NATO er klar til at være de første i en konflikt der
bruger atomvåben. Ingen bør have en strategi der
inkluderer et førsteslagsstrategi.
Se f.eks. Arbe Hansens hjemmeside.
Plakat fra Portugal - for et forbud mod atomvåben.
Traktat om forbud mod atomvåben.
Traktaten blev åbnet for undertegnelse fra den 20. september 2017 og træder i kraft 90 dage efter at den er blevet ratificeret eller tiltrådt af 50 lande.
Artikel af Ambassadør Vladimir Barbin om atomvåben i Europa
Den Russiske Føderations Ambassade i Kongeriget Danmark d. 9/11 - 2022
...Jyllands-Postens læsere bliver vildledt om Ukraines holdning og intentioner i forhold til atomvåben. På München-konferencen i februar 2022 talte præsident Volodymyr Zelensky om Ukraines ambitioner om at blive en atommagt. [I en videokonferencetale på Lowy Institute, Australien, i oktober 2022 opmuntrede han NATO til at iværksætte forebyggende atomangreb på Rusland i stedet for at vente på, at Moskva bruger atomvåben]*. I november 2022, i et interview med tjekkisk tv, opfordrede Zelensky til ikke at være bange for en atomkrig. Kiev er interesseret i at trække USA og NATO ind i konflikten i Ukraine, og der er ingen tabuer for det i at nå dette mål.
Vestlige medier fokuserer ikke på sådanne provokerende udtalelser fra den ukrainske præsident, selv om de sætter verden på randen af ??en global katastrofe. [I Vesten forsøger man at ignorere de ukrainske væbnede styrkers regelmæssige beskydning af Zaporozhye-atomkraftværket, som er under russisk kontrol]*...
* De fremhævede sætninger blev ikke offentliggjort
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German Court Orders U.S. Peace Activist to Jail for Protests Against U.S. Nuclear Weapons Stationed in Germany
World BEYOND War d. 15/8 - 2022
A U.S. peace activist from Luck, Wisconsin has been ordered by a German court to serve 50 days in jail there after he refused to pay 600 Euros in fines for two trespass convictions stemming from protests against the U.S. nuclear weapons stationed at Germany’s Büchel Air Base, 80 miles southeast of Cologne.
John LaForge, 66, a Duluth native and long-time staff person of the anti-nuclear group Nukewatch, participated in two “go-in” actions at the German base in 2018. The first on July 15 involved eighteen people who gained entry to the base by clipping through the chain link fence on a Sunday morning in broad daylight. The second, on August 6, the anniversary of the U.S. bombing of Hiroshima, saw LaForge and Susan Crane of Redwood City, California sneak inside the base and climb atop a bunker which likely housed some of the approximately twenty U.S. “B61” thermonuclear gravity bombs stationed there.*
Germany’s Regional Court in Koblenz sentenced LaForge to a fine of 600 Euros ($619) or 50 days in jail, and has ordered him to report to jail in Wittlich, Germany September 25. The court order was issued July 25 but took until August 11 to reach LaForge by mail in the Unites States. LaForge currently has an appeal of the conviction pending before Germany’s Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe, the country’s highest.
The appeal, by Attorney Anna Busl of Bonn, argues that the trial court and the Koblenz court both erred by refusing to consider LaForge’s defense of “crime prevention,” thereby violating his right to present a defense. Both courts declined to hear expert witnesses who were called to explain the international treaty law that prohibit both the planning of mass destruction and the transfer of nuclear weapons from one country to another. Germany’s stationing of the U.S. nuclear weapons is a criminal violation of the Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), LaForge argues, because the treaty forbids any transfer of nuclear weapons from or to other countries party to the treaty, including both the U.S. and Germany. The appeal further argues that the policy of “nuclear deterrence” is a criminal conspiracy to commit vast, disproportionate, and indiscriminate destruction using the U.S. hydrogen bombs.
LaForge attended the opening of the 10th Review Conference of the Nonproliferation Treaty at UN headquarters in New York City, and responded the August 1st statements made there by Germany and the United States. “Secretary of State Tony Blinken and German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, who heads Germany’s Green Party, both condemned Russia’s nuclear weapons policy, but ignored their own ‘forward-based’ U.S. nuclear bombs at Büchel which are pointed up Russia’s nose. Minister Baerbock even objected formally in writing to China’s charge on August 2nd that the practice of placing U.S. nuclear weapons in Germany is in violation of the NPT, noting that the policy predates the 1970 treaty. But this is like a slaver claiming he could keep his enslaved people in chains after the U.S. Civil War, because he had purchased them before 1865,” he said.
The United States is the only country in the world that stations its nuclear weapons in other countries.
The U.S. bombs at Büchel are 170-kiloton B61-3s and 50-kiloton B61-4s, which are respectively 11 times and 3 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb which promptly killed 140,000 people. LaForge argues in his appeal that these weapons can only produce massacre, that plans to attack using them are a criminal conspiracy, and that his attempt to stop their use is a justified act of crime prevention.
Germany’s nationwide campaign “Büchel Is Everywhere: Nuclear Weapons-Free Now!” has three demands: the ouster of the U.S. weapons; the cancellation of U.S. plans to replace today’s bombs with a new B61-version-12 beginning in 2024; and the ratification by Germany of the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons which entered into force January 22, 2021.
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Historisk handlingsplan og politisk erklæring på statspartsmøtet til FNs atomvåpenforbud
Kjære ICAN-venner,
Torsdag 23. juni ble det første statspartsmøtet i FNs atomvåpenforbud hevet med imponerende sluttdokumenter.
I Wien har de statene som mener alvor med nedrustning vist politisk vilje og lederskap. En inkluderende prosess der overlevende og berørte samfunn står i sentrum, der sivilsamfunn tas på alvor og parlamentarikere, akademikere og ungdom har blitt hørt. Sterke uttalelser med fokus på de humanitære konsekvensene av atomvåpen har preget debatten.
Som svar på Russlands atomtrusler og den økende faren for bruk av atomvåpen, fordømte statspartene utvetydig «any and all nuclear threats, whether they be explicit or implicit and irrespective of the circumstances». Dette er den sterkeste fordømmelsen av atomtrusler fra en multilateral FN-konferanse...
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The logic of avoiding nuclear war
sipri d. 1/2 - 2022
...More than rhetoric?
The apparent unity of the five is positive, especially given current tensions and the absence of cooperation on arms control and other strategic issues. However, over the years, the P5 have shown very limited willingness to work together on substantive questions.
We should not expect this statement to have as much impact as when the Soviet and US leaders recognized the impossibility of winning a nuclear war in 1985. The Gorbachev-Reagan statement came when they had just launched nuclear negotiations. At their next summit in Reykjavik, they discussed complete elimination of nuclear weapons. Although this idea never materialized, much good still came out of the process, including the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and the start of steep reductions in the superpowers’ nuclear arsenals.
There are no indications of a similar process happening today. The 2022 joint statement was noticeably free of any concrete commitments or practical proposals, while the 1985 statement was full of them. The scepticism that greeted the P5 statement is therefore understandable.
However, there are inescapable logical implications of recognizing that nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. It is therefore worth taking the statement at face value and focusing the argument now on what the statement necessarily entails...
...Biden has previously expressed support for the principle that the ‘sole purpose’ of nuclear weapons is to deter nuclear weapon use against the USA or its allies. Sole purpose is a close relation of NFU. Depending on how it is defined, it does not necessarily rule out first use of nuclear weapons, but it does emphasize the retaliatory function. This logic is challenging for US allies in Europe and Asia who have been urging the USA not to adopt sole purpose or NFU in the soon-to-be-published US Nuclear Posture Review. In Europe in particular, the allies’ resistance to such changes reflects consistent policy and strategy: NATO has maintained the option for first use of nuclear weapons for 70 years...
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En atomkrig må aldrig blive udkæmpet, erklærer USA, Kina og Rusland – og opruster
Information d. 17/1 - 2022
Gennem Den Kolde Krig var atomkrig altid en mulighed. Siden er de forfærdelige våben gledet væk fra vores horisont. Men nu opruster Kina, USA og Rusland igen. Trods det erklærer de, at en atomkrig ikke kan vindes. Hvis de mener det, bør de påbegynde afrustning...
...»Vi bekræfter, at en atomkrig aldrig kan blive vundet, og at den aldrig må blive udkæmpet,« hedder det. Og videre understreger de, at »atomvåben – så længe de eksisterer – kun må blive brugt til defensive formål, til at afskrække angreb og forebygge krig«.
Erklæringen skal ses som en bestræbelse på at imødekomme forventet kritik fra ngo-grupper og ikke-atommagter på FN-konferencen, der ville kritisere de fem atommagter for at bevæge sig i den forkerte retning.
Det er bemærkelsesværdigt, at Kina var en drivende kraft i initiativet, og at Biden-regeringen skrev under. I 2020 nægtede Donald Trump at støtte en lignende erklæring. De to europæiske atommagter, Frankrig og Storbritannien, skal også indledningsvist have udvist skepsis.
I internationale relationer har skriftlige hensigtserklæringer en vis værdi. Forurettede parter kan i forhandlingsforløb referere til dem, men de er ingen erstatning for bindende traktater af den type, USA og Rusland har indgået i tidens løb.
Det bør Kina tage til efterretning. Som en ny militær og økonomisk stormagt påhviler det Kina at være mere gennemsigtig og som et minimum medvirke i kontrol og reduktion af kernevåben.
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Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear-Weapon States on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races
The White House d. 3/1 - 2022
The People’s Republic of China, the French Republic, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America consider the avoidance of war between Nuclear-Weapon States and the reduction of strategic risks as our foremost responsibilities.
We affirm that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. As nuclear use would have far-reaching consequences, we also affirm that nuclear weapons—for as long as they continue to exist—should serve defensive purposes, deter aggression, and prevent war. We believe strongly that the further spread of such weapons must be prevented.
We reaffirm the importance of addressing nuclear threats and emphasize the importance of preserving and complying with our bilateral and multilateral non-proliferation, disarmament, and arms control agreements and commitments. We remain committed to our Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) obligations, including our Article VI obligation “to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control.”
We each intend to maintain and further strengthen our national measures to prevent unauthorized or unintended use of nuclear weapons. We reiterate the validity of our previous statements on de-targeting, reaffirming that none of our nuclear weapons are targeted at each other or at any other State.
We underline our desire to work with all states to create a security environment more conducive to progress on disarmament with the ultimate goal of a world without nuclear weapons with undiminished security for all. We intend to continue seeking bilateral and multilateral diplomatic approaches to avoid military confrontations, strengthen stability and predictability, increase mutual understanding and confidence, and prevent an arms race that would benefit none and endanger all. We are resolved to pursue constructive dialogue with mutual respect and acknowledgment of each other’s security interests and concerns.
Link til udtalelsen.
NATO parliamentarians support nuclear No-First-Use policies
No First Use global d. 29/11 - 2021
Parliamentary letter sent to President Biden and Leaders of the US Congress
Prague, Monday November 29, 2021
President Biden should give high priority to adopting a policy of no-first-use (or sole purpose) of nuclear weapons in the current U.S. nuclear posture review, and use the occasion of the 10th Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty Review Conference in January 2022 to universalise this policy, according to a group of 34 current and former legislators from NATO countries.
The call by the legislators, made in a joint letter sent to the President and the U.S. Congress today, contradicts recent reports that United States allies want the US government to retain the option of initiating nuclear war (first-use options).
“Let us state clearly that we do not believe that a first-use option is in the security interests of our countries or in the interests of NATO as a whole,” say the endorsers of the letter. “We encourage you to take leadership on this issue and we pledge our support.”
“There can be no justification of first use of these hideous weapons of mass destruction,” says Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle, Member of the UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Future Generations and an endorser of the letter. “A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.”...
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Kronik: På FN-dagen mangler Danmark stadig at tilslutte sig FN’s traktat om forbud mod atomvåben
Solidaritet d. 24/10 - 2021 af Tue Magnussen
Trods stor folkelig modstand mod atomvåben, har spørgsmålet om at få dem afskaffet længe været trængt i baggrunden. De andre skandinaviske lande vil nu deltage i diskussionen af FN’s forbudstraktat – og Danmark bør følge trop, skriver Tue Magnussen...
...Selvom atomvåben ikke får megen opmærksomhed er modstanden mod atomvåben i Danmark fortsat udtalt. En opinionsmåling gennemført af YouGov, der blev offentliggjort i januar, viste, at selvom traktaten knap har fået opmærksomhed, svarede 92 procent af dem, der har taget stilling, ja til, at Danmark skal tilslutte FN’s traktat med forbud mod atomvåben, mens 8 procent sagde nej...
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Nato tager afstand fra Norges flirt med atomvåbenforbud
Kristeligt Dagblad / Ritzau d. 22/10 - 2021
Et allieret land skal konsultere Nato, før det træffer beslutninger om atomvåben, siger generalsekretær...
...Udmeldingen fra regeringen har udløst kritik fra højrefløjen i Norge, og Natos generalsekretær, som er tidligere statsminister for Arbeiderpartiet, løfter en pegefinger mod sine tidligere politiske åndsfæller i fædrelandet.
- Jeg forventer, at alle allierede tager denne holdning til efterretning, når de tager fat på atomspørgsmål, og at de konsulterer tæt med allierede i Nato. Jeg forventer, at disse spørgsmål vil blive rejst og diskuteret på Nato-mødet i dag, siger Stoltenberg.
For verden hænger ifølge generalsekretæren sådan sammen, at så længe andre lande som Rusland, Kina og Nordkorea har atomvåben, så skal Nato også besidde denne afskrækkelse.
Helt grundlæggende ønsker Nato en verden uden atomvåben, siger Stoltenberg. Det mål skal nås via en balanceret og kontrollerbar afrustning...
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Norge blir første Natoland som bekrefter deltakelse på statspartsmøte til FNs atomvåpenforbud
ICAN Norge d. 13/10 - 2021
Arbeiderpartiet og Senterpartiet er enige om at Norge skal delta som observatør på statspartsmøte til FNs atomvåpenforbud. Det ble klart da partiene presenterte regjeringserklæringen i dag 13. oktober.
At Norge som første NATO-land bekrefter at vi skal delta som observatør på statspartsmøte til FNs atomvåpenforbud sender et viktig signal til våre allierte om at atomvåpen er uakseptabelt, sier Tuva Widskjold, koordinator for ICAN Norge.
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Bog: Trump blev frataget adgang til atomknap
Ritzau / Kristelig Dagblad d. 15/9 - 2021
Præsidenten er skør, og der er ingen, der aner, hvad han kan finde på.
Det blev den amerikanske forsvarschef, Mark Miley, og Demokraternes flertalsleder i Repræsentanternes Hus, Nancy Pelosi, tilsyneladende enige om i en telefonsamtale i begyndelsen af januar, da Donald Trump stadig var præsident i USA.
Og det var angiveligt årsagen til, at den daværende præsident i al hemmelighed blev frataget muligheden for at beordre atomangreb eller indlede militæraktioner i sine sidste kaotiske dage i Det Hvide Hus...
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Nuclear risk reduction
Abolition 2000 maj 2021
This working group (formerly called the De-alerting Working Group) promotes measures to reduce the risks of nuclear weapons being used and to lower the role of nuclear weapons in security doctrines. These include de-alerting, eliminating launch on warning, lowering threat postures and adopting policies of no-first-use and/or sole purpose.
These are incremental measures, to be advanced along with simultaneous efforts to eliminate the role of nuclear weapons entirely and to achieve the global prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons. Such incremental measures are vital to prevent nuclear weapons being used, and to build confidence amongst those currently relying on nuclear weapons that the phased prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons will increase – not decrease – their security.
