into force of this agreement. The IPCC shall be a ministerial-level body with ministerial-level Co-Chairs. 

2. The IPCC shall develop and assist in the implementation of policies for cooperation in areas of common interest including, but not limited to, infrastructure needs, sustainable development and environmental issues, cross-border municipal cooperation, border area industrial parks, exchange programs, human resource development, sports and youth, science, agriculture and culture. 

3. The IPCC shall strive to broaden the spheres and scope of cooperation between the Parties.

Article 9 - Designated Road Use Arrangements 

1. The following arrangements for Israeli civilian use will apply to the designated roads in Palestine as detailed in Map X (Road 443, Jerusalem to Tiberias via Jordan Valley, and Jerusalem –Ein Gedi). 

2. These arrangements shall not prejudice Palestinian jurisdiction over these roads, including PSF patrols. 

3. The procedures for designated road use arrangements will be further detailed in Annex X. 

4. Israelis may be granted permits for use of designated roads. Proof of authorization may be presented at entry points to the designated roads. The sides will review options for establishing a road use system based on smart card technology. 

5. The designated roads will be patrolled by the MF at all times. The MF will establish with the states of Israel and Palestine agreed arrangements for cooperation in emergency medical evacuation of Israelis. 

6. In the event of any incidents involving Israeli citizens and requiring criminal or legal proceedings, there will be full cooperation between the Israeli and Palestinian authorities according to arrangements to be agreed upon as part of the legal cooperation between the two states. The Parties may call on the IVG to assist in this respect. 

7. Israelis shall not use the designated roads as a means of entering Palestine without the relevant documentation and authorization. 

8. In the event of regional peace, arrangements for Palestinian civilian use of designated roads in Israel shall be agreed and come into effect. 

Article 10 - Sites of Religious Significance 

1. The Parties shall establish special arrangements to guarantee access to agreed sites of religious significance, as will be detailed in Annex X. These arrangements will apply, inter alia, to the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron and Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem, and Nabi Samuel. 

2. Access to and from the sites will be by way of designated shuttle facilities from the relevant border crossing to the sites. 

3. The Parties shall agree on requirements and procedures for granting licenses to authorized private shuttle operators. 

4. The shuttles and passengers will be subject to MF inspection. 6. The shuttles shall be under the traffic regulations and jurisdiction of the Party in whose territory they are traveling. 

7. Arrangements for access to the sites on special days and holidays are detailed in Annex X. 

8. The Palestinian Tourist Police and the MF will be present at these sites. 

9. The Parties shall establish a joint body for the religious administration of these sites. 

10. In the event of any incidents involving Israeli citizens and requiring criminal or legal proceedings, there will be full cooperation between the Israeli and Palestinian authorities according to arrangements to be agreed upon. The Parties may call on the IVG to assist in this respect. 

11. Israelis shall not use the shuttles as a means of entering Palestine without the relevant documentation and authorization. 

12. The Parties shall protect and preserve the sites of religious significance listed in Annex X and shall facilitate visitation to the cemeteries listed in Annex X. 

Article 11 - Border Regime

1. There shall be a border regime between the two states, with movement between them subject to the domestic legal requirements of each and to the provisions of this Agreement as detailed in Annex X. 

2. Movement across the border shall only be through designated border crossings. 

3. Procedures in border crossings shall be designed to facilitate strong trade and economic ties, including labor movement between the Parties. 

4. Each Party shall each, in its respective territory, take the measures it deems necessary to ensure that no persons, vehicles, or goods enter the territory of the other illegally. 

5. Special border arrangements in Jerusalem shall be in accordance with Article 6 above. 

Article 12 - Water: still to be completed 

Article 13 - Economic Relations: still to be completed 

Article 14 - Legal Cooperation: still to be completed 

Article 15 - Palestinian Prisoners and Detainees

1. In the context of this Permanent Status Agreement between Israel and Palestine, the end of conflict, cessation of all violence, and the robust security arrangements set forth in this Agreement, all the Palestinian and Arab prisoners detained in the framework of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict prior to the date of signature of this Agreement, DD/MM/2003, shall be released in accordance with the categories set forth below and detailed in Annex X. 

(a) Category A: all persons imprisoned prior to the start of the implementation of the Declaration of Principles on May 4, 1994, administrative detainees, and minors, as well as women, and prisoners in ill health shall be released immediately upon the entry into force of this Agreement. 

(b) Category B: all persons imprisoned after May 4, 1994 and prior to the signature of this Agreement shall be released no later than eighteen months from the entry into force of this Agreement, except those specified in Category C. 

(c) Category C: Exceptional cases - persons whose names are set forth in Annex X - shall be released in thirty months at the end of the full implementation of the territorial aspects of this Agreement set forth in Article 5/7/v. 

Article 16 - Dispute Settlement Mechanism 

1. Disputes related to the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall be resolved by negotiations within a bilateral framework to be convened by the High Steering Committee. 

2. If a dispute is not settled promptly by the above, either Party may submit it to mediation and conciliation by the IVG mechanism in accordance with Article 3. 

3. Disputes which cannot be settled by bilateral negotiation and/or the IVG mechanism shall be settled by a mechanism of conciliation to be agreed upon by the Parties. 

4. Disputes which have not been resolved by the above may be submitted by either Party to an arbitration panel. Each Party shall nominate one member of the three-member arbitration panel. The Parties shall select a third arbiter from the agreed list of arbiters set forth in Annex X either by consensus or, in the case of disagreement, by rotation. 

Article 17 - Final Clauses

Including a final clause providing for a UNSCR/UNGAR resolution endorsing the agreement and superceding the previous UN resolutions. 

The English version of this text will be considered authoritative. 

Israel ønsker palæstinenserne placeret i bevogtede om råder og de har droppet en to-statsløsning.

Israel ønsker ikke længere en to-stats løsning, de ønsker blot palæstinenserne placeret i nogle områder stærkt bevogtet med militær - et apartheid system. Samtidig med at de stjæler løs af deres jorde og ejendomme uden erstatning.

Tidligere blev der dog arbejde seriøst for en to-statsløsning, se f.eks.

Geneve forståelsen nederste denne spalte. Klik her.

