Laser våben

Sidst redigeret d. 31/8 - 2019
foto: Robert Sullivan, Boeing YAL-1 "Airborne Laser Testbed" (formerly "Airborne Laser") link til flickr

The U.S. Army Plans To Field the Most Powerful Laser Weapon Yet

Popular Mechanics d. 7/8 - 2019

A 250-300 kilowatt laser would be up to ten times more powerful than existing lasers weapons.

The U.S. Army is pushing forward with plans for the most powerful laser weapon to date. The Indirect Fires Protection Capability-High Energy Laser (IFPC-HEL) will be a 250 to 300 kilowatt weapon, up to 10 times more powerful than the U.S. Navy’s Laser Weapon System. The power boost should be enough to destroy targets as large as incoming cruise missiles.

The U.S. military is pushing into lasers in a big way, with all three of the main services—Army, Navy, and Air Force—pushing hard to get them onto ground vehicles, ships, and aircraft. The main appeal of lasers is their fast reaction time, literally the speed of light, and their ability to fire a high number of shots without stockpiling bullets, missiles, or shells.

Lasers instead rely on electrical power, and as long as there is electricity to power the weapon it can theoretically crank out an endless number of shots. “Ammunition” is basically the cost of generator fuel, or about $10 per shot.

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The U.S. Military Is Buying a $130 Million Laser Weapon

Futurism d. 16/5 - 2019

af Victor Tangermann

A team of Lockheed Martin and Dynetics engineers just won a $130 million contract to provide a 100-kilowatt laser weapon for the U.S. Army.

The High Energy Laser Tactical Vehicle Demonstrator — evocatively abbreviated HEL TVD — laser system is slated to be tested at a missile range in New Mexico in 2022, Defense News reports...

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China Tests Laser Weapon Similar to U.S. Navy Prototype

the Maritime Executive d. 10/4 - 2019

The U.S. Navy's LaWS laser system aboard USS Ponce, 2014 (L), and the PLA's laser system, 2019 (R)

By The Maritime Executive 2019-04-10 15:53:32

China's People's Liberation Army Navy (PLA Navy) is testing a tactical laser system that bears remarkable similarity to the U.S. Navy's Laser Weapon System (LaWS), an anti-surface / anti-air defensive weapon which has been in development since 2014.

The Chinese version appeared in a promotional video broadcast by state-owned channel CCTV, and it is shown in a ground-based, vehicle-mounted application. According to, the weapon is intended for both land and sea deployment, both for air defense or close-in surface-to-surface force protection. The outlet suggested that it might find use aboard the PLA Navy's Type 055 destroyers in future years as an alternative to the HHQ-10 surface-to-air missile.

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Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons

se Wikipedia


A directed-energy weapon (DEW) emits highly focused energy, transferring that energy to a target to damage it.

World Military Power
Offentliggjort den 25. jul. 2016

Potential applications of this technology include anti-personnel weapon systems, potential missile defense system, and the disabling of lightly armored vehicles such as cars, drones, watercraft, and electronic devices such as mobile phones.

The energy can come in various forms:
Electromagnetic radiation, including radio frequency, microwave, lasers and masers
Particles with mass, in particle-beam weapons
Sound, in sonic weapons
The Pentagon is researching technologies like directed-energy weapon and railguns to counter maturing threats posed by missile and hypersonic glide vehicles. These systems of missile defense are expected to come online in the mid to late-2020s.

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Nyt laser-våben tilintetgør drone hurtigt og præcist

Videnskab d. 28/9 - 2015
af Asbjørn Mølgaard Sørensen

Et nyudviklet laservåben skød for nylig en flyvende drone ned under en test i Californien. 15 sekunder tog det at lokalisere, affyre og sætte dronen i flammer.

...Et nyudviklet laservåben skød nemlig for nylig en flyvende drone ned under en test i Californien, USA. 15 sekunder tog det at lokalisere, affyre og sætte dronen i flammer.

Netop hurtigheden er central, når det kommer til krigssituationer, og her har laseren en fordel. Den skal nemlig ikke affyre projektiler i traditionel forstand, men derimod en direkte stråle af energi, som varmer og brænder sit mål...

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Laser Weapon Melts Test Drone in Midair

Live Science d. 9/9 - 2015

...In a recent test, the laser, which is compact enough to carry around in a suitcase, was able to locate, aim and fire at a small drone flying above a testing facility in Point Mugu, California. The laser gun acts quickly (it took just 15 seconds for it to shoot the test drone out of the sky) and discreetly, according to Neal. Speedy reaction times can be important in battles when every second counts...

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Boeing patents 'Star Wars'-style force fields

c net d. 22/3 - 2015

Aircraft and military manufacturer Boeing has been granted a patent on a system that is designed to prevent explosion shockwaves from harming a target.

A new patent granted to aircraft, defense and security company Boeing is taking its cues from science fiction. Just like the glowing energy shields seen protecting troops, machines and even spacecraft in Star Wars and Star Trek, the design -- named "Method and system for shockwave attenuation via electromagnetic arc" -- uses energy to deflect potential damage.

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