
Foto nedenfor: Poul Eck Sørensen


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Det hele startede ikke d. 7/10 - 2023

Se en kort dokumentarfilm om historien for palæstinserne. fra Palæstina Information.

Dokumentarfilmen –Ahmed og Oliventræet

– vist for første gang i Danmark og præsenteret af d. 3/12 - 2023 Klik her


D. 12/5 - 2023 Christiansborg - en konference som hurtigt blev udsolgt.

Oplæggene på konferencen (minus spørgsmål og paneldebat) er organiseret og kan ses hver for sig

Arr. af FN-forbundet, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, Det udenrigspolitiske Selskab, Globale Seniorer

Der er oplæg ved:
Mogens Lykketoft
Marcus Rubin, Politiken (om israelske holdninger til to-statsløsning)
Bilal Al-Issa, kommentator (om palæstinensiske holdninger til to-statsløsning)
Sune Haugbølle, RUC (om omverdenen holdninger til to-statsløsning)
Lisa Blinkenberg /Amnesty (om MR-situationen - apartheid?)
Peter Hansen /tidl. UNRWA (De palæstinensiske flygtninge)
Astrid Kjeldgaard /KU-jura (Internationale domstole som redskab?)

Se videoer fra konferencen

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FNs webtv



Trump's 'Dissociation from Reality' at UN

TheRealNews d. 26/9 - 2018
President Trump had the opportunity to address the UN General Assembly opening for the second time, which he used to brag and lie, says Phyllis Bennis, of the Institute for Policy Studies

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This is How The U.S. Created The Talibans

Offenliggjort på Facebook d. 22/9 - 2018
(d. 26/9 - 2018 - 18.000 visninger)

One of The Most Closely Guarded Secrets of The Cold War...

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Merchants of Death: How the Military-Industrial Complex Profits from Endless War

Offentliggjort den 16. sep. 2018

A look into how the military-industrial complex fuels endless war for corporate profits. CODEPINK's Medea Benjamin discusses her new report on the five largest US weapons manufacturers and their arms deals with Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Egypt.

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Israelske soldater fortæller hvordan israelere stjæler palæstinesiske boliger

Imagine living in a house
with Israeli settlers
occupying the floor above.

Is this the most occupied city

Offentliggjort på Facebook d. 23/9 - 2018

(d. 26/9 - 12.000 visninger)

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The Collapse of the American Empire?

a. d. 12/9 - 2018

The Agenda welcomes Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges, who over the past decade and a half has made his name as a columnist, activist and author. He's been a vociferous public critic of presidents on both sides of the American political spectrum, and his latest book, 'America, the Farewell Tour,' is nothing short of a full-throated throttling of the political, social, and cultural state of his country.

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The International Criminal Court wants to probe into alleged U.S. war crimes in Afghanistan. The US's response? Threaten the court with sanctions.

Facebook d. 11/9 - 2018

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The War On Democracy 2007 = how the United States overthrows governments in Latin America

d. 27/5 - 2018

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Hiroshima-minde-dagen d. 6/8 - 2018

Tale og sang fra den årlige mindehøjtidelighed i Heerups Have i Esbjerg - Video v/Thomas Bækdal

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Familiekanalen d. 5/8 - 2018
Om atomvåben

Poul Eck Sørensen bliver interviewet af studieværten Lasse Ilskov

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FamilieKanalen den 22/9 2016
Om autonome dræber robotter

Thomas Bækdal og Poul Eck Sørensen bliver interviewet af studieværten Lasse Ilskov.

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En israelsk journalist fortæller hvorfor to-statsløsningen ikke er en mulighed. Løsningen er demokrati for alle.

This Israeli journalist knows how to make a point... Must watch

I september 2018 nåede videoen op på
20.000 visninger.