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Atomtruslen er ikke forsvundet
Behov for debat om atomvåben i lyset af ny traktat
DIIS policy brief d. 5. maj 2021
af Rens van Munster & Casper Sylvest
...Traktaten om forbud mod atomvåben byder på en række nybrud og afviger betydeligt fra tidligere aftaler på området. Mest iøjnefaldende er det, at ingen atomvåbenstater er blandt initiativtagerne til traktaten. Hverken de stater, der besidder atomvåben, eller deres nære allierede har valgt at underskrive aftalen. Der er altså ikke tale om en våbenkontrolaftale i traditionel forstand.
Traktaten afspejler til gengæld ikke-atomvåbenstaters utilfredshed med atommagternes nedrustningsbestræbelser. Den sender et klart budskab til atommag- terne om, at atomvåben er et problem, der angår alle – ikke kun atomvåbenstater og deres allierede.
Forbudstraktaten går væsentlig længere, men er også et supplement til det eksisterende, kriseramte våbenkontrol-regime. For selv om ikke-spredningstraktaten (NPT) fra 1968 forpligter atommagterne til nedrustning, mangler disse stater at gøre ord til handling. Faktisk investerer flere atomvåbenstater i nye våbensystemer....
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Why Nuclear Weapons Remain an Existential Threat and What to Do About It.
UMassHistory. Blev streamet live den 30. apr. 2021
UMass was first established in 1863 as the Massachusetts Agricultural College, located in Amherst, under the Morrill Land-Grant Colleges Act. In 1932, the Massachusetts Agricultural College became Massachusetts State College, and in 1947, Mass State became the University of Massachusetts
Activist and Princeton physicist Zia Mian moderates a discussion with world experts on nuclear weapons and disarmament: Daniel Ellsberg, former RAND corporation expert on nuclear strategy and longtime antinuclear activist; Beatrice Fihn, leader of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons; and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Fred Kaplan, author of The Bomb: Presidents, Generals, and the Secret History of Nuclear War. Presented as part of “Truth, Dissent, & the Legacy of Daniel Ellsberg: A 50th Anniversary Conference Commemorating the Release of the Pentagon Papers” by the University of Massachusetts Amherst with The GroundTruth Project on April 30, and May 1, 2021. This conference was collectively organized by the UMass Amherst Departments of History and Journalism; Special Collections and University Archives, UMass Amherst Libraries; the UMass Amherst College of Humanities and Fine Arts; and The GroundTruth Project, with generous support from the Office of the Chancellor. The conference is one component of a larger initiative called The Ellsberg Archive Project, a website exploring the life and legacy of Daniel Ellsberg that incorporates archival material, student analysis, and The GroundTruth Project podcast, The Whistleblower. The site will also host recordings of conference sessions.
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Der er ingen juridisk hindring for Norge som NATO-medlem, der tilslutter sig FN ' s atomforbud.
NATO-medlemskab betyder ingen forpligtelse til at understøtte nukleare afskrækkelser. Vi kan således være NATO-allierede og samtidig tage afstand fra besiddelse og brug af atomvåben på vores vegne!
Vil du vide mere om NATO, Norge og atomvåben? Læs denne rapport fra Institut for Folkretts.
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Nuclear war with China or Russia 'a very real possibility,' U.S. Strategic Command chief warns
The Washington Times d. 1/1 - 2021
...The Pentagon must shift from a principal assumption that nuclear weapons’ use is nearly impossible to “nuclear employment is a very real possibility,” he urged in the new survey.
Government and military leaders need to better understand the new dangers of nuclear conflict and fashion new concepts of deterrence and — if needed — nuclear war-fighting strategies.
The deployment of advanced strategic forces by China and Russia calls for greater action by the United States to bolster deterrence in the face of new threats. Deterring both nations through crises or ultimately nuclear war is being tested in ways not seen before, Adm. Richard said...
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Populations in 6 NATO states overwhelmingly support the TPNW - ICAN -
Poll respondents in Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain support their government joining the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, new polls show.
Populations in 6 NATO states overwhelmingly support the TPNW
YouGov polls conducted in late 2020 in six NATO countries - Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain - show very high levels of public support for their countries to join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Percentage of respondents who answered “yes” to the question: “Do you think your country should join the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons?”
On the contrary, support for the current government’s position - to not join the treaty - was in the single digits in most countries. Notably, those polled still overwhelmingly supported joining the TPNW even if their country would be the first NATO country to do so and they would face U.S. pressure not to. In Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands, the polls also found popular support for removing U.S. nuclear weapons from their territory.
These polls show how out of touch NATO policy on nuclear weapons is with the democratic support for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Now that the treaty has entered into force, global support for the TPNW, including within NATO will only continue to grow.
ICAN commissioned YouGov to carry out the polls, which surveyed about 1000 people in each country. More information about the polls and methodology are available in this briefing paper.
ican norge d. 11/11 - 2020
Else Kåss Furuseth intervjuer Arbeiderpartiets varaordfører i Oslo, Kamzy Gunaratnam, om kampen mot atomvåpen og om byer og kommuners mulighet til å delta i arbeidet for å avskaffe verdens verste masseødeleggelsesvåpen. Intervjuet ble gjort i forbindelse med 75 årsmarkeringen av at USA bombet Hiroshima og Nagasaki med atomvåpen, den eneste gangen atomvåpen er brukt i krig. Norge har ikke ratifisert FNs atomvåpenforbud. 8 av 10 nordmenn mener Norge bør være med i den globale dugnaden for å stigmatisere og avskaffe atomvåpen ved å slutte seg til forbudet. Ledere for 7 norske ungdomspartier er i denne appellen krystallklare i at Norge må ratifisere FNs atomvåpenforbud. Film og klipp: Millimedia AS Medvirkende: Kamzy Gunaratnam, varaordfører i Oslo Else Kåss Furuseth, programleder
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Nuclear weapons have always been inhumane and unacceptable, soon they will be illegal – Tilman Ruff
ca. 6/11 - 2020
On Saturday 24 October 2020, Honduras brought the number of nations ratifying the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (‘TPNW’) to 50. This milestone means that after 90 days have elapsed, on 22 January 2021, the treaty will enter into legal force, becoming international law and binding on the states that have ratified it, and all those which ratify in future. The treaty will, however, stigmatise nuclear weapons for all states, whether or not they join the treaty.
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Historisk milepæl er nået: Forbud mod atomvåben kan træde i kraft
Fn-forbundet d. 29/10 - 2020
På FN-dagen den 24. oktober 2020 nåede FN-traktaten om forbud mod atomvåben de påkrævede 50 staters ratifikationer for at kunne træde i kraft. Dét sker om 90 dage, den 22. januar 2021. Men Danmark er ikke med i aftalen.
Danmark var et af de omkring 40 lande som slet ikke deltog i forhandlingerne om traktaten. 122 lande stemte for aftalen, da det kom til afstemning, og Sverige stemte, som det eneste nordiske land, for forbuddet. Norge, Finland og Island stemte heller ikke.
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UN treaty banning nuclear weapons set to enter into force in January
UN News d. 25/10 - 2020
The UN Secretary-General António Guterres in a statement commended all the countries whose ratification of the accord, approved by 122 nations at the General Assembly in 2017, who have helped bring the ban on weapons this far, singling out the work of civil society groups.
Chief among those, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017, declared through Executive Director Beatrice Fihn that the coming into force was “a new chapter for nuclear disarmament. Decades of activism have achieved what many said was impossible: nuclear weapons are banned.”
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Treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons
Hiroshima og Nagasaki 75 år: Nej, atomvåben skaber ikke længere en fredeligere verden, men en stadig større risiko for ragnarok
Information d. 8/8 - 2020, lederen
...Om den udvikling bruger bekymrede sikkerhedseksperter gerne begrebet »den atomare jungle«. Her er Den Kolde Krigs bipolare balance ikke bare opløst i en multipolar ubalance. Der findes også flere små og taktiske atomvåben, som formentlig sænker tærsklen for brugen af a-våben.
Fra den amerikanske ngo »Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists« advares derfor mod, at risikoen for en eskalerende brug af atomvåben er markant større i dag end under Den Kolde Krig. Det skyldes også en cocktail af ny nationalisme, nye teknologier og hackbare systemer – helt ned til hacks af den amerikanske præsidents Twitter-konto med trusler om et »first strike« eller læk af deep fake videoer af nordkoreanske forberedelser af et atomangreb.
Som forfatteren bag The Making of the Atomic Bomb, Richard Rhodes, for nylig har hævdet, står den unge generation således med en dobbelt udfordring, fordi »atomkrig er en lige så stor og mere umiddelbar fare for menneskeheden og naturen end den globale opvarmning«...
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Danmark skal tilslutte sig FN-traktaten om forbud mod atomvåben.
Støt borgerforslag med din underskrift.
Se mere på vores side om atomvåben
TALE - Nej til atomvåben
Tale af Christian Juhl til demonstrationen den 6. august ved Peblingesøen i København. “Danmark skal i front mod atomvåben. Norden skal i front mod atomvåben. Vi har gjort det før – vi kan gøre det igen.”
Arbejderen d. 7/8 - 2020
1) 6. august 1945 sprængte USA det første atombombe i Hiroshima. Det er 75 år siden.
To dage efter sprængte de også én over Nagasaki – begge med katastrofal effekt. Mellem 150.000 og 250.000 var døde fire måneder efter sprængningerne. Enorme skader fulgte i form af deformerede børn og meget alvorlige miljøødelæggelser.
2) Efter stor international folkelig modstand mod atomvåben – ikke mindst i de nordiske lande – tog FN i 1968 initiativ til en ikke-spredningstraktat. 190 af verdens lande har tiltrådt traktaten om ikke-spredning af atomvåben.
3) Store folkelige protester forhindrede opstillingen af nye farlige missiler i både øst og vest i 80’erne – blandt andet den nye neutronbombe, der kunne udslette alt liv, men bevare de materielle værdier. Jeg kan se på de fremmødtes hårfarve, at mange også dengang har været potentielle deltagere i møderne og protesterne.
4) I dag har Rusland, USA, England, Frankrig og Kina, Indien, Pakistan, Israel og Nordkorea atomvåben.
Siden 1945 er der foretaget mere end 2000 prøvesprængninger, og atomvåbenlandene råder over mere end 15.000 atomsprængladninger – nok til at ødelægge alle større byer og gøre kloden ubeboelig på grund af den radioaktive stråling.
5) Landene moderniserer stadig våbnene og gør dem mere og ”effektive”. ... altså tusind milliarder dollars.
Så mange penge afsatte Obama-regeringen i 00’erne til at modernisere USA’s atomvåben over de næste 30 år. Og de er ikke de eneste.
Alle disse penge kunne gøre gavn til udvikling hos de millioner af mennesker, som lever i fattigdom.
Det er et historisk svigt, at milliarderne bruges til udvikling af våben, mens mennesker dør af sult og sygdomme eller er på flugt.
6) FN’s Generalforsamling vedtog den 7. juli 2017 en traktat, som forbyder alle atomvåben.
Traktaten pålægger de lande, der underskriver og ratificerer den, ikke under nogen omstændigheder at udvikle, afprøve, fremstille eller på anden måde anskaffe sig eller lagre atomvåben.
Den forbyder enhver anvendelse af atomvåben og ulovliggør trusler om anvendelse af sådanne våben. Landene forpligter sig til ikke at deltage i aktiviteter, der kan fremme udvikling og brug af atomvåben.
7) 122 af FN’s medlemslande, det vil sige to tredjedele, stemte for traktaten. Ét land stemte imod, og et andet land undlod at stemme, mens et mindretal på 69 lande boykottede både forhandlinger og afstemning om forbuddet.
Traktaten er udformet sådan, at den træder i kraft, så snart 50 af FN’s medlemslande har ratificeret den.
Siden vedtagelsen i juli 2017 har 81 lande underskrevet og 38 lande ratificeret den.
8) Samtlige atommagter og deres allierede – det vil sige hele NATO – boykottede forhandlingerne og har ikke underskrevet.
Danmark har ofte støttet processer, der kan fremme nedrustning af atomvåben, men den danske regering deltog heller ikke i forhandlingerne i FN og har følgelig heller ikke underskrevet og ratificeret traktaten. Endnu!
Anders Samuelsen svarede på den tidligere regerings vegne, at atomvåben kan bruges som afskrækkelse og som en del af NATO's strategi. Og om nødvendigt at bruge dem.
Men NATO skaber ikke større tryghed med atomvåben. Tværtimod.
9) En borgergruppe med udgangspunkt i Fredsministeriet har startet en underskriftindsamling. Målet er 50.000 underskrifter og dermed at pålægge Folketinget at diskutere tilslutning til FN's forbud mod atomvåben.
Det bør være en let sag, hvis vi alle skriver under og deler budskabet. Men det har vi ikke gjort til nu. 284 har de første to uger skrevet under. Med det tempo vil det tage 352 uger. Alle må bidrage, hvis det skal lykkes.
10) Nu står vi her – ved Peblingesøen. På Slotspladsen står Fredsvagterne. Andre steder står lokale fredsgrupper. Der er arrangeret en fredskonference på Christiansborg 21. september.
Et enkelt fatalt tryk på den røde knap i Rusland, Pakistan, USA eller Israel kan det få fatale konsekvenser for hele menneskeheden. Derfor skal alle atomvåben skal forbydes og destrueres.
Vi skal ikke længere stå – vi skal gå. Ud på landevejene, på gader og pladser. Ud til medierne. Ud til unge. Ud i beboerhusene og forsamlingshusene. Ud til politikere og meningsdannere.
Danmark skal i front mod atomvåben. Norden skal i front mod atomvåben.
Vi har gjort det før – vi kan gøre det igen.
Link til talen hos Arbejderen
Hiroshima at 75
By Kate Hudson The United States dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima 75 years ago today. It remains an act of barbarism unparalleled in the history of war – and its use was never a necessity.
...By the time the bomb was ready for use, Japan was ready to surrender. As General Dwight Eisenhower said, Japan was at that very moment seeking some way to surrender with minimum loss of face, and “it wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing.” So if Japan was ready to surrender, why were the bombs dropped? A significant factor in the decision was the United States’ desire to establish its dominance in the region after the war. Those planning for the postwar situation believed that this required US occupation of Japan, enabling it to establish a permanent military presence, shape its political and economic system and dominate the Pacific region without fear of Japanese resurgence. But Japanese resurgence was no longer the US’s key strategic concern; its main concern above all, was the Soviet Union in the postwar world, both in Asia and in Europe...
...Modern research findings clearly demonstrate that from April 1945 on, top American officials calculated that using the atomic bomb would enormously bolster US diplomacy vis-a-vis the Soviet Union in negotiations over both postwar Europe and Asia. The atomic bomb was not, in fact, initially brought to Truman’s attention because of its relationship to the war against Japan, but because of its likely impact on diplomacy...
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Syv ting du ikke vidste om bomberne over Hiroshima og Nagasaki
TV2 d. 6: august - 2020 af Peter Møller
Der er nu gået 75 år, siden USA kastede to atombomber over Japan. I dag har mange af de historier, man fortalte i årene derefter, ændret sig radikalt. Atombomberne over Hiroshima og Nagasaki satte for 75 år siden et brændende punktum for Anden Verdenskrig. I ved vi godt, at et hvidt lysglimt, brændende hede og en gigantisk trykbølge er lig med et atomvåben, men menneskene i Hiroshima og Nagasaki anede ikke, hvad der ramte dem. Få dage efter bomberne var blevet kastet, overgav Japan sig, fordi kejserriget ikke længere kunne se nogen gevinst ved at fortsætte kampene.