 I 2004 tog den International Domstol i Haag, efter opfordring fra FN's Generalforsamling, stilling til den barriere israelerne havde opført inde i de besatte områder. Domstolen slog fast, at Øst-Jerusalem, Vest-bredden og Gaza er besatte områder. Den slog også fast at Israel ikke har noget legitimt krav på nogen del af de besatte områder. Endelig fastslog den, at den israelske barriere var ulovlig, og skulle rives ned Israelerne fortsætter imidlertid med at bygge barrieren, selvom den er erklæret ulovlig. Kilde Wikipedia


Om zionism:


Tanscend Media Service COMMENTARY ARCHIVES, 20 Mar 2010

Alan Sabrosky considers the characteristics that differentiate Jewish nationalism from other nationalisms, highlighting in particular its intrinsic extremism, its xenophobia, racism and militarism, its undermining of civic loyalty among its adherents in other countries and its propensity to hatred and racial exclusivity.

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu once remarked to a Likud gathering that "Israel is not like other countries". Oddly enough for him, that time he was telling the truth, and nowhere is that more evident than with Jewish nationalism, whether or not one pins the "Zionist" label on it.

Nationalism in most countries and cultures can have both positive and negative aspects, unifying a people and sometimes leading them against their neighbours. Extremism can emerge, and often has, at least in part in almost every nationalist/independence movement I can recall (e.g. the French nationalist movement had The Terror, Kenya’s had the Mau Mau, etc.).

But whereas extremism in other nationalist movements is an aberration, extremism in Jewish nationalism is the norm, pitting Zionist Jews (secular or observant) against the goyim (everyone else), who are either possible predator or certain prey, if not both sequentially. This does not mean that all Jews or all Israelis feel and act this way, by any means. But it does mean that Israel today is what it cannot avoid being, and what it would be under any electable government (a point I’ll develop in another article).

The differences between Jewish nationalism (Zionism) and that of other countries and cultures here I think are fourfold:

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Definition af hvem der er jøde:


Loven om Tilbagevenden
Med etableringen af en jødisk stat skulle der skabes et sikkert tilflugtssted for alverdens jøder, så de aldrig mere skulle opleve forfølgelser. Det var baggrunden for Loven om Tilbagevenden fra 1950, som gav alle jøder ret til at komme til Israel og få tilkendt statsborgerskab.

Ved en lovændring i 1970 blev det defineret, at en jøde var enhver med en jødisk mor, eller enhver der var konverteret til jødedommen. Samtidig indførtes i lovteksten, at ikke-jødiske ægtefæller, ikke-jødiske børn og børnebørn og deres ægtefæller også var berettiget til israelsk statsborgerskab.

Andelen af ikke-jødiske indvandrere er derfor siden 1950erne vokset eksplosivt. I slutningen af 1990erne var 53 % af indvandrerne således ikke-jøder. Denne udvikling giver anledning til bekymring både blandt ortodokse og ikke-religiøse jøder, som frygter, at staten med tiden vil miste sit jødiske særpræg

Kilde: Loven om Tilbagevenden



Kommentar til billedet.
d. 9/4 - 2019

Fathi El-Abed
Israel går til det mest racistiske valg

Følgende er blot en håndfuld af de farverige racistiske og krigeriske udtalelser for nogle af de ledende israelske politikere; Netanyahu der arbejder for fuld Apartheid, Gantz er stolt over at dræbe palæstinenserne, Bennet og Lieberman har altid travlt med at konkurrere om de mest racistiske udmeldinger. Og hvis nogen tror deres udtalelser og holdninger er slemme…så må de tro om igen! – sammen med Ilan Binyamin

Oluf La Cour Dragsbo
Hvilken udgave af racisme vil Anders Samuelsen i morgen lovsynge? At tale om højre og venstre her er meningsløst.
9. april er åbenbart en god dato for rædsler. I dag holder Israel valg. for 71 år siden begik zionisterne en massakre i byen Deir Yassin, og for 79 år siden blev Danmark besat.



First ever: 40+ Jewish groups worldwide oppose equating antisemitism with criticism of Israel

Jewish Voice for Peace d. 17/7 - 2018

Jewish Voice for Peace proud to stand in global solidarity against harmful definition of antisemitism and with human rights and freedom to protest

New York, London, Berlin, Tel Aviv (July 17, 2018) – From South Africa to Sweden, New Zealand to Germany to Brazil, for the first time ever over thirty Jewish organizations across the globecame together in a statement condemning attempts to stifle criticism of Israel.

The statement warns of a growing trend of legislative campaigns to target organizations that support Palestinian rights, particularly the nonviolent Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

“From our own histories we are all too aware of the dangers of increasingly fascistic and openly racist governments and political parties,” the global letter states. “The rise in antisemitic discourse and attacks worldwide is part of that broader trend. At times like this, it is more important than ever to distinguish between the hostility to or prejudice against Jews on the one hand and legitimate critiques of Israeli policies and system of injustice on the other.”

The United States has witnessed increasing legislative efforts to criminalize the boycott of illegal Israeli settlements and repress advocacy for Palestinian human rights by defining such acts as antisemitic, with two bills currently under discussion in US Congress. Such efforts are mirrored at the state level, where more than 25 state legislatures have considered or enacted various forms of targeting advocacy for Palestinian rights.

Of particular concern is the usage of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, intentionally worded such that it equates legitimate criticisms of Israel and advocacy for Palestinian rights with antisemitism, as a means to suppress the former.

A similar approach is being employed across Europe. In France and Germany, the bank accounts of BDS groups were closed and campaigns promoting the boycott of goods from illegal Israeli settlements were convicted of incitement to hatred. The UK has witnessed an ongoing battle about the legality of local government boycotts against Israeli settlements.

The state of Israel has waged its own campaign against advocates of BDS. In January, the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs announced a ban prohibiting the leaders of 20 organizations worldwide from entering Israel, including Jewish Voice for Peace, for supporting BDS. And in 2015, the Israeli High Court upheld a law which allows individuals to sue individuals calling for a boycott of Israel or of companies profiting from illegal Israeli settlements.

“It is vital that Jewish organizations across the globe stand united against harmful definitions of antisemitism and together for human rights and the freedom to protest. We at JVP are proud to have initiated this historic effort,”

stated Rebecca Vilkomerson, Jewish Voice for Peace Executive Director.

Ms. Vilkomerson is available to speak with the media.