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Kort video fra krystalnatten d. 9/11-2015

Hjælpe de forfulgte.
Krystalnatten d. 9/11 - 2015 - Fakkeldemonstration
fra Kongensgade ved McDonalds kl. 19.00
Velkomst v. Oluf Dragsbo - Esbjerg Fredsbevægelse
Fakeldemonstration til torvet Rådhuspladsen.
Velkomst rådhuspladsen ved Peter Hyldgaard Madsen fra samarbejdet til Krystalnatten.
Tale ved Mussa Utto integrationskonsulent i Esbjerg kommune
Arr. 3F Transport, Enhedslisten, Esbjerg Fredsbevægelse, Det Radikale Venstre, Socialdemokraterne og Socialistisk Folkeparti.

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Fredsduen flyver.

Med denne lille tegnefilm udtrykkes solidaritet med alle mennesker, der lider nød, undertrykkes og kæmper for retfærdighed og fred!

Se denne video

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Havde et flot arr. på FN’s Fredsdag den 21 . september 2015.

Takket være et godt og hurtigt initiativ af Benjamin Gottberg fra Tid Til Fred – aktiv mod krig, er det muligt sende dig en side med links til videoklip af samtlige programpunkter på dagen om fred på FN´s fredsdag i mandags.

FN’s Internationale Fredsdag, 21. september 2015 i Dome of Visions
Tror du på sange om fred? Sanger og sangskriver Henrik Ginderskov
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FN og freden: Repræsentantskabsmedlem Maj Rørdam Nielsen, FN-forbundet
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Drømmen om et fredsministerium: Formand, Hasse Schneidermann,
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International konfliktløsning:
Formand Jørn Boye Nielsen, RIKO
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Forperson, Annette Stubkjær, Consilium
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Interkulturelt konfliktarbejde i praksis:
Ungekoordinator Ane Nord m.fl. CfK-Ung
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Ikkemilitær sikkerhedspolitik i nogle af verdens brændpunkter:
Professor i international politik og centerleder, Ole Wæver, CRIC
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Vejen til fred – en ambitiøs ikkemilitær udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitik?
Et panel bestående af dagens oplægsholdere, fredsaktivister og forsvarsordførere fra nogle af folketingets partier debatterede, hvordan overgangen til en ambitiøs ikkemilitær udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitik. Debatten blev styret af Tom Vilmer Paamand, formand i Aldrig Mere Krig:
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Koncert med Arne Würgler Band
Dagen rundedes af med en fredskoncert med legendariske Arne Würgler Band, der spiller og synger sange til håbet om en bedre og fredeligere verden
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Dagen om fred var arrangeret af i samarbejde med Center for Konfliktløsning (CfK), Centre for Resolution of International Conflicts (CRIC), FN-forbundet, Rådet For International Konfliktløsning (RIKO) og studenterforening

Dette var videoerne fra på FN’s Fredsdag den 21 . september 2015.


Josh Joseph, icon, link til icon


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How Governments Lie: Daniel Ellsberg Interview - Politics, Watergate & Pentagon Papers (1987)

Offentliggjort den 13. sep. 2013


Foto: diocal, link til billede
Daniel Ellsberg. Following Bishop Marc's speech, Vietnam war whistle blower Daniel Ellsberg addressed the crowd.

Lied Into War
- An Interview With Daniel Ellsberg


Tony Jones speaks with former US Defence Department official, Daniel Ellsberg, who accuses President Bush of lying to take America to war ... all » with Iraq, and believes secret groundwork is being laid for a war with Iran.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Broadcast: 12/10/2006


Filmen "Muren" af jørgen Flint Pedersen.

Du kan låne den via biblioteket.

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Klip af indhold fra denne webside:

Venstre spalte:


Hiroshima - mindedag - 2018

Familiekanalen om atomvåben

Familiekanalen om autonome dræberrobotter

Kort video fra Krystalnatten d. 9/11 - 2015

Fredsduen flyver.

Arr. på FN's internationale Fredsdag. Flere video fra et spændende arr. d. 21/9 - 2015

How Governments Lie: Daniel Ellsberg Interview - Politics, Watergate & Pentagon Papers (1987)

Lied Into War
- An Interview With Daniel Ellsberg

Muren af jørgen Flint Pedersen


Højre spalte:

Shadow World – Bag om den internationale våbenhandel

Park Avenue
How much inequality is too much?