I de 75 år, der er gået siden de to bomber blev kastet, har mennesker ikke brugt atomvåben mod hinanden. Så i dag virker bomberne over Hiroshima og Nagasaki som fjern fortid for de fleste, men vi er næsten alle sammen vokset op med truslen om, at de kan blive brugt igen.
Årene siden de to bomber har også bragt klarhed over en række ting, og der er stadig detaljer ved de to bomber, der kan virke overraskende. Dem kan du finde nogle af her.
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What Europeans believe about Hiroshima and Nagasaki—and why it matters
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
By Benoît Pelopidas, Kjølv Egeland, August 3, 2020
...Fourth, it is not clear that the atomic bombs were in fact responsible for the Japanese surrender. The Japanese
In fact, according to the US Air Force’s own review, finalized not long after the end of the war, Japan would likely have surrendered that same autumn even in the absence of atomic bombings or an invasion. Similarly, the Joint Chiefs of Staff expressed skepticism about the use of atomic bombs both before and after the fact...
...European views on the atomic bombings of Japan. Asked to note their agreement or disagreement with the statement that “the atomic bombings of Japan in World War II shortened the war significantly,” 23 percent of respondents to the October 2019 survey “strongly” agreed, 29 percent “somewhat” agreed, 31 percent reported no opinion, 9 percent “somewhat” disagreed, and 8 percent “strongly” disagreed. In other words, while 52 percent of respondents expressed support for the idea that the war was significantly shortened by the atomic bombings, only 17 percent pushed back against that idea...
...Finally, asked to note their agreement or disagreement with the statement that “the atomic bombings of Japan in World War II killed innocent civilians,” 71 percent of respondents to the 2019 survey “strongly” agreed, 14 percent “somewhat” agreed, 12 percent expressed no opinion, and less than 5 percent “strongly” or “somewhat” disagreed...
...However, there is clear relationship between degree of faith in the Stimson narrative and support for the abolition of nuclear weapons. Respondents who said the atomic bombings shortened the war significantly, were necessary to bring about the Japanese surrender, or saved American soldiers’ lives were significantly more likely to believe that the abolition of nuclear weapons would “make the world less safe” compared to those who did not express such views...
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Exploding Nuclear Budget
Exploding Nuclear Budget
The Just-Released Numbers for New Bombs
Posted on Thursday, February 27, 2020
Posted by Joseph Rodgers, Tri-Valley CAREs’ Policy Analyst
National Nuclear Security Administration’s Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Request:The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has just released itsdetailed budget request for Fiscal Year (FY)2021, which starts on October 1stof this year. The NNSA will use the requested fundingto “modernize,” or redesign, U.S. nuclear warheads. The NNSA request is20% higher than last year’s requestand more than50% higher than theannual fundinglevel when President Trump took office in 2016.
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US staged ‘limited’ nuclear battle against Russia in war game
Nuclear-news d. 25/2 - 2020
US staged ‘limited’ nuclear battle against Russia in war game
The Pentagon has briefed about the simulated exchange in a move that could signal readiness to fight and win nuclear conflict, Guardian, Julian Borger in Washington, Tue 25 Feb 2020 The US conducted a military exercise last week which simulated a “limited” nuclear exchange with Russia, a senior Pentagon official has confirmed.The war game is notable because of the defence department’s highly unusual decision to brief journalists about the details and because it embodied the controversial notion that it might be possible to fight, and win, a battle with nuclear weapons, without the exchange leading to an all-out world-ending conflict.
The exercise comes just weeks after the US deployed a new low-yield submarine-launched warhead commissioned by Donald Trump, as a counter to Russian tactical weapons and intended to deter their use.
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The IPB supports the Peace Wave, August 6-9, 2020
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Vi säger nej till kärnvapen!
FN:s medlemsstater har förhandlat fram ett avtal om förbud mot kärnvapen. Men Sverige har inte skrivit under. Detta trots att dagens kärnvapen är farligare än någonsin. Styrkan i moderna kärnvapen är många gånger starkare än de atombomber som fälldes över Hiroshima och Nagasaki för över 70 år sedan. Kärnvapen är ett hot mot hela mänskligheten och vår planet. De humanitära konsekvenserna av ett nytt kärnvapenkrig går inte att överblicka. Att Sverige står upp mot kärnvapen och för nedrustning är därför viktigare än någonsin. FN-avtalet sätter press på kärnvapenstaterna och påminner dem om deras nedrustningslöften.
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One Year of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Spending Would Provide 300,000 ICU Beds, 35,000 Ventilators and Salaries of 75,000 Doctors
Newsweek d. 26/3 - 2020
af Matthew Impelli
The amount of money spent in one year by the U.S. on nuclear weapons could instead provide 300,000 ICU (intensive care unit) beds, 35,000 ventilators and 75,000 doctors' salaries, according to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)--a "coalition of non-government organizations promoting adherence to and implementation of the UN [United Nations} nuclear weapon ban treaty."...
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70 år efter opfordringen i Stockholm om et forbud mod atomvåben: vi har en pligt til at handle og magten til at vinde eliminering af atomvåben
le Mouvement de la Paix d. 25/3
oversat med Google
Den 19. marts 1950 lancerede Verdensfredsrådsmødet i Stockholm en appel: ”Vi kræver det absolutte forbud mod atomvåben, et terrorvåben og masseudryddelse af befolkninger. Vi kræver etablering af streng international kontrol for at sikre, at denne foranstaltning anvendes. Vi mener, at regeringen, der først bruger atomvåben mod ethvert land, vil begå en forbrydelse mod menneskeheden og bør behandles som en krigsforbryder. Vi opfordrer alle mænd med velvilje i verden til at underskrive denne appel.
Denne opfordring til et absolut forbud mod atomvåben har samlet hundreder af millioner underskrifter over hele verden.
I 70 år har vi vundet mange slag mod masseødelæggelsesvåben: biologiske våben forbudt i 1972, kemiske våben forbudt i 1993, fem traktater om oprettelse af atomvåbenfri zoner mellem 1959 og 1996, traktatens ikrafttræden nuklear ikke-spredning (NPT) i 1970, ikrafttrædelse af traktaten om omfattende forbud mod nuklear test i 1996 (TICEN) og vedtagelsen af ??TIAN (traktaten om nuklear våbenforbud) i 2017 ved FN.
Dette er konkrete resultater, der skal krediteres dette opkald, der har inspireret fredsbevægelsens handlinger siden da. Nu er vi i stand til at vinde fra 2020/2021 kampen om TIAN's ikrafttræden og dens anvendelse, som vil indlede den endelige eliminering af atomvåben.
Mennesket er fuldt ansvarligt for oprettelsen af ??atomvåben. Han har pligt til at udføre sin eliminering
Som et resultat bekræfter vi, 70 år efter Stockholm-appellen, uopsætteligheden af ??at fjerne disse farlige, umenneskelige, afskyelige, ulovlige og dyre våben, der truer selve menneskehedens eksistens.
Vi bekræfter, at deres eliminering er et fælles behov for hele menneskeheden og et vigtigt skridt for at fremme alle folks sikkerhed og velvære og udvikle en fredskultur, der er nødvendig for at opfylde folks grundlæggende ambitioner. at leve i fred og opbygge en civilisation af fred, der giver hele menneskeheden sundhed, økologisk og økonomisk sikkerhed i en sammenkoblet verden.
Fjernelse af atomvåben ville frigøre ressourcer, som verden haster med at øge budgetterne til alt, hvad der vedrører sundhedssikkerhed (WHO, hospitaler osv.) Og mindske de militære budgetter, der bidrager til vores usikkerhed. .
Michelle Bachelet, De Forenede Nationers menneskerettighedschef, og Filippo Grandi, De Forenede Nationers højkommissær for flygtninge, siger: "Covid-19 er en test ikke kun for vores sundhedssystemer og vores reaktionsmekanismer smitsomme sygdomme, men det er også en test på vores evne til at samarbejde som et samfund af nationer i lyset af en fælles udfordring. ”
Skal vi ikke tilføje, at en verden fri for sine 16.000 atombomber i dette 70-års jubilæum for verdens mest berømte opkald ville være en handling mod livets væsentlige værdier?
76% af franskmennene går ind for Frankrigs engagement i processen med at eliminere atomvåben (IFOP-undersøgelse juni 2018: La Croix, Peace Movement, Planète Paix). På globalt plan er der dannet en enorm front til fjernelse af nukleare våben: 122 stater inklusive Vatikanet, De Forenede Nationer, Det Internationale Røde Kors, alle fagforeningsorganisationer på globalt plan, et globalt netværk af borgmestre for fred. , tusinder af foreninger og netværk over hele verdenen, ICAN-kampagnen (Nobel Prize 2017).
Det er alle i deres land ansvar at agere for ratificering af traktaten om forbud mod kernevåben for at få alle stater, som de ratificerer og anvende traktaten om nuklear våbenforbud (TIAN) ) som træder i kraft, så snart den er ratificeret af 50 stater (36 gjorde det den 25. marts 2020).
Som Albert Camus sagde den 8. august 1945 i Bekæmpelse "Det er ikke længere en bøn, men en ordre, der skal gå fra folk til regering, ordren om at vælge endeligt mellem helvede og fornuft".
Vi har en pligt til at handle og kraften til at vinde eliminering af atomvåben!
25. marts 2020
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How a small nuclear war would transform the entire planet
Nature d. 16/3 - 2020
As geopolitical tensions rise in nuclear-armed states, scientists are modelling the global impact of nuclear war...
...Nuclear-winter studies arose during the cold war, as the United States and the Soviet Union stockpiled tens of thousands of nuclear warheads in preparation for all-out assaults. Alarmed by leaders’ bellicose rhetoric, scientists in the 1980s began running simulations on how nuclear war might change the planet after the initial horrific deaths from the blasts3,4. Researchers including the US planetary scientist and communicator Carl Sagan described how smoke from incinerated cities would block sunlight and plunge much of the planet into a deep freeze lasting for months, even in summer4. Later studies tempered the forecasts somewhat, finding slightly less-dramatic cooling5. Still, Soviet leader Mikail Gorbachev cited nuclear winter as one factor that prompted him to work towards drawing down the country’s nuclear arsenals...
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UN disarmament confab to be postponed 1 year due to coronavirus
The Mainichi d. 13/3 - 2020
Japans National daily Since 1922
NEW YORK/VIENNA (Kyodo) -- A U.N. conference on nuclear disarmament
slated to be held from late April will likely be pushed back one year,
diplomatic sources said Thursday, the latest international gathering to
be affected by the coronavirus outbreak.
The review conference on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty had been
set to take place from April 27 to May 22 in New York, marking the 50th
anniversary of the landmark agreement taking effect...
...Held every five years, the review conference provides a platform for
nuclear weapons states such as the United States, Russia and China to
hold discussions with non-nuclear weapons states.
But there has been a growing rift between members who in 2015 were
unable to adopt a consensus document amid a disagreement over whether to
declare the Middle East a "nuclear weapons-free zone."
The review conference is also an opportunity for aging survivors of the
atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to spread their pacifist
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Why is the Doomsday Clock the closest its ever been to Midnight?
Center for the Study of Existential Risk d. 5/3 - 2020
Explained by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' President and CEO,
Rachel Bronson, in this Public Lecture for the Centre for the Study of
Existential Risk (CSER) at the University of Cambridge.
What does 'Midnight' mean? What goes into assessing the Doomsday Clock
time? And how confident should we be in that time? Rachel Bronson talks
about the history of the Clock and how its evolved, the most recent time
changes - how did we get to 100 Seconds To Midnight? - the main issues
now, and what that means for our shared future.
Se video
50 år efter ikrafttrædelsen af ??traktaten om ikke-spredning af nuklear energi - Det haster med at ratificere traktaten om forbud mod atomvåben
Paris, 03/03/2020
Oversat med Google
I anledning af 50-års jubilæum for ikrafttrædelsen af ??den nukleare ikke-spredningstraktat NPT (5. marts 1970) glæder fredsbevægelsen sig over det faktum, at i henhold til NPT og dens artikel 6, en traktat om forbud mod atomvåben (TIAN) blev vedtaget i FN den 7. juli 2017, derefter underskrevet af 81 stater og hidtil ratificeret af 35 stater.
Da man ved, at denne traktat om forbud mod nukleare våben vil træde i kraft efter dens ratificering af 50 stater, opfordrer fredsbevægelsen Frankrig og alle verdens stater til at underskrive, ratificere og anvende traktaten om forbud mod nukleare våben. Denne traktat vil gøre det muligt at komme ind i en fase af konkretisering af en generel, progressiv og kontrolleret nuklear nedrustning, der er omhandlet i artikel 6 i NPT (2), der trådte i kraft for 50 år siden.
Med aktivister fra hele verden deltager hundrede franske mænd og kvinder med fredsbevægelsen i april og maj 2020 i FN i New York i arbejdet med NPT-revisionskonferencen og demonstrerer foran nationerne United kræver, at alle statschefer ratificerer TIAN.
Fredsbevægelsen opfordrer det franske folk, hvoraf 76% går ind for nuklear nedrustning (4), til at intensivere aktioner til ratificering af TIAN og bidrage til succes for det internationale forum for fred og nuklear nedrustning arrangeret i Paris i regi af Collectif National en Marche pour la Paix lørdag 4. april 2020 kl. 17 på arbejdsudvekslingen.
Paris, 03/03/2020
Note 1: Præambel til NPT
De underskrivende stater, som Frankrig angiver i præamblen, at de er ”Ønske om at fremme international tilbageholdelse og styrkelse af tilliden mellem staterne for at lette ophør med fremstilling af nukleare våben, likvidation af alle de eksisterende bestande af nævnte våben og eliminering af nukleare våben og deres leveringsmidler fra nationale arsenaler under en traktat om generel og fuldstændig nedrustning under streng og effektiv international kontrol, "I det følgende afsnit husker de underskrivende stater, at De Forenede Nationers pagt skal stater i deres internationale forbindelser afholde sig fra at gribe til truslen eller magtanvendelsen, enten mod den territoriale integritet eller den politiske uafhængighed af en stat eller af enhver stat ellers uforenelig med FN's formål, og at etablering og opretholdelse af fred og sikkerhed bør fremmes uredelighed ved kun at aflede minimumet af menneskelige og økonomiske ressourcer fra verden til våben ”
Note 2 - NPT's artikel 6
I traktatens artikel 6 hedder det, at "Hver af parterne i traktaten forpligter sig til at forhandle i god tro forhandlinger om effektive foranstaltninger, der vedrører den tidlige ophør af kernevåbenløbet og om nuklear nedrustning, og om en generel og komplet nedrustningsaftale under streng og effektiv international kontrol ”
Atomvåben er ulovlige, ubrukelige militært, farlige, dyre og moralsk uacceptable. Det eneste alternativ til deres spredning er deres eliminering for i sidste ende at undgå den nukleare apokalypse.
Note 3: Artikel 1 i traktaten om forbud mod nukleare våben
"Forbud 1. Hver deltagerstat påtager sig under ingen omstændigheder:
a) udvikle, teste, producere, fremstille, på anden måde erhverve, besidde eller opbevare nukleare våben eller andre nukleare eksplosionsanordninger;
(b) overførsel til nogen, hverken direkte eller indirekte, atomvåben eller andre nukleare eksplosionsanordninger eller kontrol med sådanne våben eller eksplosionsanordninger;
c) Accepterer hverken direkte eller indirekte overførsel af nukleare våben eller andre nukleare eksplosionsanordninger eller kontrol med sådanne våben eller sådanne eksplosionsanordninger;
(d) Brug eller truer med at bruge nukleare våben eller andre nukleare eksplosionsanordninger;
(e) At hjælpe, opmuntre eller tilskynde nogen på nogen måde til at udøve en aktivitet, der er forbudt for en statspart i henhold til denne traktat;
f) anmode om eller modtage hjælp fra nogen på nogen måde til at udøve en aktivitet, der er forbudt for en statspart i henhold til denne traktat;
g) Tillad implantering, installation eller udrulning af nukleare våben eller andre nukleare eksplosionsanordninger på dets område eller på ethvert sted under dens jurisdiktion eller kontrol. "
Note 4: Ifop-undersøgelse / Planet fred / fredsbevægelse 2018
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Nuclear warfare: How Sweden and Germany plan to curb the threat
DW d. 24/2 - 2020
With the nuclear threat seemingly growing, a nonproliferation treaty is being put to the test. Sixteen states hoping to strengthen the agreement held talks last year in Stockholm — now they are to meet again in Berlin...