List of endorsing Jewish organizations:

Academia4equality (Israel)

Arbeter Ring/Workmen’s Circle, Southern California

Boycott from Within (Israeli citizens for BDS)

Coalition of Women for Peace (Israel)

Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine (France)

Dayenu: New Zealand Jews Against Occupation (New Zealand)

Een Ander Joods Geluid (A Different Jewish Voice) (The Netherlands)

Een Andere Joodse Stem – Another Jewish Voice (Flanders, Belgium)

European Jews for a Just Peace

Free Speech on Israel (UK)

Gate48 – critical Israelis in the Netherlands

Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)

Independent Jewish Voices (UK)

International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network

Italian Network of Jews Against the Occupation

Jewish Anti-Fascist Action Berlin (Germany)

Jewish Socialists’ Group (UK)

Jewish Voice for Democracy and Justice in Israel/Palestine (Switzerland)

Jewish Voice For Labour (UK)

Jewish Voice for Peace (USA)

Jewish Voice for Peace members in London (UK)

Jews Against Fascism (Australia)

Jews against the Occupation (Australia)

Jews for Justice for Palestinians (UK)

Jews for Palestinian Right of Return (USA)

Jews of Color & Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews in Solidarity w/ Palestine (USA)

Jews Say No! (USA)

JIPF – Judar för Israelisk Palestinsk Fred (Sweden)

Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden im Nahost e.V. (Germany)

Junts, Associació Catalana de Jueus i Palestins (Catalonia, Spain)

Los Otros Judíos (Argentina)

Manchester Jewish Action for Palestine (UK)

Quebrando Muros – Judeus Brasileiros Pela Descolonização da Palestina (Brazil)

Scottish Jews Against Zionism

SEDQ Network- A Global Jewish Network for Justice

South African Jewish Voices for a Just Peace (South Africa)

South African Jews for a Free Palestine (South Africa)

Union des progressistes juifs de Belgique (Saint-Gilles, Belgium)

United Jewish People’s Order (Canada)

Union Juive Française pour la Paix (France)

Boston Workmen’s Circle, Center for Jewish Culture and Social Justice

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Corbyn calls for UK to condemn Israel’s targeting of Palestinians

Meddele East Monitor d. 2/3 - 2019

Head of the British Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn has called for the UK government to condemn Israel’s killing of Palestinians as well as to freeze arms sales to the occupation state.

His remarks came in the wake of a UN report which found that Israel might have committed war crimes against Palestinians.

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40 Holocaust survivors condemn ‘massacre’ of Palestinians, call for BDS against Israel

Mondoweiss d. 26/8 - 2018

The letter printed in the New York Times has garnered international media attention from the likes of the BBC and Ha’aretz. “As Jewish survivors and descendants of survivors and victims of the Nazi genocide we unequivocally condemn the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza and the ongoing occupation and colonization of historic Palestine,” the letter says. “We call for an immediate end to the siege against and blockade of Gaza. We call for the full economic, cultural and academic boycott of Israel. ‘Never again’ must mean NEVER AGAIN FOR ANYONE!”

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Palestine Center for Hunan Rights
Palestinian victims killed by Israeli forces since 02 October 2015

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Bønder på Gazastripen får avlingene ødelagt av israelske ugressmidler:
Sprøyter grensa med gift

Klassekampen - Venstresidas dagsavis d. 30/12 - 2015

ØDELAGT: – Israel ønsker å gjøre området ubeboelig, men vi forlater ikke våre hjem, sier Abu Mohamed al-Nabahin (30) til Klassekampen…

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British Labour Party dumps G4S over its involvement in Israeli prisons, human rights violations

Samidoum d. 23/11 - 2015

British Labour Party dumps G4S over its involvement in Israeli prisons, human rights violations

…“This is great news. The role of G4S in the Israeli occupation of Palestine includes complicity in the detention of children and the torture of Palestinian prisoners, breaking international law in the process. The Labour Party has always stood for social justice, fairness and decency, this decision shows we will stand up and act ethically and responsibly when working with businesses,” said Grahame Morris, Labour Member of Parliament and chair of Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East…

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Israel furious at UN report detailing torture of Palestinian children

The Telegraph d. 21/6 - 2013
By Phoebe Greenwood, Tel Aviv

Israel’s security forces have been accused by a United Nations monitoring group of torturing and tormenting Palestinian children.

The Committee on the Rights of Children, a body of independent legal experts charged by the UN with the task of monitoring the protection of children’s rights in signatory states, has urged Israel to honour its responsibility to prevent the torture and ill-treatment of children.

“The Committee expresses its deepest concern about the reported practice of torture and ill-treatment of Palestinian children arrested, prosecuted and detained by the military and the police, and about the State party’s failure to end these practices in spite of repeated concerns expressed by treaty bodies,” the investigative body stated in its periodic review of Israel’s child rights record, released on Thursday...

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Chokerende Videoer:

Extremist Jews & Israelis Funding Racist Geert Wilders To Fight Muslims

BBC2 - uploadet til youtoube d. 16/2 - 2011

Se videoen


Ultra Zionist by Louis Theroux

Louis Theroux og de jødiske bosættere Britisk dokumentar fra 2011.
blev vist på DR2 kl. 00:10 til 01:00
d. 16/6 - 2015,
Man kan ikke sige at de fandt et tidspunkt hvor mIsrael Moves To Ban Boycott Supporters From Entering The Country

MintPressNews d. 12/11 - 2015

”Anyone who is not an Israeli citizen or a permanent resident will not be granted any kind of visa or permit if they, or any company, organization or foundation they represent, calls for a boycott of Israel.”

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ange kunne se den.

Man se den i små bidder på youtube på engelsk:

Se spilleliste på youtub (enkelte dele er fjernet, men mange klip fra filmen er der).


Klip fra israelernes historie:

”Da kejser Hadrian planlage at genopbygge det ødelagte Jerusalem som en hedensk by med et Jupiter-tempel, kom det 132-135 til en ny jødisk opstand under ledelse af Simon Ben Kosebah, der lod sig udråbe til konge. Efter denne opstand var blevet slået ned, blev Jerusalem omdannet til den romerske koloni Ælia Capitolina, til hvilken jøderne blev forment adgang.
Som result af de store deportationer og endnu mere gennem handelsvirksomhed havde langt den største del af jøderne i tidens løb slået sig ned i Babylon (Mesopotanien, nuværende Irak), Alexandria og en stor mangde andre byer i den hellenistiske -romerkse verden: den såkaldte diaspora (dvs. spredning af jøderne). Efter 135 drog også hovedparten af de sidste Palæstinensiske -jøder bort, og først i moderne tid skuller der atter opstå en jødisk stat i Palæstina.” - Kilde Gyldendals Opslagsbog – Histoerine spalte 520.