The Space Program and the Military Industrial Complex

The Ghosts of Jeju

Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land

Death in Gasa

Part 1 - From Occupation to Enclosure: Fragmenting the Palestinian State

Part 2 - From Occupation to Enclosure: Fragmenting the Palestinian State

Shadow World – Bag om den internationale våbenhandel

Her kunne man tidligere se filmen på Filmcentralens hjemmeside. Den kan man ikke længere. men du kan du se den med svenske undertekster på Youtube

Gennem interviews med whistleblowers, efterforskere, anklagere samt insidere fra både militæret og militærindustrien, viser 'Shadow World' hvordan våbenhandlen, med vores politiske ledere som villige mellemmænd, er drivkraften bag krig. Resultatet er en verden, hvor det politiske demokrati korrumperes i jagten på en fed kommission, og hvor synet af en klar, blå himmel for nogle ikke længere er fredfyldt: Det er optimale omstændigheder for tilbagevendende bombende droner. 'Shadow World' giver publikum en mulighed for at gennemskue de skjulte dagsordener bag enhver krig, i håbet om en sikrere fremtid. Filmen afslører virkeligheden bag den globale våbenhandel – en branche, som tæller sin profit i milliarder og sine tab i menneskeliv.

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Shadow World 2: The Global Arms Trade Network

Aljazeera d. 22/12 - 2018

Investigating the billion-dollar global arms industry that counts its profits in billions and its losses in human lives.

Today, total international trade in arms is worth about $100bn a year, according to Pieter Wezemen, senior researcher at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri).

With military power as the backbone of foreign policy and the central strategy for economic gains, the volume of international transfers of major weapons has been growing steadily over the past 15 years.
Based on Andrew Feinstein's book, The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade, this film reveals some of the largest and most corrupt arms deals in history.

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Se video med danske undertekster på Youtube

se video Shadow World 2 - nederst på siden.


Park Avenue
How much inequality is too much?

fra netværket:
som man ikke kan på i øjeblikket.

Her kan se hvordan de rige bevarer og udvider forskelen.

Sidst i filmen kan du se hvordan det lykkes Koch brødrene, nogle af de allerrigeste i USA, at fratage de offentliges fagforeninger deres forhandlingsret i Wisconsin.

Klik her for at se filmen på Yotube

Arsenal of Hypocrisy: The Space Program and the Military Industrial Complex

Space4Peace's channel: Uploadet den 19. dec. 2011

Today the Military Industrial Complex is marching towards world dominance through Space technology on behalf of global corporate interest. To understand how and why the space program will be used to fight all future wars on earth from space, it's important to understand how the public has been misled about the origins and true purpose of the Space Program.

You may now order the newly produced video called Arsenal of Hypocrisy that features GN Coordinator Bruce Gagnon, Noam Chomsky and Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell talking about the dangers of moving the arms race into space. The one-hour production features archival footage, Pentagon documents, and clearly outlines the U.S. plan to "control and dominate" space and the Earth below. The video spells out the dangers of the Bush "Nuclear Systems Initiative" that will expand the use of nuclear power in space by building Project Prometheus -- the nuclear rocket.

Mitchell, the 6th man to walk on the moon, warns that a war in space would create massive bits of space junk that would create a mine field surrounding the Earth making it virtually impossible to launch anything into the heavens. Mitchell calls space a fragile environment that must be protected.

Noam Chomsky talks about how the U.S. intends to use space technology to control the Earth and reminds the viewer that the U.S. refuses to negotiate a global ban on weapons in space. He also speaks about the role of the media in suppressing this important issue.

The video contains archival sound of President Dwight Eisenhower in 1961 warning the American people about the power of the military industrial complex.

Arsenal of Hypocrisy was produced by filmmaker Randy Atkins from Gainesville, Florida.

New York International Independent Film and Video Festival 2004

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The Ghosts of Jeju

Offentliggjort den 15. apr. 2013

The official trailer of my documentary about the struggle of the people of Jeju Island, S. Korea. Set in the context of the American presence in Korea after World War II, the film reveals horrible atrocities at the hands of the U.S. Military Government of Korea.