...Much to do in Berlin
Indeed, a number of concrete proposals were already developed in Stockholm that the Initiative's 16 participants want to bring to the conference in New York. For example, they want to increase the amount of advance warning that must be given before a nuclear weapon can be used on enemy territory.
The Stockholm Initiative also wants all nuclear powers to adhere to a "no first use policy" for nuclear weapons, and is hoping that the states at the New York conference will formally agree to the wording that "a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought."
After their initial meeting in Stockholm, the participants agreed their collective goal was "a world without nuclear weapons." Now they want to further refine those goals in Berlin, precisely so they do not show up to the nuclear nonproliferation conference in New York on April 27 empty-handed.
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Closer than ever: It is 100 seconds to midnight
2020 Doomsday Clock Announcement Washington, D.C. d. 23/1 - 2020
Humanity continues to face two simultaneous existential dangers—nuclear war and climate change—that are compounded by a threat multiplier, cyber-enabled information warfare, that undercuts society’s ability to respond. The international security situation is dire, not just because these threats exist, but because world leaders have allowed the international political infrastructure for managing them to erode.
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Young people overwhelmingly believe the use of nuclear weapons in conflict is never acceptable.
FN's nedrustningsårbog
se her.
Signature/ratification status of
the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
ican november 2019
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons opened
for signature at United Nations headquarters in New York
on 20 September 2017 and will remain open indefinitely.
Once 50 nations have ratified or acceded to it, it will
enter into force.
There are currently 80 signatories and 33 states parties.
text of the treaty (adopted 7 July 2017)
information on national positions
to signing and ratifying the treaty
towards ratification
hele websiden
Mikhail Gorbachev: World in
‘colossal danger’
BBC d. 4/11 - 2019
The former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has warned
that current tension between Russia and the West is
putting the world in "colossal danger" due to the threat
from nuclear weapons.
In an interview with the BBC's Steve Rosenberg, former
President Gorbachev called for all countries to declare
that nuclear weapons should be destroyed.
Strangelove redux: US experts
propose having AI control nuclear weapons.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists d. 30/8 - 2019
Hypersonic missiles, stealthy cruise missiles, and
weaponized artificial intelligence have so reduced the
amount of time that decision makers in the United States
would theoretically have to respond to a nuclear attack
that, two military experts say, it’s time for a new US
nuclear command, control, and communications system. Their
solution? Give artificial intelligence control over the
launch button...
...History is replete with instances in which it seems,
in retrospect, that nuclear war could have started were it
not for some flesh-and-blood human refusing to begin
Armageddon. Perhaps the most famous such hero was
Stanislav Petrov, a Soviet lieutenant colonel, who was the
officer on duty in charge of the Soviet Union’s
missile-launch detection system when it registered five
inbound missiles on Sept. 26, 1983. Petrov decided the
signal was in error and reported it as a false alarm. It
was. Whether an artificial intelligence would have reached
the same decision is, at the least, uncertain...
...But Lowther and McGiffin say a hypothetical US system
would be different than Dead Hand because “the system
itself would determine the response based on its own
assessment of the inbound threat.“ That is to say, the US
system would be better, because it wouldn’t necessarily
wait for a nuclear detonation to launch a US attack.
hele artiklen
and McGiffins artikkel
Dr. Adam Lowther is Director of Research and Education at
the Louisiana Tech Research Institute (LTRI) where he
teaches deterrence strategy, NC3 History, and Integrated
Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment in several nuclear
command, control, and communication courses for the U.S.
Air Force. He served in several nuclear strategy and
policy positions within the federal government and began
his career in the U.S. Navy.
Curtis McGiffin is Associate Dean, School of Strategic
Force Studies, at the Air Force Institute of Technology
and an adjunct professor for Missouri State University’s
Department of Defense and Strategic Studies where he
teaches strategic nuclear deterrence theory and NC3
education. He is a retired U.S. Air Force colonel with
over 26 years of service, including 17 years serving
within the nuclear enterprise.
Faren for atomkrig har aldrig været større, men vi har
lukket øjne og ører for det.
Bragt i den trykte udgave af Jyske Vestkysten d. 31/7 -
2019 og i den elektroniske udgave d. 1/8 - 2019
I 80’erne vidste folk, at det kunne gå galt - I dag er
det gemt væk.
For blot 10 år siden talte Obama om at skrotte alle
Nu mener den sikkerhedspolitiske rådgiver John Bolton og
en række republikanske
senatorer, at enhver traktat, der begrænser USA er en
Tidligere forsøgte man at skabe
sikkerhedsforanstaltninger mellem USA og Rusland
med et netværk af informationsudveksling, konsultationer
og specifikke kanaler for at
forhindre eskalering af uundgåelige hændelser.
Reagan og Gorbatsjov udtalte i 1985: "En atomkrig kan
aldrig vindes og må aldrig
Situationen i dag:
I NATO taler man om, at det skal være muligt som de første
at bruge atomvåben.
Pentagon har udtalt, at man skal kunne modsvare et
cyberangreb med atomvåben.
USA har talt om at bruge mindre atomvåben i en “almindelig
Udviklingen af nye våben, der er vanskelige at opdage og
hurtigere, øger risikoen for
krig ved en fejl.
Det behøver ikke at være sådan!
D. 7/7 - 2017 vedtog 122 lande i FN et forbud mod
Danmark var ikke medunderskriver på forbudet - det skal vi
Vær med til at skabe bevægelse om dette. Deltag d. 6/8
kl. 20 i Heerups Have.
Tilmeld dig på Facebook, del begivenheden og inviter dine
Den eneste måde, hvorpå vi kan beskytte os mod atomvåben,
er ved at forbyde dem.
Poul Eck Sørensen, formand Esbjerg Fredsbevægelse
Secret locations of US nuclear weapons in Europe
accidentally leaked
‘These bombs are stored at six US and European bases’,
says Nato committee report
Independent d. 17/7 - 2019 af Samuel Osborne
The secret locations of US nuclear weapons stored in
Europe have been accidentally revealed in a report
published by a Nato committee.
The document referred to the sites of roughly 150 American
nuclear weapons.
“These bombs are stored at six US and European bases —
Kleine Brogel in Belgium, Büchel in Germany, Aviano and
Ghedi-Torre in Italy, Volkel in The Netherlands, and
Incirlik in Turkey,” a section of the report seen by
Belgian newspaper De Morgen said...
hele artiklen
Amerikanske borgmestre opfordre
enstemmigt en kommende amerikansk præsident til at
forhindre en atom krig, at komme tilbage til diplomatiet
og forhandle om eliminering af atomvåben.
Resolution unanimously adopted by the U.S. Conference of
Mayors, July 1, 2019 at its 87th Annual Meeting in
resulutionen på deres hjemmeside.
læs om vedtagelsen her
A World without Nuclear
crisd, Center for International Relations and Sustainable
Development, Horizons Summer 2019 / Issue No. 14
Thomas M. Countryman is Chairman of the Arms Control
Association and a former U. S. Assistant Secretary of
State for International Security and Nonproliferation. You
may follow him on Twitter @TMCountryman.
Within two years, we may face a complete lack of
constraint on Russian and American nuclear arsenals. What
can be done to avert that situation, and how can we manage
to preserve strategic stability in the absence of arms
control agreements?
What a difference a decade makes. Ten years ago, the
prospects looked positive for reducing the existential
risk nuclear weapons pose to the human species. President
Barack Obama’s Prague speech of April 2009 laid out a
vision of a world without nuclear weapons, conceding that
it would require decades, and proposed first steps in that
direction. His series of Nuclear Security Summits lowered
the risk that terrorists, or other non-state actors, could
ever acquire sufficient fissile material to make a nuclear
weapon. The Russian Federation and the United States
concluded the New START treaty in 2010, lowering the total
size of their nuclear arsenals to a level not seen since
the 1950s, and both sides continue to implement the
agreement faithfully. And also in 2010, 180 countries that
gathered to review the operation of the Nuclear
Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) reached an unprecedented
level of consensus on additional steps in that direction.
Today, a fifty-year trend of reducing the size,
diversity, role (and risk) of nuclear arsenals has been
reversed. Political paralysis and re-ignited great power
competition has created the likelihood that, by 2021,
there will be no bilateral restraints on Moscow and
Washington’s arsenals, which still comprise well over 90
percent of the world’s 14,000 nuclear weapons.
hele artiklen
Växande hot om kärnvapenkrig
Världs Horisont
Svenska FN-fôrbundet - En bättre värld nr. 2 2019
Två minutter i midnat
læs hele bladet
Artificial intelligence and nuclear command and control
IISS-Americas d. 26/4 - 2019 af Mark Fitzpatrick
former Executive Director of IISS–Americas
The reliance on artificial-intelligence technologies by
command-and-control systems poses myriad risks, writes
Mark Fitzpatrick. As demonstrated during an IISS tabletop
exercise, such technologies are vulnerable to malevolent
actors in ways that threaten strategic stability...
hele artiklen
Grænsestridigheder mellem venner
JP d. 25/4 - 1999
Nederst i artiklen:
"Den tyske udenrigsminister, Joschka Fischer, har
udarbejdet for en erklæring om, at NATO ikke vil være den
første part i en konflikt, der bruger atomvåben.Imidlertid
fastholder NATO retten til at være fleksibel -og med andre
ord retten til at bruge atomvåben først."
til artikel
“Our city/town is deeply concerned about the grave threat
that nuclear weapons pose to communities throughout the
world. We firmly believe that our residents have the right
to live in a world free from this threat. Any use of
nuclear weapons, whether deliberate or accidental, would
have catastrophic, far-reaching and long-lasting
consequences for people and the environment. Therefore, we
support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
and call on our government(s) join it.”
mere her
Deres hjemmeside.
City Councillors propose nuclear
weapons divestment for New York City
Move the Nuclear Weapons Money
International Camping
d. 27/6 - 2019
Move the Nuclear Weapons Money welcomes the initiative of
New York City Council members Daniel Dromm, Helen
Rosenthal and Ben Kallos to call on New York City to
divest from companies involved in the production of
nuclear weapons, and to reaffirm New York City as a
Nuclear Weapons Free Zone.
On June 26, the city councillors introduced Resolution
976 calling on the City Council to make such a policy
decision, and Initiative 1621 under which the City would
establish an advisory committee to examine nuclear
disarmament and issues related to recognizing and
reaffirming New York city as a nuclear weapons-free zone.
The council declared New York to be a Nuclear-Weapon-Free
Zone in 1983 with the adoption of Resolution 364 which
prohibits the production, transport, placement or
deployment of nuclear weapons within the territorial
limits of New York City, and the adoption of Resolution
568 which declared that no ship be permitted to bring
nuclear missiles into the harbour of New York.
hele artiklen
Konflikten mellem Parkistan og Indien blev heldigvis
løst fredeligt med konfliktløsning.
Februar 2019
se vores side om forsoning.
Nedenstående er naturligvis ikke vores opfattelse, men
den er medtaget for at vise hvad modstannderne af
nedrustning tænker.
A Nuclear First Strike Should Still Be an Option for
Blomberg Opinion d. 5/2 - 2019
If the U.S. pledged not to use nuclear weapons unless
attacked, it would actually make the world a more
dangerous place.
...This debate is not entirely new. President Barack
Obama considered a no-first-use declaration, but it was
strenuously opposed by top cabinet officials and U.S.
allies in both Asia and Europe. Obama wisely dropped the
idea. Nothing in the basic calculus of the situation has
changed since then.
The use of nuclear weapons remains the most important
issue we face as a civilization. It is thus especially
important that U.S. policy both engage with allies and
reflect the lessons of game theory and nuclear weapons.
Analytically speaking, the No First Use Act is weak. For
the U.S., first-strike capability remains a valuable
hele artiklen
Top Democrats introduce bill to prevent U.S. from
striking first with nuclear weapons
the Washington Post d. 30/1 - 2019
Legislation introduced by Democratic lawmakers in the
House and Senate on Wednesday would bar the United States
from using a nuclear weapon unless attacked with one
first, demonstrating growing momentum for anti-nuclear
sentiments on the left in the lead-up to the 2020
presidential election.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), a 2020 presidential
contender, and Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.), the chairman of
the House Armed Services Committee, introduced the No
First Use Act in their respective chambers to codify in
law what they said “most Americans already believe — that
the United States should never initiate a nuclear war.”
The text of the bill is simple, saying only that “it is
the policy of the United States not to use nuclear weapons
first.” But while the measure has support among many
Democrats and could pass through the House, it probably
would not get enough Republican backing to win approval in
the Senate.
hele artiklen
Production of W76-2 warhead in US increases risk of
nuclear conflict, warns Lavrov
Tass d. 30/1 - 2019
Russia’s proposal to resume strategic stability dialogue
with the US remains on the table, the top diplomat
MOSCOW, January 30. /TASS/. Production of the W76-2
warhead in the United States lowers the threshold of using
nuclear weapons and increases the risk of a nuclear
conflict, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a
news conference in Moscow on Wednesday.
Læs hele
USA ønsker at kunne bruge "små"
atomvåben i krig.
US nuclear weapons: first low-yield warheads roll off
the production line
The Guardian d. 28/1 - 2019
New type of weapon, ordered by Trump’s nuclear posture
review, could make conflict more likely, say experts...
...The new weapon, the W76-2, is a modification of the
existing Trident warhead. Stephen Young, a senior
Washington representative of the Union of Concerned
Scientists, said its yield had most likely been cut by
taking away one stage from the original two-stage, W76
thermonuclear device.
“As best we can tell, the only requirement is to replace
the existing secondary, or second stage, with a dummy
version, which is what they do every time they test fly a
missile,” Young said, adding that the amount of tritium, a
hydrogen isotope, may also be adjusted. The result would
be to reduce its explosive power from 100 kilotons of TNT,
to about five – approximately a third of the force of the
bomb dropped on Hiroshima...
...Melissa Hanham of the One Earth Future foundation
pointed out that adversaries would have no way of knowing
if a full-force Trident was being fired at them, or its
low-yield cousin.
The latest major Trump resignations and firings
Read more
“Hey all you nuclear powers out there. We’re just going
to trust that you recognize this is “just a little nuclear
weapon” and won’t retaliate with all you’ve got,” Hanham
wrote in a tweet. “Remember! The US only intends to nuke
you “a little bit.””...
hele artiklen
Hjort udelukker ikke atomvåben mod Rusland
fra DR kl. 6:24 torsdag d. 14/2 - 2019
USA har udelukket atomvåben. Natos øverste chef har
udelukket atomvåben.
Men den danske forsvarsminister, Claus Hjort Frederiksen
(V) vil ikke på forhånd fjerne dette kort fra bordet, når
Natos medlemslande drøfter et svar på en ny trussel fra
Exclusive: Here Is A Draft Of Trump’s Nuclear Review. He Wants A Lot More Nukes.
His first Nuclear Posture Review: more nukes, more posturing.
