Olympic Truce


UN General Assembly adopts Olympic Truce for Beijing 2022, highlighting the contribution of sport to the promotion of peace and solidarity

The International Olympic Committee d. 2/12 - 2021

The resolution entitled “Building a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideal” was adopted today by consensus and co-sponsored by 173 Member States at the 76th Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly (GA) in New York. It calls for the observance of the Olympic Truce for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Beijing 2022, from seven days before the start of the Olympic Games, on 4 February 2022, until seven days after the end of the Paralympic Games.

It also expresses “the expectation that the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 will be a meaningful opportunity to harness the power of sport to advance the world by fostering an atmosphere of peace, development, resilience, tolerance and understanding, and welcoming all the delegations of National Olympic and Paralympic Committees to participate in the Games”.

The resolution “calls upon all Member States to cooperate with the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee in their efforts to use sport as a tool to promote peace, dialogue and reconciliation in areas of conflict during and beyond the period of the Olympic and Paralympic Games”.

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Regeringen siger nej til OL, men FN siger ja tak: ’OL skal være et instrument til fred’

DR d. 17/1 - 2022

...Ifølge nyhedsbureauet Reuters planlægger generalsekretær, Antonio Guterres, nemlig at deltage i åbningsceremonien. Ifølge Guterres er De Olympiske Lege med til at bringe mennesker sammen og fremme fred i verden.
- Det er i denne strenge kontekst og uden nogen politisk dimension, at jeg agter at være til stede under åbningsceremonien – med budskabet om, at De Olympiske Lege skal være et instrument for fred i verden, siger Antonio Guterres...

...Listen over lande, som har boykottet legene i Beijing diplomatisk tæller udover Danmark og USA i skrivende stund syv andre nationer. Men FN har 193 medlemslande, og der er derfor 185 nationer, som ikke har boykottet OL.,,

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What is "Olympic Truce"?

The tradition of the “Olympic Truce”, or “Ekecheiria”, was established in Ancient Greece in the ninth century BC through the signing of a treaty between three kings – Iphitos of Elis, Cleosthenes of Pisa and Lycurgus of Sparta – to allow safe participation in the ancient Olympic Games for all athletes and spectators from these Greek city-states, which were otherwise almost constantly engaged in conflict with each other.

Taking into account the new political reality in which sport and the Olympic Games exist, the IOC decided to revive the concept of the Olympic Truce for the Olympic Games, with a view to protecting, as far as possible, the interests of the athletes and sport in general, and to harness the power of sport to promote peace, dialogue and reconciliation more broadly.

Since 1993, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly has repeatedly expressed its support for the Olympic Truce ideal and for the IOC’s mission by adopting, every two years – one year before each edition of the Olympic Games – a resolution entitled "Building a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideal".

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Former Foreign Secretary William Hague and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon with the Olympic Truce flag in London, 27 July 2012.

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Olympic Truce

At the dawn of the 21st century, the Olympic Truce once again calls upon humanity to lay down its weapons and to work towards building the foundations of peace, mutual respect, understanding and reconciliation.

To that end in July 2000, the International Olympic Committee launches the International Olympic Truce Foundation and the International Olympic Truce Centre, new instruments of peace in our times.

The establishment of the International Olympic Truce Foundation and of the International Olympic Truce Centre turns the commitment of the Olympic Movement to promote its peaceful principles into concrete action.

The dynamic gained further impetus with the commitment of the candidate city of Athens that the 2004 Olympic Games will empower the meaning of the Olympic Truce and promote its values around the world on the occasion of the 2004 Olympic Torch Relay.

The pledge took a concrete form in 1998, with the proposal of the Greek Government to the members of the International Olympic Committee for the institutional consolidation of the Olympic Truce in the new millennium.

In a historic December 1999 decision, the International Olympic Committee announced the establishment of the Foundation and the Centre of Truce, in cooperation with Greece.


Today, on the 3 rd of November 2003 , the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted the draft UN Resolution entitled “Building a Peaceful and better world through Sport and the Olympic ideals,” which was submitted by Greece and co-sponsored by 190 out of 191 UN member-states, a number unprecedented in UN history. (The only exception was Iraq , which is not represented in the current Session of the General Assembly.) (The text of the resolution in included in the end of this press release.)

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Olympic Truce

foto: Gianfranco Reppucci,
Musée Olympique de Lausanne
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