Jøderne har således være væk fra Palæstina i ca. 2000 år og har dermed absolut ikke krav på Palæstina, vi ville med større ret kunne kræve Skåne Halland og Blekine tilbage, da det ikke er nær så lang tid siden, de var under den danske konge.

Jøder i Palæstina omkring år 1900 8.000 – 16.000.

Zionismen gjorde at mange jøder flyttede til Palæstina, således at der i 1947 måske var 300.000, men dobbelt så mange palæstinensere.

Israel blev tilkeldt ca. 50% efter delingsplan i 1947, efter krigen havde de ca. 75%.

Palæstinenserens militær blev smadret af Storbritagnien der have området som kolonimagt til 1947.

Fordrivelsen af palæstinenesere startede spetember 1947 til ca 1953 fra det område Israel havde efter krigen.

”I 1947 besluttede Storbritanien at trække sig tilbage det flg. år, og derpå vedtog FN's generalforsamling den 29. november 1947, at landet skulle deles i en arabisk og en jødisk stat. Ved det britiske mandats udløb d. 14. maj 1948 proklameredes oprettelsen af staten Israel og derved blev de bestræbelser, zionismen havde udfoldet for at få oprettet en jødisk stat i Palæstina, ført til sejr. Proklamatinoen blev umiddelbart fulgt af invation på den nye stats territorium af hære fra Ægypten, Irak, Syrien, Libanon og Tranjordanien, idet arabere nægtede at anderkende FN-beslutningen om deling af Palæstina, hvor et væbnet oprør mellem jøder og arabere var begyndt allerede før oprettelsen af Israel.” - Kilde Gyldendals Opslagsbog – Histoerine spalte 520.

Palæstinesere er fordrevet fra deres ejendom uden erstatning, dvs. deres huse og jorde er stjålet af israelerne, både i deområder israelerne blev tilkendt af FN og i de besatte områder.
Ud over de områder Israelerne blev tilkendt af FN holder Israel stadig Golandhøjderne som besat fra 6 dages krigen, som Israel startede.

Ingen palæstinensere har siden staten Israels oprettelse haft et frit liv.

Deres ejendomme og jorde stjæles jævnligt af den Israelske stat uden erstatning til palæstinenserne. I nogle tilfælde tvinges de til at rive ders eget hus ned, hvor meget mere kan man ydmyge folk, for derefter at se israelere overtage det.


Israels kommandant gav ordre til at skyde på en anti-krigs demonstration

Støt fredsbevægelsen i Israel

The Unbelievable Bush Telephone Call to Sharon


Israelske soldater skyder på pressen

Køreplan for fred


Antal dræbte

Israel starter nok engang

Stop muren - deltag i underskriftindsamlingen

Reportage fra BBC

Esbjerg Fredsbevægelse om Israel

Kvindernes internationale menneskerettigheds- march i Israel og Palæstina i julen 2003  

Israel er den største fare for verdensfreden.

Boycot Israel

Made In Israel

Israelere hjælper palestinensere

Israelsk bulldozer dræber Amerikansk fredsaktivist



Israels kommandant gav ordre til at skyde på en anti-krigs demonstration, der endda var på tilbagetog 16/8 - 2006.

Se Videoen hvor israelske soldater skyder på fredsdemonstranter for at dræbe. (Kilde: Global Research d. 16/8 2006)

Israel starter en krig fordi Hizbollah har tilfangetaget 2 israelske soldater.

"I slutningen af juni arresterede Israel ca. 60 Hamas -parlamentsmedlemmer." (Kilde: Jyllandsposten d. 18/6-06)

Det var Israel der startede den 2. intifada.

28. september 2000 aflagde Sharon Haram al-Sharif, eller Tempelbjerget et besøg. På toppen af bjerget ligger islams tredje helligste sted, al-Aqsa-moskeen. Da palæstinenserne hørte, at Sharon befandt sig ved den hellige moské, kogte lang tids frustration over manglende fremskridt i fredsprocessen over, og der brød voldsomme uroligheder (Kilde: Vejle Amts Folkeblad 3 februar 2001)

Det var Israel der dræbte den første under den anden Intifada.

Stats terroristen Israel har dræbt lagt flere civile end de terrorister de bekæmper.

Da våbenhvilen startede var der dræbt:
"1.076 libanesere og 144 israelere, heraf 104 soldater." (Kilde: Politikken d. 14/8 - 2006)

Siden den anden intifada brød ud 29. september 2000 og indtil 31. maj i år, er:
693 palæstinensere under 18 år blevet dræbt af Israel - 119 israelere under 18 år blevet dræbt af palæstinensere
(Kilde: Menneskerettighedsorganisationen B'tselem)

Israel er det land i verdenen der har brud flest resolution i FN og nu også  brudt våbenhvilen, sikkerhedsrådets resolution 1701.

"Sikkerhedsrådets resolution 1701 kræver "fuldt ophør af fjendtligheder, i særdeleshed baseret på et øjeblikkeligt ophør af alle Hizbollah-angreb og et øjeblikkeligt ophør af alle israelske offensive operationer".
Resolutionen kræver også, at Israel trækker sig ud af Sydlibanon, samtidig med at libanesiske regeringsstyrker og en mere robust fredsbevarende FN-styrke rykkede ind." (DR d. 19/8 - 06)


Støt fredsbevægelsen i Israel
- som vi ikke hører om i de danske medier.
Poul D. 23/7 - 2006

Klip fra Kvinder mod Krig - Gila Svirsky:

D. 22. juni havde den israelske fredsbevægelse samlet 5000 mennesker (medierne sagde 2500) på gaderne i Tel Aviv med parolerne:
Stop krigen, Stop besættelsen. 

Sidste fredag holdt Kvinder i Sort nattevagt over hele Israel.

Mindst 55 byer verden over har støttet den israelske fredsbevægelse i weekenden eller lige inden (demonstration eller nattevagt) se nedenfor.