Huffpost d. 1/11 2018
In his first year in office, President Barack Obama gave a landmark address in Prague in which he famously affirmed “clearly and with conviction America’s commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.” The commitment to total nuclear disarmament was a major departure from the George W. Bush administration — the first time, in fact, that the United States had declared a nuclear-free world a major policy goal...
...The logic of those pushing for the development of smaller nukes is that our current nuclear weapons are too big and too deadly to ever use; we are effectively self-deterred, and the world knows it. To make sure other countries believe that we’d actually use nuclear force, the thinking goes, we need more low-yield nukes.
But official language around nuclear weapons is slippery and euphemistic. “Low yield” suggests a softer sort of weaponry, diet nukes, until you realize that the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were technically “low-yield” weapons.
Trump’s NPR draft euphemizes the euphemism, referring to low-yield weapons as “supplements” that will “enhance deterrence.” The document claims that Russia is threatening to use these smaller nuclear weapons; the U.S. needs to match and deter the Russians in kind.
What goes unmentioned is that we already have over 1,000 nuclear warheads in our arsenal with low-yield options, to say nothing of the fact that the more nuclear weapons you introduce into the world, the more likely it is that they’ll one day be used...
I ovenstående er blileder af tekst der taler omfleksibel brug af atomvåben.
Læs hele artiklen
End the First-Use Policy for Nuclear Weapons
By James E. Cartwright and Bruce G. Blair
The New York Times d. 14/8 - 2016
Throughout the nuclear age, presidents have allowed their
senior commanders to plan for the first use of nuclear
weapons. Contingency plans were drawn to initiate first
strikes to repel an invasion of Europe by the Soviet
Union, defeat China and North Korea, take out chemical and
biological weapons and conduct other missions...
...But beyond reducing those dangers, ruling out first
use would also bring myriad benefits. To start, it would
reduce the risk of a first strike against us during global
crises. Leaders of other countries would be calmed by the
knowledge that the United States viewed its own weapons as
deterrents to nuclear warfare, not as tools of
...China and India adopted this policy long ago, and the
American people overwhelmingly support it, according to a
survey. In that poll, two-thirds say the United
States should use nuclear weapons only in response to a
nuclear attack or not at all, while just 18 percent think
that first-use may be justified sometimes....
til artiklen
“At a time when global anxieties about nuclear weapons
are higher than at any time since the Cold War, measures
for disarmament and arms control are more vital than
ever,” Thomas Markram, Deputy High Representative for
Disarmament Affairs, told the opening of the 2018 session
of the UN Disarmament Commission, held in New York.
UN news d. 2/4 - 2018
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park
Hiroshima Gembaku Dome
Foto: Richard Cassan, The Memorial Cenotaph at the
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. flicker, link
til billede
Foto: Maarten Heerlien,
link til bilede på flickr
Peace Flame
The Peace Flame is another monument to the victims of the
bomb that destroyed Hiroshima, but it has an additional
symbolic purpose. The flame has burned continuously since
it was lit in 1964, and will remain lit until all nuclear
bombs on the planet are destroyed and the planet is free
from the threat of nuclear annihilation.
Foto: Douglas Sprott,
Link til billede på flickr
The Children's Peace Monument is also called the "Tower
of Thousand Cranes,"
for many thousands of folded paper cranes are offered
there all through the year. The origin of the three-legged
monument (tower) can be traced back more than five
decades. On the twenty-fifth of October 1955, ten years
after the end of the war, a first-year student at
Nobori-cho Junior High School named Sadako Sasaki died of
an A-bomb disease (leukemia) in the Hiroshima Red Cross
Hospital. Until the end she was hoping for recovery
because of a popular belief which says that "folding a
thousand paper cranes will bring good luck." The sudden
outbreak of her A-bomb disease and her death gave her
classmates a great shock. They realized all the more
keenly the horrer of the A-bomb. Because of this her
classmartes decided to erect a monument to comfort
Sadako's soul and to express their desire for peace. The
idea spread and was supported by people all over Japan;
this became a large movement so that finally the monument
came into being. It was unveiled on Children's Day, May 5,
1958. The sponsor was the "Hiroshima Children and Students
Association for the Creation of Peace."
At the top of the 9-meter-high monument there is a bronze
statue of a girl stretchinbg her arms up in the air and
holding a golden crane, conveying hope for a peaceful
future. Two statues, one on the right and one on the left
side of the monument symbolize a boy, a girl, and bright
hope. A bell, modeled after an ancient bronze bell, hangs
inside the tower. It was contributed by Dr .Hideki Yukawa,
winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics, who was much moved
by the feelings of the boys and girls. A golden crane
suspended from the bell creates the sound of a windbell.
On the front Earth and in the Heavens" is written in Dr.
Yukawa's handwriting. However, the bell and a golden crane
are presently exhibited in the first-floor lobby of the
east Building of the East Building of the Hiroshima Peace
Memorial Museum. Directly under the monument, the words
"This is our cry. This is our prayer. For building peace
in this world," written by a junior high school student,
are carved on a black granite block. Students from over
3,100 schools in Japan as well as in England and nine
other foreign countries contributed funds for the
The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
is a coalition of non-governmental organisations in one hundred countries promoting adherence to and implementation of the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Klik her
ICAN Danmark
ICAN Norge
Størrrelsen på Hiroshimabomben:
15- 20 kg t TNT
Taktiske atomvåben har i dag:
3- 50 kg t TNT
F-35 kan bruge taktiske nukleare våben.
Se f.eks. Youtube
Fra US Military News
he Air Force has completed the flight testing to ensure the F-35A can safely, and reliably, and drop the B61-12 nuclear bomb.
Den største amerikanske er i dag:
1.300 kg t TNT
eller ca. 65 gange større end Hiroshima bomben.
Læs mere her
John Kierulf har lavet et kort skriv om virkningen af atomvåben d. 28/10 - 2024
Find det her - må videregrives med angivelse af kilde.
Dismantling the Doomsday Machines by John V.
Posted on January 18, 2019
Klip fra artiklen.
om atomvinter:
...Nuclear Winter and the Destruction of Humanity. But
the damage does not stop there. This is the surprise that
the Pentagon did not understand at the time. The ash from
the fires of burning cities would be cast up into the
stratosphere so high that it would not be rained out.
There it would remain for at least a decade, blocking
enough sunlight that no crops would grow for ten years.
That is sufficient to cause total starvation and wipe out
the entire human race with only a handful at most able to
survive. This is Nuclear Winter. It is eerily reminiscent
of Kubrick’s Doomsday Machine which resulted in a cloud of
radioactivity circling the earth and wiping out all life.
Nuclear Winter was first understood in the 1980s, but at
that time careful assessment of the existing computer
models seemed to indicate that it was not likely and so
many "stopped worrying." Now with the interest in Global
Warming, new and better computer models have been
developed. When the results of a nuclear first strike are
put into these models, Nuclear Winter again makes its
appearance as Brian Toon, Alan Robock and others have
shown. The TED talks of Toon and of Robock describing
their findings are worth watching; they are brief and
well-illustrated. We are confronted with a genocide of all
or nearly all humanity, an "Omnicide."
The launch of the 1600 "deployed" warheads of either the
US or Russia is sufficient to give us nuclear winter. So
we in the US have put in place a weapon system on hair
trigger alert commanded by we know not whom which can kill
virtually all Americans – along with most everyone else on
the planet. We have on hair trigger alert a weapon which
is in fact suicidal. Use the weapon and we lose our very
existence. We should also be clear that even if we
prescind from the effects of nuclear winter, the nuclear
attacks would be concentrated on Russia and the US. So
most of us would be consumed. Thus MAD (Mutual Assured
Destruction) is replaced with SAD (Self-Assured
Om hvordan man kan fjerne "første slags muligheden"
....Abandoning First Strike Policy and Capacity.
Dismantling the Doomsday Machine with its Hair Trigger
Alert and Delegation does mean abandoning a First Strike
policy and capacity. And right now, only two countries
have such First Strike capacity and only one, the US,
refuses to take the right to use it "off the table" even
when not under attack. What does the elimination of First
Strike Capacity mean in practice; how can it be achieved?
This turns out to involve two basic steps for the US.
Dismantling the Minuteman III. First, the land-based
ICBMs, the Minuteman III, must be entirely dismantled, not
refurbished as is currently being undertaken at enormous
cost. These missiles, the land-based part of the Strategic
Triad, are highly accurate but fixed in place, "sitting
ducks"; they are only good for a First Strike, for they
will be destroyed in a successful First Strike by an
adversary. Former Secretary of Defense William Perry and
James E. Cartwright, formerly head of the Strategic Air
Command and Vice Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, have
both called for dismantling the Minuteman III. We would
thereby also save a lot of money.
Reducing the SLBM Force. The second step in dismantling
the First Strike capacity is to reduce the Trident
Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM) force to the
level where it cannot destroy the entire Russian
land-based missile force. With these two measures in place
the US would no longer have a First Strike Capability, and
so Launch on Warning and Delegation upon apparent
Decapitation would both be unnecessary. It is that simple.
Of course, the Russians would also need to take similar
measures that take into account the specifics of its
arsenal. And that is where negotiations, treaties and
verification come in. That in turn cannot take place in
the current atmosphere of Russiagate and Russophobia,
which is why both are existential threats and must be
surmounted. We must talk despite our differences, real or
However, were the US and Russia to abandon their First
Strike capacity, a reasonable deterrent could be
preserved. Such a deterrent should be far below the
threshold for a nuclear winter. When Herbert York, one of
the original nuclear war planners and strategists, was
asked how many nuclear weapons it would take to guarantee
deterrence, he suggested somewhere between one and one
hundred, closer to one, perhaps ten. Of course, such a
small number demands giving up on a missile defense system
which has been a will-o’-the-wisp since the 1950s. But
would a leader of any nation, even one equipped with an
Anti-Ballistic Missile system, when confronted with 100
nuclear warheads facing him or her, be willing to risk ten
getting through and demolishing 10 cities?
But there is a deep problem here. The US at least has not
built its nuclear forces with the simple object of
deterrence. It has had the policy of being able to strike
first and destroy or sufficiently degrade the Russian
force so that there would be no retaliation. Ellsberg
establishes that definitively based on his own experience
in his days as a nuclear war planner. But this is also a
will-o’-the-wisp. With Launch on Warning and Delegation
both sides would be destroyed. So, this path must be
abandoned. However, it is a path that has been trod for a
long time. It has acquired many adherents and become
embedded in the thinking of our "strategic war planners."
It will be hard to abandon this way of thinking which is
what will make the simple steps outlined above politically
difficult although technically and logistically quite
simple. Moreover, in the mind of the public there is no
clear distinction between First Strike and simple
deterrence. And many favor a nuclear deterrent. So the
movement for total abolition of nuclear weapons has a long
way to go to reach its destination...
til artiklen
Marie Krarup om Putins nye atomvåben: Rusland er ikke
længere en fuld, halvdød mand i ringhjørnet
Berlingske d. 1/3 - 2018
Vesten skal vænne sig til, at Rusland vil være en
stormagt, der har viljen til at forsvare landets
interesser. Det mener Dansk Folkepartis forsvarsordfører,
efter at den russiske præsident har meldt ud, at Rusland
har nye atomvåben, der ikke kan stoppes af atomskjold.
Den russiske præsident, Vladimir Putin, meddelte torsdag
i en tale, at Rusland som reaktion på USAs raketskjold har
udviklet nye atomvåben, der ikke lader sig stoppe af
fjentlige atomskjold. Han siger, at Rusland kun vil bruge
atomvåben som svar på et atomangreb på Rusland eller
landets allierede.
Men den russiske oprustning skal snarere ses som et
udtryk for, at man er parat til at forsvare egne
interesser, end en ekspansiv strategi...
hele artiklen - kræver abonnement
Putin praler af sine helt nye atomvåben: Ingen fjende
kan stoppe dem
BT d. 1/3 - 2018
Præsident Vladimir Putin siger, at Rusland har testet en
række af nye atomvåben, som ikke vil kunne stoppes af
fjendtlige raketskjold.
Som reaktion på USA's raketskjold har russerne lanceret
nye rakettyper - blandt andet store interkontinentale
raketter og nye typer af torpedoer. Ingen af disse våben
vil kunne stoppes af eksisterende raketskjold, siger
Den russiske præsident, der havde viet omkring halvdelen
af sin tale til at tale om våben og sikkerhedspolitik,
understreger, at Rusland ikke har til hensigt at angribe
noget land.
- Ruslands egen nukleare doktrin indebærer, at atomvåben
kun anvendes som forsvar mod atomangreb, fastslår han, og
gør det klart, Rusland vil opfatte et atomangreb på dets
allierede som et atomangreb på Rusland...
hele artiklen
The Human Cost
by Ward Wilson
February 18, 2018
It doesn’t take a war for nuclear weapons to hurt people.
We tend to imagine that nuclear weapons have caused no harm since the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but the truth is more challenging and more painful. The first bombs were built with uranium that was mined using slave labor. Since the beginning of the Cold War, the production, maintenance, and dismantlement of nuclear weapons have put ordinary people at risk. The true story of nuclear weapons is one of environmental contamination and exploitation of powerless communities...
Læs hele artiklen
'Doomsday Machine' author Daniel Ellsberg says Americans
have escaped self-annihilation by luck
PBS NewsHour på Youtube d. 21/12 - 2017
The military analyst turned whistleblower who leaked the
Pentagon Papers looks at the existential threat of
America’s nuclear capacities in his new memoir, “The
Doomsday Machine.” Very little has changed, says author
Daniel Ellsberg, when it comes to what he calls the
immoral and insane policies regarding nuclear weapons.
William Brangham sits down with Ellsberg to discuss the
looming danger.
Doomsday Clock 2018, hvor videnskabsfolk fortæller hvor
tæt vi er til atomar udslettelse
Independent d. 24/1 - 2018
Mange af verdens mest anerkendte forskere vil være vært
for en ceremoni for at annoncere tiden på Doomsday Clock -
et udtryk for, hvor meget fare menneskeheden er i.
Klokken er sat til 2 min i kl. 24, den har ikke siden 1953
været sat så tæt på kl. 24.
til artiklen
Er tryghed stadig vigtig?
Jyske Vestkysten d. 18/9 2018 kl. 13:56
Er tryghed stadig vigtig? Hvis ja, bliver vi nødt til at
forholde os til autonome dræberrobotter/droner. I FN
forhandler en række lande og NGO'er, om der skal være et
forbud mod autonome dræberrobotter, men det går trægt.
Danmark deltager slet ikke i forhandlingerne. Hvis vi ikke
får stoppet produktionen af de autonome
dræberrobotter/droner, vil det blive alt for let at slå et
andet menneske eller en gruppe af mennesker ihjel, uden
man kan finde gerningsmanden/gerningsmændene.
Droner, der kan slå et menneske ihjel, behøver ikke at
være større end en lille fugl. Disse droner kan flyve i
store sværme og kommunikere med hinanden - så det kan være
meget vanskeligt at undgå dem. Autonome robotter/droner er
udstyret med kunstig intelligens (AI), der tænker langt
hurtigere end mennesker. Kunstig intelligens kan selv
udvikle sin intelligens. Således har robotter kunnet
udvikle et andet sprog til kommunikation, da menneskets
sprog var for langsomt.
