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Security Council calls for intensifying efforts to expand Yemen truce

UN News d. 12/9 - 2022

The UN Security Council has urged warring parties in Yemen to urgently intensify negotiations towards expanding their historic truce, according to a statement issued on Monday.

Council members highlighted the tangible benefits of the agreement between the Government and Houthi rebels, now in its sixth month.

They include a 60 per cent reduction in casualties.

Additionally, fuel coming through critical Huydadah port has quadrupled, while commercial flights from the capital, Sana’a, have allowed 21,000 people to receive medical treatment and unite with their families...

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Hundrevis av soldater fra USA og Storbritannia satt inn i Jemen d. 14/3 - 2020

Et stort antall amerikanske tropper har ankommet Aden i Sør-Jemen, rapporterer Yemen Press, og la til at dette har funnet sted i samordning med De forente arabiske emirater (UAE). Den arabisk-språklige al-Mashhad al-Yamani rapporterte at 450 amerikanske tropper har ankommet Jemen.

Kilden sier at Washington og London har til hensikt å utplassere 3000 soldater i Aden, al-And militærbase i Lahaj-provinsen, Saqtari, Shabweh i Sør-Jemen og al-Mohreh i de østlige delene av landet. De militære ekspertene har advart om at USAs overdrevne bevegelse i Jemens sørlige provinser hovedsakelig er rettet inn på å etablere permanente militærbaser i det krigsherjede landet...

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As Saudi Arabia grows desperate, this could be the beginning of the end of the war in Yemen

Independent d. 9/11 - 2019

The Yemen war is about to come to an end. A Saudi official admitted this week that for the first time since 2016, Riyadh is in talks with the Houthi rebels. The talks have surfaced despite the Houthis being in charge of the capital Sanaa and the other most populous parts in Northern Yemen, which indicates that the Saudis are coming to terms with this status quo. The radical approach of effectively flushing the Houthis out of the north has been abandoned. The new approach of accepting the Houthis as part of the new post-war reality in Yemen, on the other hand, is much more sophisticated.

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Yemen war: UN chief urges good faith as ‘milestone’ talks get underway in Sweden

UN NEWS d. 6/12 - 2018

The Yemeni Government and the Houthi opposition have gathered at United Nations-sponsored political talks, close to the Swedish capital, Stockholm, aimed at ending nearly four years of brutal war in the country.

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The Seattle Times d. 26/10 - 2018
også brag i New York Times

The tragedy of Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen

The Saudi-led war in Yemen has pushed millions to the brink of starvation. Apart from the airstrikes, an economic war is exacting a far greater toll and now risks tipping the country into a famine of catastrophic proportions.

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The Forgotten War

UN Warns 10 Million More Yemenis Expected to Starve to Death by End of Year

According to the UN, the number of Yemenis in danger of starving to death would rise from the current figure of 8.4 million to 18.4 million by this December. That’s three times the estimated death toll of Jews killed during the Holocaust.
by Whitney Webb

MPN d. 29/5 - 2018

SANA’A, YEMEN – During a briefing last Friday, the UN warned that millions more Yemeni civilians are expected to starve to death before year’s end as a result of a blockade imposed on the country by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition. The Saudis’ unsuccessful bid to quash the Houthi-led resistance movement against Western and Saudi imperialism in Yemen has already claimed the lives of thousands of civilians and transformed the country into the world’s worst humanitarian crisis since the war began in 2015.

Mark Lowcock, the UN’s emergency relief coordinator, expressed his concern regarding the “recent decline of commercial food imports through the Red Sea ports” — adding that, if conditions do not improve, the number of Yemenis at the brink of starvation would rise from the current figure of 8.4 million to 18.4 million by this December. Given that there are approximately 28 million people in Yemen, a continuation of the Saudi-led blockade would mean that nearly two-thirds of the entire country’s population will soon face starvation.

The U.N.’s warning of a growing famine in Yemen comes during the holy month of Ramadan, when the first revelation of the Quran is celebrated by Muslims through fasting. Given the number of Yemenis facing starvation, many Yemeni Muslims will be without food to break their fast.

While the coalition — composed of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, with support from other Gulf monarchies and Western governments — has publicly claimed that it has lifted the blockade after international pressure, the coalition’s “ship inspections” continue to prevent critical supplies – such as food, fuel and medicine – from entering the most populated portions of the country, which remain under Houthi control...

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Våbenhvile i Yemen nu

Publiceret 12. november 2018 kl. 10:12

Læserbrev: Vi opfordrer regeringen til i FN at kræve af parterne i konflikten i Yemen, at der oprettes en våbenhvile, så vi undgår at ufatteligt mange mennesker vil dø af sult.

Yemen har det største udbrud af kolera, og halvdelen af befolkningen står overfor hungersnød. Situationen er forværret, efter Saudi-Arabien har blokeret for nødhjælp.

Vi kan ikke lukke øjnene og blot kigge den anden vej, fordi vi gerne vil have olie fra Saudi Arabien - eller fordi USA støtter Saudi Arabien i krigen.

Vi skal i FN opfordre til, at det internationale samfund lægger maksimalt pres på de stridende parter.

Det skal være muligt at få nødhjælp ind til befolkningen.

Det er en katastrofe så ubeskrivelig stor, der er på vej.

Tillader de stridende parter ikke, at der kommer nødhjælp ind, vil der være tale om bevidst folkemord, og de ansvarlige bør stilles for ICC.

Medens der er våbenhvile, skal de stridende parter forsøge at starte en konfliktløsning. Norge kan med fordel anvendes som konfliktløser.