Albuquerque, NM, US
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Armidale, Australia
Asheville, NC, US
Baltimore, MD, US
Bay Area, CA, US
Belgrade, Serbia
Bellevue, WA, US
Berlin, Germany
Bonn, Germany
Burlington, VT, US
Calgary, Canada
Canberra, Australia
Cologne, Germany
Concord, MA, US
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Farmington, MA, US
Göteborg, Sweden
Halmsted, Sweden
Kitchener, Canada
Lancaster, PA, US
London, UK
London, Ontario, Canada
Los Angeles, CA, US
Malmö, Sweden
Marseille, France
Melbourne, Australia
Minneapolis, MN, US
Montreal, Canada
Naples, Italy
New Orleans, LA, US
New Paltz, NY, US (near Woodstock)
New York, NY, US
Oslo, Norway
Ottawa, Canada
Oxford, UK
Padova, Italy
Piteå, Sweden
Paris, France
Pune, Marashtra, India
Rome, Italy
San Luis Obispo, CA, US
Santa Fe, NM, US
Seattle, WA, US
South Dakota, US
Stockholm, Sweden
Strasbourg, France
Toronto, Canada
Tucson, AZ, US
Turin, Italy
Valencia, Spain
Vienna, Austria
Washington, DC, US

Koalition af Kvinder for Fred

Stop den israelske statsterrorisme

I følge Robert Fisk fra the Independent d. 20/7 2006, har israelsk fly bombet:
en konvoj af nye ambulancer til Libanon - givet som nødhjælp fra de Forenede Emirater, og tydeligt mærket som nødhjælp,
bombet hovedkvarteret for den største mælkeproducent i Libanon, m.fl.
vandboringer og parkeringsområde,
45 broer er blevet ødelagt,

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Peace march to Jerusalem

When the politicians cannot solve the problems of the world, it is time for the people to act.
Jerusalem, please open up
Join the world's largest peace march to Jerusalem, the city of peace, July 2006

The year 2006 will witness the world's largest peace march to Jerusalem, the city of peace.
This humanistic and peaceful march will mark the will of all people from all countries directly or indirectly involved in the Middle East question. When national and international leaders cannot stop the violence, cannot end the conflict, it is time for the people of the world to take action and put an end to one of the world's longest conflicts.

The march is initiated by a group of Copenhagen based artists, from an idea by Khaled Ramadan.

The contact group is:
Khaled Ramadan
Kirsten Dufour
Nikolaj Kilsmark
Finn Thybo
Torben Madsen
Nanna Guldhammer Wraae


The Unbelievable Bush Telephone Call to Sharon That May Lead to Instant Middle East Peace

By Larry W Starr

Al-Jazeerah, Feb 11, 2004

The president is the one person in the world that could bring instant peace to the Middle East, and all with a single phone call that would go something like this:

Ariel, George here. I’ve been watching how things are going over there and since no progress is being made towards peace, I need to make a change in our policy towards Israel. Effective immediately, we will not be providing any further military or economic aid until such time as Israel has moved their occupation troops and settlers out of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Golan heights and relocated them back behind the Green Line (pre 1967 border). Now I know you’re concerned about security, but since you now have the sixth most powerful military in the world, Saddam Hussein is no more, and the US guarantees your security, you should be OK. Israel is still an important ally to the US, but I feel you can be just as important behind the green line. Since everyone needs to have their own country, as I’m sure you can identify with, I plan to recognize the State of Palestine immediately. You will still have 78% of Old Palestine for your 5.6 million citizens, while the 3.2 million Palestinians will have the remaining 22%, which I’m sure you will agree is more than fair. It would appear that the money you save by not building a security wall in the West Bank or Gaza can be used to subsidize housing for your settlers as they return. In the interim, I will be providing financial aid to the Palestinians to rebuild their country as we did following WWII and are doing in Iraq. This may cause you some political grief, but the chance for Peace is too great to pass up. Thanks for this opportunity to chat, and Secretary Powell will be in touch to brief you on the details.

This was a letter titles, "INSTANT MIDDLE EAST PEACE POSSIBLE," I recently sent to The Seattle Times, Arizona Republic, Washington Post, and International Hearld Tribune. None printed it.

Larry W Starr lives in Gold Canyon, AZ, USA.


FN's sikkerhedsråd fordømmer Israel

DR 20 maj 2004

"FN's sikkerhedsråd har vedtaget en resolution, der fordømmer Israels drab på civile palæstinensere og nedrivningen af huse i Gaza.

USA's FN-ambassadør, James Cunningham, afstod fra at stemme om resolutionen.

Sikkerhedsrådet vedtog resolutionen med 14 stemmer for og ingen imod. USA afstod fra at stemme - i stedet for som normalt at nedlægge veto til resolutioner, der kritiserer Israel.

Det Hvide Hus siger i en udtalelse, at Israel har ret til at forsvare sig, "men de seneste dages operationer hjælper hverken på fred eller sikkerhed", hedder det."

Situationen i Israel er meget alvorlig, se her:
The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories

Læs også fra NKR:

Midtøsten trues av dobbelt-krise

Støt online underskriftsindsamlingen mod den israelske regerings forhindring af fødevarehjælp til Gaza - april 2004.

To: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

We are appalled to hear that UNRWA has been forced to suspend its food aid in Gaza as a result of new Israeli regulations. The severe economic hardship of the children and adults in Gaza is well documented by US AID and other sources. Preventing the access of humanitarian aid will exacerbate already existing conditions of starvation and malnourishment.

Therefore, we individuals and organizations concerned with peace, justice, and human rights -- Israeli and international -- call upon the Israeli government to ensure that UNWRA and other relief agencies are able to continue their work or, alternatively, that Israel replace this aid with its own, and thereby ensure the well-being of the population, as mandated by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

We demand that the Israeli government address this matter with the utmost urgency, as human lives are at stake. We call upon the governments of other countries to lend weight to this humanitarian appeal, which is intended to secure Israel's compliance with its obligations under law as well as basic humanitarian values.


The Undersigned 

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På FN’s Generalforsamling, blev der med et meget stort flertal vedtaget en resolution, der fordømmer muren og kræver den revet ned. (Kun fire imod.)

Den danske regering vil sammen med andre europæiske lande forsøge at forhindre at den Internationale Domstol i Haag undersøger om bygningen strider mod det folkeretslige.

Fra Information d. 7/2 - 2004 side 9:

»210.000 palæstinensere vil i realiteten blive afskåret fra deres jord, arbejdspladser, skoler, sundhedsklinikker og andre sociale ydelser. Det vil i realiteten føre til en ny generation af flygtninge og internt fordrevne personer.«
Hvis vi ikke gør alt for at beskrive og forhindre denne udvikling og med Haffners ord forsøger at skabe »en simultan masseafgørelse«, som selv en Sharon må rette sig efter, har vi svigtet. Føler »en lille fynbo«.
*Filmen 'Muren', der er produceret af Erik Skibsted og Jørgen Flindt Pedersen


Israelske soldater skyder på pressen

James Miller, blev skudt af israelske besættelsestropper i Palestina 2/5 - 2003.
Hans film bliver nu vist ved Berlin festivallen.
Kilde aljazeerah

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is writing to request information about the status of the Israel Defense Forces' (IDF) investigations into the shooting deaths of two journalists in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 2003, and to reiterate our call for a thorough inquiry into these deaths.