I krig er hurtige beslutninger noget, man kan vinde en
krig med. Derfor er det fristende at overlade krigens
beslutninger til superhurtige dræberrobotter, men det vil
betyde, at en atomkrig lettere vil kunne starte ved en
fejl. Derfor kom og hør vort gadeteater om autonome
dræberrobotter på FN's fredsdag den 21. september klokken
17.00 og klokken 17.30 i Heerups Have ved Hotel Britannia
i Esbjerg.
til artiklen
A collection of the Bulletin’s best
writing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
By John Mecklin | Analysis, Collections, Nuclear Risk,
Nuclear Weapons
Bulletin of the Atomc Scientist august 2018
It’s been 73 years since the Bomb was dropped on
Hiroshima and, a few days later, on Nagasaki, Japan. That
week in August changed the world forever; ever since, the
global nuclear arsenal has risen and dropped, but the
nuclear threat has not, by any means, dissipated. Here’s a
collection of Bulletin articles that provide some ideas
and observances to remember and think about as the world
navigates, once again, a particularly dangerous period of
the Nuclear Age.
til artiklerne
Nuclear abolition: Protesters confront Livermore Lab on
Hiroshima anniversary
Peoples's World d. 10/8 - 2018
LIVERMORE, Calif.—Hundreds gathered outside the Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory here Aug. 6, to mark the
73rd anniversary of the devastating U.S. nuclear bombing
of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and to
pledge a greatly stepped-up fight to abolish nuclear
weapons worldwide.
Peace advocates see global nuclear disarmament as an ever
more urgent issue now, in the face of the Trump
administration’s Nuclear Posture Review, released last
Rally speakers brought the demonstration’s call to
action—No Nukes! No Walls! No Wars! No Warming!—to life as
they linked today’s urgent struggles and examined decades
of historical context.
Keynote speaker Daniel Ellsberg, the whistleblower whose
1971 release of the Pentagon Papers helped speed the end
of the Vietnam War, highlighted the concept of “time, time
enough, and too late” in relation both to climate change
and nuclear apocalypse.
He linked the alarms raised by climate scientists who see
looming “tipping points” after which change is impossible,
with Martin Luther King Jr.’s April 1967 observation
concerning nuclear weapons: “There is such a thing as too
Illustrating his point with accounts of the captain of
the Titanic sealing his ship’s doom by ignoring repeated
warnings, and the choices which might have averted total
nuclear devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Ellsberg
said, “The meaning I draw from it is, every minute we have
here is precious, everything is at stake, we don’t know if
it is too late to keep those trees from dying in a nuclear
winter. That means each of us has the opportunity to do
what we can to postpone that, avert that, make it less
likely forever. And that is worth doing.”
He called on the crowd “to act as if we still have time
to change this. We don’t know otherwise; it’s impossible
to say it’s too late at any given point.”
hele artiklen
Hiroshimadagen d. 6/8
- 2018
Tale og sang fra den årlige mindehøjtidelighed i Heerups
Have i Esbjerg
Familiekanalen interview med Poul Eck
Sørensen om atomvåben d. 5/9 - 2018
se Video - klik her.
Atomkrig i Europa er blevet mere
sandsynlig under den nye kolde krig.
Af Poul Eck Sørensen, Esbjerg Fredsbevægelse
Vestkysten d. 20/6 - 2018
De lande, der har atomvåben og NATO-landene, støtter ikke
et forbud mod atomvåben, selv om 122 lande i FN d. 7/7
2017 underskrev en historisk traktakt med et forbud mod
Er vi gode venner med den stærkeste militær magt i
verden, er vores sikkerhed garanteret.
Sådan er det ikke længere. USA's militær industrielle
kompleks ønsker krige, da det giver øgede indtægter.
Våbensalget er steget betragteligt i Mellemøsten. USA er
det land i Verden der eksportere flest våben (33% i 2017).
Vi har forpligtiget os til at undgå krige og drab på
civile. Krige skaber ikke mere demokrati og bedre
livsvilkår. Man kan ikke sige, at Irak er blevet et bedre
land at bo i - tværtimod.
Under den gamle kolde krig underskrev USA og Sovjet flere
aftaler, der skulle sikre fred i Europa. Nu er det modsat.
Der opbygges fjendebilleder på usaglig grundlag, der
opsiges aftaler, der bygges baser hele vejen rundt om
Rusland. Ruslands militære magt overvurderes stærkt og
sidst men ikke mindst, russiske og amerikanske politikker
truer INF aftalen. Med INF aftalen blev
mellemdistanceraketter i Europa skrottet af Sovjet og USA
for at mindske faren for en atomkrig i Europa.
Derfor er det vigtigere end nogen sinde at være med til
at støtte op om modstanden mod atomvåben, hvilket du kan
gøre i Heerups Have 6. august kl. 20.
artiklen i Vestkysten.
DR forklarer hvorfor USA må have atomvåben, når andre
ikke må
Jan Øberg d. 10/6 - 2018
...Læseren får blandt andet at vide at:
1. “Den ganske simple forklaring på, hvorfor USA må have
atomvåben, når så mange andre ikke må, er, at de var
først.” …. “Det er historiens tilfældighed, der spiller
ind”…..og “De (USA og de andre atomstater) var først ude.
Derfor blev de til atomvåbenstater, som er anerkendt af
det internationale samfund i dag.”
Dvs at USA var først til at udvikle og bruge dem,
artiklen indledes med reference til Hiroshima. At have
været først til at “smide” – et ord der poppet giver
associationer til noget tilfældigt henkastet og ikke til
massemord – atomvåben skulle altså i sig selv indebære en
slags særlig ret til at have dem i dag i forhold til alle
andre lande, der ikke har smidt atomvåben på nogen?
Jeg måtte læse denne af journalisten uden videre
accepterede forklaring på USAs særstilling flere gange.
2. Aftalen om Ikke-Spredning af Atomvåben (NPT) fra 1968
tjener et ganske anderledes formål end den i virkeligheden
gør: “Kernen i aftalen er accepten af, at nogle har
atomvåben, og andre ikke har”…”I den traktat blev
grundstenen lagt til en accept af, at nogle må have
atomvåben, mens andre ikke må.”
Det er ganske enkelt ikke sandt.
En vidende journalist ville have spurgt eksperten hvad i
alverden hun mener med det.
Aftalen gør lige det modsatte – hvad enhver der gider at
søge på nettet og f.eks. bruge Wikipedia kan forvisse sig
om. Den gør det folkeretsligt bindende at a) lande, der
ikke har atomvåben skal afstå fra at anskaffe dem mod at
få hjælp med civil atomkraftteknologi; b) de lande, der
har atomvåben skal påbegynde forhandlinger, der kan lede
frem til atomvåbnenes afskaffelse og ‘generel og
fuldstændig nedrustning.’
Aftalens formål er således at der skal skabes en verden,
der er atomfri. Den indeholder ikke noget, der kan give
anledning til den – horrible – påstand at her lægges
grunden til at nogen må have atomvåben og andre ikke.
Kan en medarbejder ved Forsvarsakademiets være så
uvidende om Ikkespredningsaftalen?
Har journalisten gjort så lidt research at hun ikke
indser at udsagnet er – vel, fake news?
Har de to misforstået hinanden?
Hvem lader dette bedrageri passere på public service, som
oplysning til danskerne om atomvåbnene og USAs rolle?...
hele artiklen
Vi er tættere på en atomkrig end
Vestkysten d. 5/2 - 2018 - klik her
Bragt i Arbejderen d. 13/2 - 2018
Jeg kan godt forstå det, hvis du tænker. Det er for langt
ude. Men prøv at læse artiklen fra New York Times d. 16/1
– 2018: ”Pentagon Suggests Countering Devastating Cyberattacks With Nuclear Arms.”
Her beskrives hvordan Pentagon, hvis USA bliver udsat for
et voldsomt cyberangreb, foreslår, at man må kunne straffe
med atomvåben.
Man har ikke beviser på et cyberangreb fra Rusland, men
det nævnes så tit, at det efterhånden er blevet en sandhed
Tanken om en begrænset atomkrig mod Rusland var jo årsagen
til at præsident George W. Bush i 2001 opsagde den
såkaldte ABM-traktat fra 1972, traktaten for
anti-ballistiske missiler. Herefter har USA placeret
anti-missilsystemer rundt om Rusland, da man i USA tror,
at man på den måde kan ramme Rusland med atomvåben uden
selv at blive ramt af dem. Siden opsigelsen af
ABM-traktaten har USA bygget sin atomdoktrin på NUTS,
Nuclear Use Theory.
Våbenindustrien og private hærenheder skal tjene penge og
de er ligeglade med menneskeliv, blot de kan sælge flest
mulige våben og det kræver bestikkelse og krig (kilde
f.eks. filmen: The Shadow World,
så derfor nedsættes tærsklen for, hvornår en krig /
atomkrig kan startes.
Poul Eck Sørensen, formand for Esbjerg Fredsbevægelse.
Nuclear Disarmament Briefing Paper
by John Burroughs, J.D., Ph.D.,
Fellow of The Simons Foundation
February 26 , 2018
Trump’s Nuclear Posture Review: A Call to Nuclear Arms
The U.S. Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) released February 2,
views the world as a dangerous, lawless environment,
marked by military competition among great powers. As to
nuclear disarmament, the most the Trump NPR offers is a
grudging general acceptance of arms control measures for
purposes of stability and predictability with perfunctory
references to the “long - term goal of eliminating nuclear
weapons” and to pursuit of “political and security
conditions that could enable further nuclear reductions.”
It thus stands in marked contrast to the 2010 review
conducted by the Obama administration, which committed the
United States to seek the eventual achievement of a world
free of nuclear weapons and addressed how to succeed in
that endeavor in some detail. Instead, it resembles the
2001 review done under the George W. Bush admi nistration.
til ovenstående.
The Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) is a process “to
determine what the role of nuclear weapons in U.S.
security strategy should be
Posture Review se Wikipedia
til rapporten.
til pdf-filen fra denne side.
Forsvarsministeriet USA - Februar 2018
Læs det
amerikanske forsvarsministeriums syn på atomvåben
Pentagon Suggests Countering Devastating Cyberattacks With Nuclear Arms
The new York times d. 16/1 - 2018
by David E Sanger and William J. Broad
WASHINGTON — A newly drafted United States nuclear strategy that has been sent to President Trump for approval would permit the use of nuclear weapons to respond to a wide range of devastating but non-nuclear attacks on American infrastructure, including what current and former government officials described as the most crippling kind of cyberattacks.
For decades, American presidents have threatened “first use” of nuclear weapons against enemies in only very narrow and limited circumstances, such as in response to the use of biological weapons against the United States. But the new document is the first to expand that to include attempts to destroy wide-reaching infrastructure, like a country’s power grid or communications, that would be most vulnerable to cyberweapons.
The draft document, called the Nuclear Posture Review, was written at the Pentagon and is being reviewed by the White House. Its final release is expected in the coming weeks and represents a new look at the United States’ nuclear strategy. The draft was first published last week by HuffPost.
It called the strategic picture facing the United States quite bleak, citing not only Russian and Chinese nuclear advances but advances made by North Korea and, potentially, Iran.
Link til artiklen
2018 UN High-Level Conference
on Nuclear Disarmament
The United Nations has decided to hold a High
Level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament in 2018 in
order to enhance progress toward the achievement of a
nuclear weapons convention – a global treaty to prohibit
and eliminate nuclear weapons.
Similar UN High Level Conferences held over the past few
years have been very successful, including the conference
on Sustainable Development (2015) which achieved agreement
on 17
Sustainable Development Goals; Climate Change (2015)
which achieved theParis
Agreement; Refugees and Migrants (2016) which
New York Declaration and Oceans (2017) which
achieved the 14-point
Action Plan to Protect our Oceans.
UNFOLD ZERO, in cooperation with the Basel Peace
Office, PNND and
Abolition 2000, are building civil society,
parliamentary and government support for the 2018 UN High
Level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament, and to influence
the agenda and ensure success.
Ideas proposed for the agenda of the 2018 UN Conference:
Encouraging states to ratify the Treaty on the
Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons;
Calling on the nuclear-armed States (and allied states) to
adopt measures at the conference on nuclear-risk reduction
and transparency, including lowering the operational
readiness to use nuclear weapons, and adopting
no-first-use policies;
Moving the nuclear-armed States to announce, at the
conference, an end the modernisation of nuclear weapons,
and new agreed cuts in their stockpiles;
Renewing the UN process an establishing a Middle East
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone;
Supporting the establishment of a North East Asian NWFZ.
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for
Security and Cooperation in Europe – which includes the
parliaments of France, Russia, UK, USA, all NATO countries
and other European Countries – has called ‘on all
participating OSCE States to participate in the 2018 UN
international conference on nuclear disarmament at the
highest level, to include parliamentarians in their
delegations to the conference and to pursue the adoption
of nuclear risk reduction, transparency and disarmament
measures at the conference.’ See OSCE
Parliamentary Assembly calls for nuclear weapons
A joint cross-party letter on Dialogue,
detente and nuclear disarmament, sent from European
parliamentarians to NATO and the OSCE leaders on July 14,
2017, includes a call on NATO and OSCE to support the 2018
UN High Level Conference.
Resolution 71/71 (2016), re-affirming the decision
to hold the UN High Level Conference on Nuclear
ZERO working paper on the NPT and the 2018 UN High Level
for thought paper on the NPT, Ban Treaty and the 2018
meetings on the UN HLC, January – March
at the 2017 NPT Prep Com in Vienna
The Ban Treaty and the 2018 UN High Level Conference,
side-event on June 30, 2017, at the UN during the ban
treaty negotiations
Join the Abolition 2000 working group:
Abolition 2000, the global network to eliminate nuclear
weapons, has established a Working
group on the 2018 UN High Level Conference. To join
the working group contact
En atomkrig vil udover de direkte ofres pinefulde død
medføre en atomvinter med sultg der vil udslette næsten
resten af alt liv på jorden.
Frederikshavns Lokalradio d. 4/11 - 2017
Hør videnskabsmanden og fredsaktivisten John Scales Avery
fortælle om faren for en atomvinter med udslettelse af
livet på vor jord hvis vi får krig med brug af atomvåben.
Men det glæder Avery, at ICAN,
Den internationale kampagne for forbud imod kernevåben har
fået Nobels fredspris for indsatsen for FN-forbuddet mod
Atomvåben. Derfor opfordrer han indtrængende den danske
regering som et første skridt,
at den danske regering og Folketing tilslutter sig
FN-traktaten om forbud mod atomvåben. Interviewet med John
Scales Avery foregik d. 4. november 2017.
(FLR-Dialog d. 5. december 2017)
Interview d. 4. december 2017 med naturvidenskabsmanden
John Scales Avery, der bl.a skriver bøger, som kan hentes
i det danske og arbejder for
atomnedrustning i Pugwash, der tidligere har
fået Nobels fredspris.
Nej til FN-forbud
Danmark er parat til at bruge atomvåben
Danmarks stol ved FN-forhandlingerne om et forbud mod
atomvåben står tom. Regeringen vil ikke sende en
repræsentant. Danmark har nemlig – sammen med NATO-landene
– sagt nej til at forbyde atomvåben.
Arbejderen d. 17/5 - 2017
...Det stod klart, da udenrigsminister Anders Samuelsen
på et samråd i Udenrigsudvalget for nylig skulle forklare,
hvorfor Danmark ikke bakker op om FN's forhandlinger om et
forbud mod atomvåben, som startede op i marts.