4:26 min


A shocking documentary about the struggle of the people of Jeju Island, S. Korea. Set in the context of the American presence in Korea after World War II, the film reveals horrible atrocities at the hands of the U.S. Military Government of Korea.

Using previously secret and classified photos, film and documents, this will be the first English-language documentary about the struggle of the brave people of Gangjeong Village who are opposing the military advance of the United States, just as their parents and relatives did in 1947. As then, they are being arrested, jailed, fined, and hospitalized for resisting the construction of a massive naval base that will accommodate America's “pivot to Asia,” and will destroy their 400 year old village and their UNESCO protected environment.

And yet, the indomitable spirit of the villagers and their supporters, who have not lost hope in spite of overwhelming odds, will inspire and motivate everyone who believes there is a better way to live together on this planet.

Her kan du købe filmen for 20€

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Peace Propaganda And The Promised Land: U.S. Media & the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (2004)


Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land provides a striking comparison of U.S. and international media coverage of the crisis in the Middle ... all » East, zeroing in on how structural distortions in U.S. coverage have reinforced false perceptions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This pivotal documentary exposes how the foreign policy interests of American political elites--oil, and a need to have a secure military base in the region, among others--work in combination with Israeli public relations strategies to exercise a powerful influence over how news from the region is reported.

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Death in Gasa


1 hr 20 min

Den engelseke kameramand James Miller vil lave en film om palæstinesiske børn og bagefter en om israelsek børn, han når kun at lave den første, under optagelserne til denne bliver han skudt.

Wikipedia om James Miller

Film-maker 'murdered' by soldier

BBC d. 6/4 - 2006

A British cameraman shot dead in the Gaza Strip by an Israeli soldier was murdered, an inquest jury has decided.

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Part 1 - From Occupation to Enclosure: Fragmenting the Palestinian State


Foto: Meraj Chhaya 2014, Diana Buttu: "this summer, Israel systematically destroyed Palestinian infrastructure". Diana Buttu speaks at the University of Johannesburg, hosted by UJ PSF and PSA. link til billede

Diana Buttu is a Palestinian-Canadian lawyer. In 2000, she left North America to move to Palestine in order to assist with the then “peace” negotiations between the Palestinians and Israel as one of the PLO’s legal advisors. With the outbreak of the second Palestinian uprising against Israel’s occupation (and the breakdown of negotiations) Diana decided to remain in Palestine.

She gained prominence during Israel’s invasion of the West Bank, serving as spokesperson for the PLO. Ms Buttu assisted in the litigation of Israel’s wall before the Hague in 2004 - a resounding victory for the Palestinians, and indictment of Israel’s wall. In 2005 she was appointed President Abbas’s communications director. She has since left her official posts. She now resides in Gaza where she is writing a book on the Israeli occupation.

Prior to moving to Palestine in 2000, Ms Buttu also served as legal counsel to the Canadian Department of Justice. She holds law degrees from the University of Toronto and Stanford Law School.

This lecture was presented at the Rachel Corrie Foundation Peace Works Conference on April 22, 2006, in Olympia, Washington ( The Israeli journalist and author, Amira Hass, was Ms. Buttu's co-presenter. This program includes a preview of Ms. Hass' presentation.

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Part 2 - From Occupation to Enclosure: Fragmenting the Palestinian State


Foto Salaam Shalom, Amira Hass, link til foto

Amira Hass lives and works in the occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza. In 1993 she became the first Israeli reporter to live in ... all » Gaza, reporting on the grim realities of the Israeli occupation for Ha’aretz, an Israeli daily newspaper. She is author of "Drinking the Sea at Gaza: Days and Nights in a Land under Siege" and "Reporting from Ramallah: An Israeli Journalist in an Occupied Land".

This panel discussion featuring Diana Buttu and Amira Hass was part of the Rachel Corrie Foundation Peace Works Conference, Cultivating a Just and Enduring Peace for the People of Palestine and Israel. For more information about the Peace Works Conference and about the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, please visit their website at:

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