Se protestbrev

Køreplan for fred 

EU, FN, Rusland og USA's køreplan for fred i Mellemøsten.
Køreplanen for fred mellem palæstinensere og israelere er udarbejdet af EU, FN, USA og Rusland under den danske formandsperiode i EU. 
Mål: En endelig og altomfattende løsning af den israelsk-palæstinensiske konflikt ved oprettelsen af en demokratisk palæstinensisk stat side om side med Israel. 
Tidsramme: Tre faser med afslutning af sidste fase i 2005.

Fase 1

Til og med maj 2003
Al terror og alle voldshandlinger ophører
Palæstinensernes dagligdag skal normaliseres og der skal gennemføres omfattende politiske reformer og valg.
Israel stopper nye bosættelser og støtter uforbeholdent en palæstinensisk stat
Palæstinenserne erkender Israels ret til at eksisterer i fred og sikkerhed, og opfordrer til øjeblikkelig og betingelsesløs våbenhvile, der stopper alle væbnede aktiviteter og voldshandlinger mod Israelere hvor end de opholder sig 

Fase 2

Fra juni til december 2003
Der skabes en uafhængig palæstinensisk stat med foreløbige grænser.
Mellemøst-kvartetten holder en international konference om genopbygningen af den palæstinensiske økonomi.
De arabiske nationer opfordres til at genoptage forbindelserne med Israel fra før den nuværende Intifada.
Denne fase overvåges internationalt

Fase 3

Palæstinensiske institutioner stabiliseres og der skal forhandles mellem Israel og Palæstina for at en aftale om en permanent palæstinensisk stat i 2005.
Mellemøst-kvartetten holder ny konference, hvor man tilslutter sig aftalen mellem Palæstina og Israel om den endelige grænsetrækning, om Jerusalem, om flygtninge og om bosættelser.
Aftalen skal beskytte religiøse rettigheder for jøder, kristne og muslimer i hele verden.
De arabiske lande opfordres til at accepterer normalt samkvem med Israel og sikkerhed for alle lande i regionen som en del af en omfattende arabisk-israelsk fredsslutning.

Frigivelse af fanger

Israel har frigivet 350 af 6000 fanger - hvilken ret gælder for de tilfangetagne?
Vi ved at torturen af palæstinensiske fanger i det berygtede forhørscenter i Jerusalem fortsætter.

Antal dræbte

Hvorfor er det sjældent, at man i medierne beskæftiger sig med, at Israel har dræbt mere end 3 gange så mange palæstinensere som palæstinensere har dræbt israelere. Efter den kuldsejlede Oslo-fredsproces og over tre års væbnet konflikt, er der dræbt 800 israelere og 2500 palæstinensere. Kilde :Jyllands-Posten 5 november 2003, 2 . sektion side 2.
Hvorfor hører vi næsten altid at Israel er dem der  hævner, uanset om de startede.

Israel starter nok engang

Provokerende marcherede Sharon op til den muslimske helligdom Haram el-Sharif på Tempelbjerget, og den anden intifada begyndte.

I starten var den 2. intifada uden mord, men det sørgede Sharon for ændre, da han gav ordre til at likvidere palestinesere.

Hamas er en af de mest magtfulde af de militante palæstinensiske grupper, som den 29. juni havde været med til at opfordre til tre måneders våbenhvile i angrebene på Israel.

Under køreplanen for fred var det også Sharon der sørgede for det første drab.

Hvorfor hører vi altid at Israel er dem der  hævner, uanset om de startede.

Sharon blev tvunget til at gå af som forsvarsminister efter de uhyggelige massakrer i de libanesiske flygtningelejre Sabra og Chatila.
Hvordan kan man have en krigsforbryder som Præsident?

Sharon kalder enhver modstand for terrorisme. Under den tyske besættelse herhjemme kaldte vi modstanden noget andet.

Stop muren - 
deltag i underskriftsindsamlingen 

FN's Generalforsamling vedtog  22. oktober i år med 144 stemmer for og 4 imod (bl.a. Israel og USA), at murbyggerriet skulle stoppes.

Her finder du underskriftsindsamlingen, nedenfor starten af teksten.

To:  The United Nations, the democratic forces and governments, humanitarian organizations and the Jewish communities around the world

The Israeli government is currently erecting the Wall of Separation – euphemistically called the “Security Fence” – which is supposed to block “terrorist attacks” (but certainly won’t prevent missiles and helicopters from hitting their human targets) at an estimated cost of 2 billion dollars in the middle of the Occupied Territories of the West Bank. Plans also exist to complete it along the Jordan River. In any case it is already creating a situation with immeasurably tragic consequences. But at this time, the reactions and objections from international organizations, governments, public opinions outside and inside Israel (with the notable exception of such courageous groups as Gush Shalom, B’Tselem, Ta’yush), remain strangely restrained, as if the construction were a fait accompli, as if protest must wait for the work to be completed or tactical precautions must be observed during a period of renewed “peace talks” under the auspices of the U.S. and other world powers...

BBC nuancere billedet af Israel.

Altid er det Israel der foretager gengældelse selv om de har dræbt over dobbelt så mange, som palestinenserne. Tak til BBC og DR for at tilføre debatten mere ligevægt ved at omtale Israels masseødelæggelsesvåben. Vil man finde en løsning i Mellemøsten - kan dette ikke ske med Israel som verdens 6. største atommagt, der også har kemiske og biologiske våben, samtidig med at der stilles krav til de arabiske lande om ikke at have masseødelæggelsesvåben.
Vi kunne tilføje at:
I 1967 vedtog FN Resolution 242 hvori Sikkerhedsrådet krævede en tilbagetrækning af Israels væbnede styrker fra de besatte områder – Hvorfor så stor tålmodighed overfor israelerne i forhold til andre lande?
Israelerne fik halvdelen af palæstinensernes land af englænderne, selv om disse ikke havde nogen ret til at forære landet væk, i forbindelse med 1. og 2. verdenskrig. Nu har Israelerne overtaget det hele, det mindste de kan gøre er at forlade de besatte områder. 

Konflikten mellem israelere og palæstinensere.