– Danmark ønsker at være i kernen af NATO i spørgsmålet
om et forbud mod atomvåben. Alliancesolidariteten er
vigtig for den danske regering. Derfor kan Danmark ikke
støtte en forbudstraktat mod atomvåben. Vi er en del af en
gruppe lande, der har atomvåben som en mulighed. Det ville
være uheldigt, hvis det kun er fjenden, der har atomvåben,
lød begrundelsen fra udenrigsministeren...ele artiklen
hele artiklen
Se vores
folder om atomvåben - 31/8 - 2017
Forbud mod atomvåben
vedtaget i FN
d. 7/7 - 2017
om forbud mod Atomvåben
FN's nyhedsformidling om afstemningen:
Daily News d. 7/7 - 2017
Treaty adopted on 7th July 2017
United Nations Conference to Negotiate a Legally Binding
Instrument to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons, Leading Towards
their Total Elimination
FN d. 7/7 - 2017
Background information
Treaty adopted on 7th July 2017
United Nations Conference to Negotiate a Legally Binding
Instrument to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons, Leading Towards
their Total Elimination
Background information
By resolution 71/258, the General Assembly decided to
convene in 2017 a United Nations conference to negotiate a
legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons,
leading towards their total elimination. The Assembly
encouraged all Member States to participate in the
Conference and decided that it shall convene in New York,
under the rules of procedure of the General Assembly
unless otherwise agreed by the Conference, with the
participation and contribution of international
organizations and civil society representatives. The
Conference will be held in New York from 27 to 31 March
and from 15 June to 7 July. The Conference held a one-day
organizational session in New York on 16 February 2017.
The decision to convene the Conference followed from the
recommendation of the open-ended working group on taking
forward multilateral disarmament negotiations, convened
pursuant to resolution 70/33. The open-ended working
group, chaired by Ambassador Thani Thongphakdi (Thailand),
specified in its report that a legally binding instrument
to prohibit nuclear weapons would establish general
prohibitions and obligations as well as a political
commitment to achieve and maintain a nuclear-weapon-free
world. The primary mandate of the open-ended working group
was to address concrete effective legal measures, legal
provisions and norms that would need to be concluded to
attain and maintain a world without nuclear weapons.
Se FN's side
om dette
Global traktat om forbud mod atomvåben er blevet
vedtaget i FN
Politikken d. 7/7 - 2017
Diplomat: Verden har ventet på denne juridiske norm i 70
år - siden de første atombomber blev anvendt i Japan.
En global traktat om et forbud mod atomvåben blev fredag
vedtaget i FN trods modstand fra USA og andre atommagter,
som boykottede forhandlingerne.
Elayne Whyte Gome, der leder den FN-konference, hvor
traktaten er blevet forhandlet, siger, at det er den
første multilaterale aftale om et stop for atomvåben i 20
hele artiklen
Worldwide deployments of nuclear weapons, 2017
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist
Pages 289-297 | Published online: 31 Aug 2017
Hans M Kristensen og Robert S. Norris
The authors estimate that as of mid-2017, there are nearly 15,000 nuclear weapons in the world, located at some 107 sites in 14 countries. Roughly, 9400 of these weapons are in military arsenals; the remaining weapons are retired and awaiting dismantlement. Nearly 4000 are operationally available, and some 1800 are on high alert and ready for use on short notice. This article reviews the locations of nuclear weapons in all nine nuclear-armed states, as well as those of US weapons deployed outside the United States.
Læs hele artiklen
Kære alle -
Skal vi ikke have Esbjerg med på listen?
D. 24/7 - 2017 var der 7.392 byer i 162 lande der har
erklæret sig atomvåbenfrie.klik
byer i Danmark støtter afskaffelsen af atomvåben
mere her
Forbud mod atomvåben
vedtaget i FN
d. 7/7 - 2017
om forbud mod Atomvåben
FN's nyhedsformidling om afstemningen:
Daily News d. 7/7 - 2017
Treaty adopted on 7th July 2017
United Nations Conference to Negotiate a Legally Binding
Instrument to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons, Leading Towards
their Total Elimination
FN d. 7/7 - 2017
Background information
Treaty adopted on 7th July 2017
United Nations Conference to Negotiate a Legally Binding
Instrument to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons, Leading Towards
their Total Elimination
Background information
By resolution 71/258, the General Assembly decided to
convene in 2017 a United Nations conference to negotiate a
legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons,
leading towards their total elimination. The Assembly
encouraged all Member States to participate in the
Conference and decided that it shall convene in New York,
under the rules of procedure of the General Assembly
unless otherwise agreed by the Conference, with the
participation and contribution of international
organizations and civil society representatives. The
Conference will be held in New York from 27 to 31 March
and from 15 June to 7 July. The Conference held a one-day
organizational session in New York on 16 February 2017.
The decision to convene the Conference followed from the
recommendation of the open-ended working group on taking
forward multilateral disarmament negotiations, convened
pursuant to resolution 70/33. The open-ended working
group, chaired by Ambassador Thani Thongphakdi (Thailand),
specified in its report that a legally binding instrument
to prohibit nuclear weapons would establish general
prohibitions and obligations as well as a political
commitment to achieve and maintain a nuclear-weapon-free
world. The primary mandate of the open-ended working group
was to address concrete effective legal measures, legal
provisions and norms that would need to be concluded to
attain and maintain a world without nuclear weapons.
Se FN's side
om dette
On the mainstream media coverage of nuclear war risks
and nuclear abolition
By Jan Oberg, TFF PressInfo # 421
d. 30/6 - 2017
You’re probably an avid consumer of news and reports in
one or more daily media – local, national or global. You
want to be well-informed and say interesting things when
you meet friends and colleagues.
And you certainly don’t want to find out that you’ve been
taken for a ride by fake news, half-truths, bias or
omissions by media that you trusted because you thought
you could.
Now ask yourself whether you remember to have seen one or
more of these essentially important initiatives and
reports recently, all pertaining to nuclear weapons, the
risk of nuclear war and advocacy of nuclear abolition…
hele artiklen
Forslag i FN til en
juridisk bindende aftale om forbud mod kernevåben
pdf-fil med teksten
Her kan
du læse om de enkeltelandes holdning
samråd med udenrigsministeren om nedrustning af
No nation has the power to block the
negotiations. The treaty is not subject to approval by the
UN Security Council, where five nuclear-armed nations
wield a veto - kilde
ican International campaign to abolish nuclear weapons
United Nations Conference to Negotiate a
Legally Binding Instrument to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons,
Leading Towards their Total Elimination 16 February, 27 -
31 March, 15 June - 7 July 2017 klik her og
følg udviklingen.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombing
survivors submit the petition with nearly 3 million
signatures to the President of the Conference who was
joined by the UN High Representative for Disarmament
Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)
Nationers Regionale Informationskontor for Vesteuropa.
Her kan du bl.a. læse i
FN-pagten om hvilke spørgsmål Plenarforsamlingen og
Sikkerhedsårdet tager sig af.
Kapitel IV
Artikel 9.
1. Plenarforsamlingen består af alle medlemmerne af de
Forenede Nationer.
2. Hvert medlem har højst fem repræsentanter i
Funktioner og beføjelser.
Artikel 10.
Plenarforsamlingen kan drøfte alle spørgsmål eller sager
inden for nærværende pagts område eller vedrørende ethvert
af de ved nærværende pagt hjemlede organers beføjelser og
funktioner og kan, med forbehold af bestemmelserne i
artikel 12, fremsætte forslag til medlemmerne af de
Forenede Nationer, til sikkerhedsrådet eller til begge i
alle sådanne spørgsmål eller sager...
Artikel 12.
1. Så længe sikkerhedsrådet med hensyn til en tvist eller
situation udøver de funktioner, der er tillagt dette i
nærværende pagt, kan plenarforsamlingen ikke fremsætte
noget forslag vedrørende den pågældende tvist eller
situation, medmindre sikkerhedsrådet anmoder derom.
2. Generalsekretæren skal, med sikkerhedsrådets samtykke,
ved hver samling underrette plenarforsamlingen om alle
sager vedrørende opretholdelse af mellemfolkelig fred og
sikkerhed, som er under behandling i sikkerhedsrådet, og
skal ligeledes straks, når sikkerhedsrådet ophører med at
behandle sådanne sager, underrette plenarforsamlingen
eller hvis denne ikke er samlet, de Forenede Nationers
Ex-nuke commanders: Talk to North Korea, open
NATO-Russia dialogue
Politico, By Bryan Bender d. 28/6 - 2017
An international group of ex-nuclear commanders Wednesday
issued the first in a series of recommendations to world
leaders to head off the rising threat of a nuclear war —
calling on the Trump administration to open direct talks
with North Korea, urging the United States, Russia and
NATO to immediately establish military-to-military talks,
and calling on India and Pakistan to set up a nuclear
"The Nuclear Crisis Group assesses that the risk of
nuclear weapons use, intended or otherwise, is
unacceptably high and that all states must take
constructive steps to reduce these risks," the former
military and diplomatic leaders — from nations as diverse
as Russia, China, India, Pakistan, and the United States —
write in an 11-page report about what they consider the
biggest nuclear flashpoints.
The crisis group was established earlier this year under
the auspices of Global Zero, a leading arms control
organization that supports the ultimate abolition of
nuclear weapons…
hele artiklen
Forbyd atomvåben
Arbejderen d. 24/5 - 2017
Det første udkast til en historisk FN-traktat, der helt
forbyder atomvåben, så dagens lys i mandags. 123 lande ud
af FN's 193 medlemslande har siden marts forhandlet om at
afskaffe disse masseødelæggelsesvåben, der dræber
mennesker i flæng. Forhandlingerne skal slutte 7. juli.
Danmarks regering boykotter disse forhandlinger, selvom
Danmark har underskrevet NPT-traktaten om ikke-spredning
af atomvåben. Der er heldigvis to tredjedeles flertal for
aftalen i FN's Generalforsamling, og aftalen vil være et
vigtigt skridt i retning af endelig at afskaffe atomvåben.
hele artiklen
Danmark, Norge og Island stemte nej til et historisk
forsøg på at afskaffe atomvåben.
Det skete i sidste uge i FNs komite for nedrustning og
international sikkerhed i New York.
Resolutionen indebærer, at der afholdes en konference i
marts måned med det formål at forhandle en juridisk
bindende aftale om et globalt forbud mod kernevåben på
Jeg er chokeret, dybt chokeret og kan ikke tro mine egne
øren. Jeg troede, det var en selvfølge at enhver dansk
regering vil støtte ethvert initiativ for at fremme en
atomnedrustning. Det ligger udenfor min fantasi at
forestille sig, at der er flertal for en sådan holdning i
Det er ganske uforståeligt, at regeringen har stemt imod
FN-resolutionen, der er særdeles skelsættende. Den
signalerer et stort og positivt skifte i mange års
dødvande i aktiviteterne for atomnedrustning.
Danmark må være i forreste række i denne indsats, ikke
mindst som en naturlig fortsættelse af skiftende
regeringers tilslutning til kravet om Norden som
atomvåbenfri zone. Danmark har ingen interesser i at
opretholde den eksisterende atomtrussel.
Holdningen i FN er den diamentral modsatte af den alle
danske partier, på nær Dansk Folkeparti, gav udtryk for,
da de i EU-parlamentet næsten samtidig stemte om en
resolution om atomnedrustning.
Jeg vil omgående bede den danske udenrigsminister forklare
sig i Folketingets Udenrigsudvalg.
Ifølge Sammenslutningen af Amerikanske Videnskabsmænd
(FAS) findes der i dag omkring 15.000 atomsprænghoveder på
38 lande stemte nej til FN-resolutionen om at arbejde for
at forbyde atomvåben:
Albanien, Andora, Belgien, Bosnien, Bulgarien, Canada,
Danmark, Estland, Frankrig, Grækenland, Island,Israel,
Italien, Japan, Kroatien, Letland, Litauen, Luxembourg,
Mikronesien, Monaco, Montenegro, Norge, Polen, Portugal,
Rumænien, Rusland, Storbritannien, Serbien, Slovakiet,
Slovenien, Spanien, Sydkorea, Tjekkiet, Tyrkiet, Tyskland,
Ungarn og USA.
123 lande stemte for. 16 undlod at stemme.
Læs mere her:
Regeringen bag dansk atomskandale
Arbejdere d. 30/3 - 2017
Det er en skandale, at den danske regering boykotter den
igangværende debat i FN's Generalforsamling om muligheden
for at forbyde atomvåben. Og det er for ringe, at
oppositionen, som har et komfortabelt flertal i
Folketinget, ikke har pålagt regeringen, at deltage.
Der skal ikke meget kendskab til international jura for
at nå den åbenlyse konklusion, at Danmark – og de andre
lande, der med USA i spidsen boykotter disse møder i FN –
handler i strid med NPT-traktaten om ikke-spredning af
atomvåben. For i NPT-traktatens artikel VI står det sort
på hvidt, at: "Enhver deltager i denne traktat forpligter
sig til i god tro at fortsætte forhandlingerne om
effektive foranstaltninger til en snarlig standsning af
kernevåbenkapløbet og til kernevåbennedrustning"...
hele lederen
af traktat af 1. juli 1968 om ikke-spredning af
This Is What a Nuclear War Would Actually Look Like
VICE News d. 21/3 - 2017
As Secretary of Defense under President Clinton, Bill
Perry has spent most of his life watching the world
prepare for nuclear war. And given the current political
climate, he thinks the world isn’t nearly as scared as it
should be.
Since the dawn of the nuclear age in the 1940s, most of
the worlds nuclear capability was split between the U.S.
and Russia. The umbrella of American protection meant that
its allies didn’t have to develop nukes of their own.
But that appears to be changing.
President Donald Trump has been less hawkish about
standing up to Russia. Now, European Union is reportedly
considering a nuclear deterrent of its own. During the
first week of March — after reports came out that as he
left office, President Barack Obama warned Trump that
North Korea would be “the most urgent” problem — North
Korea fired four missiles that landed just 200 miles from
All of this has experts, including Perry, worried about
an era of renewed nuclear threat from jittery states and
rogue actors. Perry often talks about his nightmare
scenario: a small amount of enriched uranium falling into
the hands of a terrorist group.
“I think of all of the nuclear catastrophes that could
happen, this is the most probable,” the 89-year-old said.
“I think, I would say, there’s probably an even chance,
this would happen sometime in the next 10 years.”
video på Youtube
En verdenskrig er begyndt, bryd tavsheden! d. 22/1 - 2017
af John Pilger
Obama-administrationen udvider med flere atomvåben, flere nukleare anordninger og endnu flere atomkraftværk. Udgifterne alene til de nukleare eksplosive anordninger er under Obamas regeringstid højere end under nogen anden præsident. Udgifterne over en 30 årig periode er steget til mere end en billion dollars. Det provokerer militærkritikere voldsomt i både ind- og udland...
...I 2009 stod præsident Obama foran en tilbedende menneskemængde i centrum af Prag, i Europas hjerte. Han forpligtede sig til, ”at befri verden for atomvåben”. Mennesker jublede og flere begyndte at græde. Medierne flød over med floskler. Derefter fik Obama Nobels fredpris.
Alt er falsk. Han løj.
Obama-administrationen lod flere atomvåben bygge, flere nukleare anordninger, yderligere nukleare….systemer og endnu flere atomkraftværker. Udgifterne alene for de nukleare anordninger under Obama blev højere end under nogen anden præsident. Udgifterne løb op i mere end 1 billion dollars på 30 år.
En atom minibombe er planlagt. Den bærer navnet B61 Model 12. Den finder ikke sin lige. General James Cartwright, en tidligere visechef for den forenede generalstab, sagde: ” - At den er mindre, gør brugen af dette atomvåben tænkelig.”
I de sidste 18 måneder (art. Skrevet i marts 2016) har der langs Ruslands grænse mod vesten været den største oprustning af militære kræfter siden 2. Verdens krig – anført af USA. Siden Hitler marcherede ind i Soviet unionen har ingen udenlandske tropper, så indlysende stillet sig så truende an overfor Rusland.
Ukraine – engang en del af Soviet unionen – er nu blevet en fritidspark for CIA. Siden kuppet i Kiew kontrollerer Washington i grunden et regime, som Rusland hader og som deler grænse med Rusland. Et regime der rent ud sagt er af nedrige nazister. Prominente politikere i Ukraine er politiske opkomlinge af fascister af de berygtede OUN og UPA. Officielt hylder de Hitler og opfordrer til at forfølge og uddrive de russisktalende mindretal...