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FN: Yemen har kurs mod den værste hungersnød i verden i 100 år

Politikken d. 16/10 - 2018

FN's humanitære koordinator i Yemen råber det internationale samfund op i interview med BBC. Om bare tre måneder kan 12-13 millioner mennesker være i risiko for at dø af mangel på mad.

Borgerkrigen i Yemen omtales som ’den glemte krig’. Det på trods af, at konflikten betegnes af FN som verdens største humanitære katastrofe.

Den status kan dog snart ændre sig. For FN advarer nu om, at landet inden for de næste tre måneder kan blive ramt af en historisk slem hungersnød.

»Vi forudser, at vi kan stå i en situation, hvor 12-13 millioner uskyldige civile kan komme i risiko for at dø af mangel på mad«, siger FN’s humanitære koordinator i Yemen, Lise Grande, til BBC.

Uanset om borgerkrigen er glemt, ignoreret eller noget tredje, er det ifølge FN tid til handling for at stoppe det, som FN selv frygter kan blive den værste hungersnød, verden har set i 100 år...

...Hungersnøden skyldes den borgerkrig, der siden 2015 har hærget Yemen. På den ene side står Houthi-oprørere, der støttes af Iran. De kontrollerer et større område i det vestlige Yemen, heriblandt hovedstaden Sanaa.

Og så er der koalitionen, ledet af Saudi-Arabien, som støtter præsident Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadis regering. Den saudi-ledede koalition bærer et stort ansvar i konflikten, ikke mindst på grund af koalitionens mange luftangreb, som i høj grad går ud over civilbefolkningen.

FN beder derfor om, at den saudi-ledede koalition stopper luftangrebene, da de fører til civile drab og bidrager til hungersnøden. Ifølge The Guardian er der siden 2015 blevet foretaget flere end 18.000 luftangreb i Yemen.

Derudover blokerer Saudi-Arabien havnene i de Houthi-kontrollerede områder, så det er svært at få nødhjælp, medicin og mad ind i de svært belastede områder...

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forto: Alisdare Hickson, flickr, link til billede
Theresa May - how many children have you killed today?

Yemen facing the 'world's worst famine in 100 years' if fighting does not stop, warns the UN

(famine - hungersnød, sultkatastrofe)

Independent d. 16/10 - 2018

The UN's coordinator for Yemen warns 13 million people could die from starvation if fighting continues in the country, where a famine is likely to be officially declared in weeks

Yemen could face the “worst famine in the world in 100 years” if fighting continues, the United Nations has warned, as The Independent learned an official declaration of famine would likely be announced in just a few weeks.

Lise Grande, the UN’s coordinator for Yemen, said that as many as 13 million civilians could die from starvation if a Saudi Arabia-led coalition does not halt its bombardment of the impoverished country.

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Yemen: Houthi Hostage-Taking

Arbitrary Detention, Torture, Enforced Disappearance Go Unpunished

Human Rights Watch d. 25/9 - 2018

(Beirut) – The Houthi armed group in Yemen has frequently taken hostages and committed other serious abuses against people in their custody, Human Rights Watch said today. Houthi officials should stop taking hostages, free everyone arbitrarily detained, end torture and enforced disappearances, and punish those responsible for abuses.

Human Rights Watch documented 16 cases in which Houthi authorities held people unlawfully, in large part to extort money from relatives or to exchange them for people held by opposing forces. Hostage-taking is a serious violation of the laws of war and a war crime. The United Nations Human Rights Council should renew the mandate of the Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen, which has a mandate to investigate and identify those responsible for abuses.

“The Houthis have added profiteering to their long list of abuses and offenses against the people under their control in Yemen,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “Rather than treat detainees humanely, some Houthi officials are exploiting their power to turn a profit through detention, torture, and murder.”...

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Saudi Arabia appears to be using U.S.-supplied white phosphorus in its war in Yemen

The Washington post d. 19/9 - 2016

Saudi Arabia appears to be using U.S.-supplied white phosphorus munitions in its war in Yemen, based on images and videos posted to social media, raising concerns among human rights groups that the highly incendiary material could be used against civilians.

Under U.S. regulations, white phosphorus sold to other countries is to be used only for signaling to other troops and creating smoke screens. When the munition explodes, it releases white phosphorus that automatically ignites in the air and creates a thick white smoke. When used against soldiers or civilians, it can maim and kill by burning to the bone.

It is unclear exactly how the Saudis are using the munitions, but the government has already received widespread condemnation for its indiscriminate bombing in civilian areas since its campaign against rebel forces in Yemen began in 2015.

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Yemen er ramt af en humanitær katastrofe

DR d. 14/6 - 2018

I tre år har der været borgerkrig i Yemen. FN siger, at der er tale om den værste menneskeskabte humanitære katastrofe i verden.

I tre år har der været borgerkrig i Yemen. Krigen foregår mellem oprørere og regeringen, og landet er ramt af hungersnød og kolera.

I går angreb regeringsvenlige styrker havnebyen Hodeida, som er kontrolleret af oprørerne. Det kan få fatale konsekvenser for civilbefolkningen.

Størstedelen af den livsnødvendige nødhjælp til Yemen kommer nemlig via Hodeida. Det siger Birgitte Bischoff Ebbesen, der er international chef hos Røde Kors i Danmark.
Når noget er livsnødvendigt, så er det vigtigt for at man kan overleve.
20 millioner er afhængige af nødhjælp

Ifølge FN er situationen i Yemen lige nu den værste menneskeskabte humanitære katastrofe i verden.

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