Palæstinenserne må have en selvstændig stat og terroren må bringes til ophør.

af Poul Eck Sørensen, Esbjerg Fredsbevægelse

Et flertal af israelerne vil ikke give palæstinenserne en selvstændig stat – så må omverdenen fortælle at det er nødvendigt for fred i Mellem Østen – bl.a. ved en boykot af Israel – EU burde opsige handelsaftalen med Israel – USA burde ophøre med at sende støtte til Israel.

Der er heldigvis også folk i Israel der vil fred uden vold – bl.a. 460 soldater (heriblandt majorer, kaptajner, løjtnanter, sergenter, og menige der ikke har villet deltage i volden i de besatte områder) – og en række fredsorganisationer. Ca. 70,000-100,000 demonstrerede I Tel Aviv om aftenen d. 11. maj under parolen “forlad områderne for sikkerhed i Israel" Fredsmarchen var arrangeret af Peace Now og Peac og var den største demonstration i flere år  (kilde: så vidt jeg husker 2001) hvorfor er pressen ikke opmærksom på disse begivenheder?

Og selvfølgelig kan Arafat ikke stoppe terroren fra dag til dag. Den danske stat kunne ikke stoppe frihedskæmperne – palæstinenserne er også besat. Hvor lang tid tog det at stoppe terroren i Nord Irland eller ETA i Spanien. Arafats politi beskydes, hans politistationer bombes, hans helikoptere sprænges i luften og når han har sat folk i fængsel bombes disse, så hvis der er nogen, der har dårlige muligheder for at gøre noget, er det da Arafat.

Hvorfor dømmes Sharon ikke for Sabra og Shatila i Libanon i 1982 - en israelsk undersøgelseskommision fastslog året efter, at Sharon var indirekte ansvarlig for drabene?

At FN ikke fik lov til at undersøge Jenin indikerer at Israel har begået alvorlige forbrydelser. Hvorfor tvinger verdenen ikke israelerne til en undersøgelse af Jenin?

I 1967 vedtog FN Resolution 242 hvori Sikkerhedsrådet krævede en tilbagetrækning af Israels væbnede styrker fra de besatte områder – hvor længe skal palæstinenserne vente?

Israelerne fik halvdelen af palæstinensernes land af englænderne, selv om disse ikke havde nogen ret til at forære landet væk, i forbindelse med 1. og 2. verdenskrig. Og nu har Israelerne overtaget det hele, det mindste de kan gøre er at forlade de besatte områder.

Amnesti International fortæller, at israelerne anvender tortur overfor palæstinensere – imod israelsk lov  – hvor meget kan israelerne gøre uden alvorlige sanktioner udefra?

Den ansete amerikanske menneskeretsgruppe Human Rights Watch, HRW, skriver, at israelerne har overtrådt menneskerettighederne i en sådan grad, at de i visse tilfælde har begået krigsforbrydelser – skal der ikke findes en ansvarlig?

Tror israelerne virkelig, at de med magt og ydmygelser kan stoppe terroren?

Der er kun en vej. Israel må give de besatte områder til en ligeværdig selvstændig palæstinensisk stat, og derefter samarbejde med palæstinenserne om at stoppe terroren.

I oktober 2003 fik Sharon i strid med international ret udført det første bombeangreb i Syrien siden Yom Kippur-krigen. 

Sharons regering har aktivt støttet de ulovlige bosættelser bag 1967-grænserne. 

Man har bombet og jævnet palæstinensiske boligblokke i hyppige straffe-aktioner, har truet Arafat på livet og er ved at bygge en mur, der burer palæstinenserne inde i ghettoer.

Kvindernes internationale menneskerettigheds- march i Israel og Palæstina i julen 2003  

På dette link kan man straks høre Mathilde Feldthaus fortælle i mobiltelefon fra Hebron om hendes oplevelser som deltager - kilde Frederikshavn Lokalradio

Date: January 6,2004
From: International Human Rights March for Women

Women participating in the International Human Rights March for Women in Israel and Palestine are outraged by the destruction presently occuring in Nablus. On Wednesday, January 7, we intend to take our march to our embassies in Tel Aviv. We will present a letter to our ambassadors calling on our governments to demand the Israeli government immediately end it's military action in Nablus; to expedite the delivery of urgently needed food and medical supplies and to call on the United Nations to deploy an International peace keeping force to secure the safety of the civilian population on both sides and demand implementation of U.N Resolutions.

The International Human Rights March for Women consists of more than 75 women from 15 countries. Since December 20 we have been walking throughout Israel and Palestine to stand in solidarity with the peacemakers on both sides of this terrible conflict. We have become aware of numerous human rights violations throughout our journey including killings, home demolitions, the construction of the Separation Wall, denial of freedom of movement and confiscation of land. We conclude that this continued cyclical violation of human rights makes true security for both Israelis and Palestinians impossible and urge the introduction of an international force to end the occupation of Palestinian land and thus lead to a truly just and lasting peace. 

For further information contact:
Ridgely Fuller, USA: 067 278 105
Lori Mundal, Norway / USA: 068 452 543
Jasminika Dolfi, Denmark: 068 638429 or 066 267639
Torill Eide, Norway: 066 267 637 

New Imperial Hotel
Jaffa Gate,

Undersøgelse af holdning til Israel og USA

Sunday, November 2nd, 2003, EU Observer.

Over half of Europeans think that Israel now presents the biggest threat to world peace according to a controversial poll requested by the European Commission.

According to the same survey, Europeans believe the United States contributes the most to world instability along with Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and North Korea.

Made in Israel

En artikel fra Folkekirkens Nødhjælp

Israel er den største fare for verdensfreden. 

I dag mener 64 procent af danskerne ifølge EU-målingen, at Israel er den største fare for verdensfreden (okt. 2003).  Også i EU mener et flertalt dette. Målingen er bestilt af EU-kommissionen. 7500 er spurgt, 500 i hvert land.

Militærnægtere dømmes i Israel.

I Israel er det en ideologisk politisk forbrydelse at nægte militær tjeneste så længe Israel holder Vestbredden og Gaza besat. Selv om Israel af FN er blevet pålagt at forlade de besatte områder.
Se. f.eks. Politiken 24 december 2003, 1 . sektion side 12

Elitesoldater nægter at gøre tjeneste i de besatte palæstinensiske områder.

Tretten reservister fra Israels elitestyrke Sayeret Matkal meddelte i går i et brev ministerpræsident Ariel Sharon, at de nægter at gøre tjeneste i de besatte palæstinensiske områder. 
Sayeret Matkal er beundret i Israel og kan sammenlignes med det danske jægerkorps. De tretten reservister vil ikke længere forsvare de israelske bosættelser eller deltage i 'undertrykkelsen af millioner af palæstinensere'.
Se Ekstra Bladet 22 december 2003, 1 . sektion side 16

Uenigheden er vokset, efter at Ariel Sharon har meddelt, at Israel snart ensidigt vil trække en grænse til de palæstinensiske områder.

27 israelske militærpiloter vil i fremtiden nægte, at udføre »illegale og umoralske ordrer om at angribe i de besatte områder«. De vil ikke deltage i målrettede drab fra luften. Ni af de 27, der stadig er aktive piloter - de øvrige er del af reserven - er øjeblikkeligt blevet 'grounded'.  
Piloternes protest begyndte at organisere sig, efter at en bombe kastet af et F-15 militærfly i Gaza ud over målet - en højtstående Hamasmand - dræbte 16 civile, heriblandt 9 små børn.
Se: Politiken 28 september 2003, 1 . sektion side 6.
Når israelske soldater dræber civile er der tale om krigsforbrydelser.

Det er ikke første gang, israelske militærfolk blander sig i den offentlige politiske debat. Det mest berømte tiltag af samme type kom kort efter Yom Kippur-krigen i 1973, da over hundrede israelske officerer i et åbent brev opfordrede deres regering til at slutte fred med Israels naboer. Det førte til grundlæggelsen af Fred Nu-bevægelsen.
Senest skrev en række officerer fra forskellige kampenheder i januar forrige år i et åbent brev, at de ikke mere ville deltage i militære aktiviteter blandt den palæstinensiske civilbefolkning i de besatte områder. Det brev har siden samlet over 500 underskrifter, og flere af initiativtagerne har siddet i militærfængsel for at nægte at udføre deres reservetjeneste i Gaza og på Vestbredden. Adskillige andre er blevet smidt ud af reserven.

Hårdere dansk linje

I Danmark har murbyggeriet ført til krav fra Socialdemokraterne og de radikale om en hårdere dansk linje over for Israel. De radikale mener, at EU bør suspendere det økonomiske samarbejde med Israel.

Israels premierminister Ariel Sharon gav i en tale i aftes palæstinenserne »få måneder« til at leve op til Køreplanen, hvilket hidtil i Israelsk sprogbrug har betydet at slå ned på og fjerne terrorismens infrastruktur.
Sker det ikke, så vil Israel ensidigt beslutte sig for en »sikkerhedsgrænse«, der effektivt vil afbryde kontakten mellem palæstinensere og israelere. Denne grænse vil blive bevogtet af israelsk militær, og den vil til dels komme til at bestå af det omdiskuterede og stærkt kritiserede adskillelseshegn, der i øjeblikket er ved at blive opført langt inde på palæstinensisk territorium.
Den palæstinensiske premierminister udtrykte skuffelse over Sharons trusler og mente, at »freden ville komme hurtigere end forventet«, hvis Sharon ville forhandle.
Berlingske Tidende 19 december 2003, 1. SEKTION side 15


Dræbte siden september 2000

Med søndagens drab er 2669 palæstinensere og 849 israelere blevet dræbt, siden starten i september 2000 på den seneste palæstinensiske opstand. 
/ritzau/ Jyllands-Posten 27 oktober 2003, 1 . sektion side 11

Israelere hjælper palæstinenserne:

Olivenplukning i Hirbat Jabara 25/10-03

360 aktivister kom i 7 busser og private biler for at hjælpe palæstinensere, som er blevet fanget af den nye seperations mur. Arbejdet stod på i 31 graders varme. Læs mere her.



Carlo Hansen (journalist / forfatter) - stor indsigt i konflikten

Beyond Terror and Martyrdom (Hardback)
- The Future of the Middle East

Denne bog får en god anmeldelse i information d. 13/12 - 2008.

Bogen tager afsæt i en bidende skarpt formuleret kritik af præsident George W. Bushs krig mod terror: forsøget på at omskabe den politiske verden ved at frelse den fra det onde.

Dansk-Palæstinensisk Venskabsforening (DPV) blev stiftet i maj 1988, et halvt år efter den palæstinensiske opstand INTIFADAEN startede

Links fra Dansk-Palæstinenesisk Venskabsforening

The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy, MIFTAH, is a non-governmental non-partisan Jerusalem-based institution dedicated to fostering democracy and good governance within the Palestinian Society in a manner that promotes Public Accountability and Transparency while maintaining the free flow of information and ideas. Established in December 1998, MIFTAH's underlying premise is to serve as a Palestinian platform for international reconciliation and cooperation allowing for a global dialogue that is guided by the principles of democracy, human rights, gender equity, and participatory governance.

En israelsk pilot taler ud

Links fra The Palestinian Intiantive

Americans for Peace Now

Association in the service of the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel

The Association of Forty

Haaretz israelsk avis.

Gush Shalom

PEACE NOW - the Israeli Peace Movement - was founded in 1978 by 348 reserve officers and soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces. The first and only mass peace movement in Israel, PEACE NOW rapidly became the single most important extra-parliamentary force for peace in the country, attracting hundreds of thousands to its mass rallies and activities.

The first and primary goal of PEACE NOW has been to press the Israeli government to seek peace - through negotiations and mutual compromise - with our Arab neighbors and the Palestinian people. Only peace will bring security to Israel and ensure the future of our people.

Palæstina Fredsvagter er et netværk bestående af alle tidligere fredsvagter, som har været I de besatte områder.

Dansk-Palæstinensisk Venskabsforening (DPV) blev stiftet i maj 1988, et halvt år efter den palæstinensiske opstand INTIFADAEN startede. Danskernes vrede mod den israelske hærs fremfærd mod det palæstinensiske oprør var en betydelig drivkraft bag oprettelsen.

Boykot Israel Kampagnen


October 9 (evening) to October 12th, 2004, 
Rome, Italy

Coalition of Women for Peace

The New Israel Fund (NIF) works to strengthen Israel's democracy and to promote freedom, justice and equality for all Israel's citizens. For nearly twenty-five years, NIF has been a leader in building a just and strong Israel, believing that Israel's strength depends as much on its commitment to democratic principles as on its ability to defend itself against physical and military threats. Not only are these principles guaranteed in Israel's Declaration of Independence, they are central elements of the Jewish tradition.

Center for Mellemøststudier ved Syddansk Universitet