...Hvad er der blevet af de store traditioner for populære protestbevægelser? Som kommer uden partibevægelserne? Hvor er modet, fantasien og beredskabet som er nødvendigt, for at begynde den lange rejse mod en bedre, retfærdigere og fredeligere verden? Hvor er dissidenterne i kunsten, i film, i teater eller i litteratur?
Hvor er de, der bryder tavsheden? Eller venter vi, indtil den første atomraket er sendt af sted?
Læs hele artilen
Danmark stemte nej til historisk forsøg på at afskaffe
JP d. 3/11 -2016
FN tog i sidste uge et »historisk« og »skelsættende«
skridt mod et globalt forbud mod atomvåben. Danmark stemte
nej på grund af modstand fra atommagterne.
Det var ikke med dansk hjælp, at en aftale om begrænsning
og på sigt afskaffelse af atomvåben blev vedtaget i FN.
Sammen med 37 andre lande – herunder Rusland og USA –
stemte Danmark nemlig nej til resolutionen, da den i
sidste uge var til afstemning i FN's komite for
nedrustning og international sikkerhed i New York.
Resolutionen, der af flere organisationer betegnes som
skelsættende, indebærer, at der i marts næste år skal
afholdes en FN-konference med det formål at forhandle en
juridisk bindende aftale på plads. Aftalen skal omfatte et
globalt forbud mod kernevåben, og på sigt skal de
altødelæggende atomarsenaler helt afskaffes, lyder
hele artiklen
US moves nuclear weapons from Turkey to Romania
Euractic by Georgi Goter d. 18/8 - 2016
US moves nuclear weapons from Turkey to Romania
EXCLUSIVE/ Two independent sources told that the US has started transferring nuclear weapons stationed in Turkey to Romania, against the background of worsening relations between Washington and Ankara.
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Hiroshima: Was the atomic bomb
Al Jazeera d. 27/5 - 2016
Mehdi Hasan asks if the US needed to drop the atomic
As Barack Obama becomes the first sitting US president to
visit Hiroshima, should the United States apologise for
dropping the atomic bombs on Japan?
The mainstream view of the bombing of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki in 1945 is that it was needed to force Japan to
surrender and bring an end to the war, but a look at
history shows that some prominent military commanders and
politicians thought otherwise.
In this week's Reality Check, Mehdi Hasan asks if use of
the bombs was justified; and as President Obama visits
Hiroshima, should the US apologise to the victims of the
Jan Øberg om USA's nye atomvåben strategi.
Politikere og medier savner aabenbart
enhver ekspertise om missilskjoldet til at modstaa
Washingtons salgsteknikker
Jan Øberg d. 21/3 - 2015
Åbent brev sendt til 2200 mennesker i Norden
herunder 325 danske medieadresser.
Af Jan Øberg
Dr.hc., forskningschef TFF
21. marts 2015
Missilskjoldet tjener til at gøre det muligt
at udkæmpe og vinde en atomkrig – ikke at afskrække fra
Den russiske ambassadørs artikel i
Jyllands-Posten kan maaske siges at være bombastisk
formuleret men i grunden har han – og ikke
udenrigsminister Lidegaard – ret.
Ledende medier som f.eks. Danmarks Radio,
Ritzaus og Politiken giver baggrund til missilforsvaret
som vidner om total mangel paa fagkundskab om strategi og
I stærk kontrast til hvad vi hører om
missilskjoldet – som Danmark nu tilsyneladende skal
bidrage til – er det det mest de-stabiliserende indslag i
atompolitikken siden 1945.
Det kan kun opfattes af Rusland og andre som
en provokation.
hele artiklen
UN nuke review conference could mark
turning point
The 2015 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
(NPT) Review Conference
A month-long nuclear arms control conference
ended in discord May 22nd at the United Nations in New
York, but it might likely be remembered as the global
gathering at which the majority of the world’s nations
unequivocally rejected nuclear weapons.
hele artiklen
Look at nuclear weapons in new ways!
TFF PressInfo # 333 d. 6/8 - 2015
By Jan Oberg
It’s absolutely necessary to remember what
happened 70 years ago in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, see the
movies from then, listen to the survivors, the hibakusa.
But it isn’t enough for us to rid the world of these
crimes-against-humanity weapons. And that we must.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki is history and it is
also the essence of the age you and I live in – the
nuclear age. If the hypothesis is that by showing these
films, we create opinion against nuclear weapons, 70 years
of every more nuclearism should be enough to conclude that
that hypothesis is plain wrong.
There is a need for a frontal attack on not
only the weapons but on the nuclearism – the
thinking/ideology on which they are based and made to look
‘necessary’ for security and peace.
Nuclear weapons – only for terrorists
At its core, terrorism is about harming or
killing innocent people and not only combatants. Any
country that possesses nukes is aware that nukes can’t be
used without killing millions of innocent people –
infinitely more lethal than Al-Qaeda, ISIS etc. Since 9/11
governments and media have conveniently promoted the idea
that terrorism is only about small non-governmental groups
and thus tried to make us forget that the nuclear ‘haves’
themselves practise state terrorism and hold the humanity
hostage to potential civilizational genocide (omnicide).
hele artiklen
Atomvåbenfri Verden
Austria, backed by 159 nations, calls for
ban on nuclear weapons
Reuters d. 29/4 - 2015
UNITED NATIONS | By Louis Charbonneau
...Austria on Tuesday called for banning
nuclear weapons because of their catastrophic humanitarian
effects, an initiative it said now has the backing of 159
red.: 159 lande ud af 191 støttede
forslaget, men lande med atomvåben og NATO-landene ville
ikke støtte forslaget.
hele artiklen
Greater U.S. & Russian Cooperation and
Leadership Is Necessary to Fulfill NPT
UN May 1, 2015
Article VI Obligations to Reduce and
Eliminate Nuclear Dangers
Statement to the 2015 NPT Review Conference
…This review conference and the key states
with nuclear weapons must recognize that
the world is on the cusp of unconstrained strategic
nuclear competition, which would not
only deepen the distrust and increase dangers, but also
would undermine the NPT.
States parties must also recognize that despite the modest
progress achieved through
New START, the threat of nuclear war between the major
nuclear powers is still with us and would have
catastrophic global impacts…
hele artiklen
On April 24th,
The Marshall Islands filed landmark cases in the
International Court of Justice and U.S. Federal District
The Claim:
The nine nuclear-armed nations have failed
to comply with their obligations, under the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation treaty and customary international law,
to pursue negotiations for the worldwide elimination of
nuclear weapons.
They act for the seven billion of us who live on this
planet to end the nuclear weapons threat hanging over all
Læs mere
For a nuclear weapons convention and a
nuclear-free world by 2020.
underskriftsindsamling fra Mayors for Peace
2015 NPT Review Conference
Background information
The 2015 Review Conference of the Parties to
the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
(NPT) will be held from 27 April to 22 May 2015 at UN
Headquarters in New York. The President-designate of the
Review Conference is Ambassador Taous Feroukhi from
The NPT is a landmark international treaty
whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear
weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in
the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to further the
goal of achieving nuclear disarmament and general and
complete disarmament. The NPT represents the only binding
commitment in a multilateral treaty to the goal of
disarmament by the nuclear-weapon States...
Læs hele
Final Documents of the 2010 NPT Review
Final Document - Volume I (NPT/CONF.2010/50
(Vol. I))
Part I — Review of the operation of the Treaty, as
provided for in its article VIII (3), taking into account
the decisions and the resolution adopted by the 1995
Review and Extension Conference and the Final Document of
the 2000 Review Conference — Conclusions and
recommendations for follow-on actions
Klik her
Russia will insist on creating nuclear
weapon free zone in Middle East at NPT Conference
TASS 17/04/2015
Russia will insist on establishing a nuclear
weapon free zone in the Middle East at the NPT
(Non-Proliferation Treaty) Review Conference in New York,
head of the Department for non-proliferation and weapons
control at the Russian Foreign Ministry Mikhail Ulyanov
said on Friday.
hele artiklen
Could Iran be the start?
Erika Simpson, Special to Postmedia Network D. 17/4 - 2015
…In the nuclear non-proliferation treaty,
one fatal flaw is the quid pro quo deal in which the
nuclear haves agreed to provide uranium and nuclear energy
to the have-nots, which would continue to be non-nuclear,
and in exchange the haves promised to get rid of their
nuclear arsenals and move toward general disarmament.
Fifty years ago, diplomats should have foreseen the
problems with such discriminatory arrangements…
…All the proliferators that refuse to sign
the non-proliferation treaty and accept the strictest
safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency —
like Israel, India, North Korea and Pakistan — must be
sanctioned, not just Iran…
…The good news is there are many regional
nuclear-weapon-free treaties around the world, covering
large swaths of Central and Latin America, Southeast Asia,
Africa and Central Asia. Each commits the states not to
deploy, construct, receive or test nuclear weapons on its
territory. Already 113 nations — a majority of UN members
— have signed or ratified these treaties, and 50% of the
world’s land area is governed by them…
…Erika Simpson was a speaker at the World
Uranium Symposium and will be a speaker at the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference. She is an
associate professor of international relations at Western
University and the author of the book NATO and the Bomb…
hele artiklen
Vi har modtaget:
Forbyd atomvåben
6. og 9. August var 70 års dagen for, at USA sprængte sine
2 atombomber over Hiroshima og Nagasaki i Japan.
I maj i år afsluttede FN i New York konferencen traktaten
om om ikke-spredning af atomvåben. Det er den eneste
bindende aftale om ikke-spredning og atomnedrustning.
Aftalen er fra 1970. I 2003 meldte Indien, Pakistan,
Israel og Nordkorea sig ud af aftalen.
Der findes i øjeblikket 16.000 atomvåben i verden.
I løbet af den 4 uger lange konference har et stort
flertal af lande og en række humanitære organisationer
udtrykt utilfredshed med at atomvåbenlandene ikke vil
forpligte sig til at tage konkrete skridt for
Det er skuffende, at det ikke kan ske.
Men det er opmuntrende, at der trods alt er 100 lande, som
tilslutter sig et løfte om at arbejde for at forbyde
atomvåben, igangsat af International Campaign for
Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).
Det er trist at Danmark ikke er med i denne store gruppe
af lande. Den danske regeringen føler sig mere forpligtet
til at gå i takt NATO end at stille sig klart bag et krav
om at afskaffe atomvåben.
Det er svært at se, hvordan man vil arbejde for at
afskaffe atomvåben uden først at etablere et forbud mod
denne dødsensfarlige våbentype.
NATO-landene, og herunder Danmark, støtter i ord målet om
an verden fri for atomvåben, men så længe den slags våben
findes, vil atomvåben være en del af NATOs
Den danske regering må sætte sig i spidsten for en global
indsats for forbud mod atomvåben, i stedet for alene at
traske i NATOs fodspor. Der er ingen modsætning mellem at
være tilsluttet NATO og tage selvstændige initiativer.
Desuden bør regeringen være drivende kraft i at sikre en
konference om Mellemøsten uden masseødelæggelsesvåben.
Med de mange kriser rundt i verden er det mere nødvendigt
end nogensinde brug for et forbud mod atomvåben.
Christian Juhl
Abolition of nuclear weapons by 2020,
The 8th General Conference of Mayors for
From August 3 (Sat.) to Augus t 6 (Tue.),
2013, the quadrennial General Conference was successfully
held in Hiroshima city. At the 8 th General Conference
this time, lively discussions were made on concrete
measures toward the abolition of nuclear weapons by 2020,
with 305 participants
in total from 157 cities and municipalities in 18
countries, as well as governments and NGO representatives
under the Keynote Theme of ‘Toward a World without Nuclear
Conveying the “Spirit of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki” to the World
of the 8th General Conference of Mayors for Peace are
available at our website
Global Action to Wave Goodbye to Nukes!
Governments will meet at the United Nations
over four weeks in April-May 2015 for the five-yearly
review of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
Civil society is calling on governments to end the threat
of nuclear weapons by negotiating for their complete
prohibition and elimination - a requirement of the NPT.
hele indlægget
Assuring destruction forever
Reaching Critical Will has released its
latest updated study exploring the ongoing and planned
nuclear weapon modernisation programmes in China, France,
India, Israel, Pakistan, Russian Federation, the United
Kingdom, and the United States.
As of April 2015, the nuclear-armed states
are estimated to possess approximately 15,650 nuclear
weapons. All of them have plans to modernise—upgrade and /
or extend the lives of—their nuclear weapons. In Assuring
destruction forever: 2015 edition, non-governmental
researchers and analysts provide information on each
country’s modernisation plans.
“Modernisation is driven largely by the
quest for military advantage,” argue the report editor and
two of its authors in the introduction. It “refreshes the
perceived utility and credibility of nuclear use, both
technically and politically,” and is also a
“legitimacy-making exercise. The greater the investment
and sacrifices necessary, the greater the perceived
legitimacy of nuclear weapons in national policies.”
The overwhelming majority of states have rejected nuclear
weapons. They do not see them as instruments of security
but rather of mutual destruction. Yet unlike the other
weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons have not been
categorically banned. Now is the time to address this
anomaly, which has been allowed to persist for far too
full report
The Marshall Islands' Nuclear Zero Cases
in the International Court of Justice
The International Court of Justice in The Hague
Photo credit: WikiCommons
On April 24, 2014, the Republic of the Marshall Islands
(RMI) filed applications in the International Court of
Justice (ICJ) to hold the nine nuclear-armed states
accountable for violations of international law with
respect to their nuclear disarmament obligations under the
1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and customary
international law. The nine states possessing nuclear
arsenals are the United States, United Kingdom, France,
Russia, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel.
The cases are founded on the unanimous conclusion of the
ICJ in a 1996 advisory opinion, that there “exists an
obligation to pursue in good faith and bring to a
conclusion negotiations leadings to nuclear disarmament in
all its aspects under strict and effective international
The relief requested is a declaratory judgment of breach
of obligations relating to nuclear disarmament and an
order to take, within one year of the judgment, all steps
necessary to comply with those obligations, including the
pursuit, by initiation if necessary, of negotiations in
good faith aimed at the conclusion of a convention on
nuclear disarmament in all its aspects under strict and
effective international control.
The International Legal Team is headed by the two
Co-Agents of RMI: Tony de Brum, Former Foreign Minister,
Republic of Marshall Islands, and Phon van den Biesen, an
Amsterdam-based lawyer and longtime member of IALANA.
Other members of the team (full list here) include John
Burroughs, LCNP Executive Director, Peter Weiss, LCNP
President Emeritus and IALANA Co-President, and Roger
Clark, professor at Rutgers Law School and a member of the
LCNP Consultative Council. In a companion case against the
United States in U.S. federal court in the Northern
District of California, the RMI is represented by the U.S.
law firm Keller Rohrback.
er klip fra International Association of Lawyers Against
Nuclear Arms (IALANA) om dette
og domstolen svar
Stormagter lover at skrotte atomvåben
Berlingske d. 24/9 - 2009
Obama og ledere fra andre atommagter pålægger sig selv at
stile mod en verden helt fri for atomvåben. Det sker i en
bindende FN-resolution.
FN's Sikkerhedsråd godkender på et historisk møde en
bindende resolution, der opfordrer alle atommagter til at
skrotte deres arsenal.
Vedtagelsen af det amerikanske forslag er enstemmig.
Mødet blev ledet af USA's præsident, Barack Obama, og de
øvrige 14 medlemmer var ligeledes repræsenteret af deres
stats- eller regeringschef, hvilket er yderst sjældent.
I resolutionen forpligter stormagter sig også til at
hindre spredningen af atomvåben.
hele artiklen
Ingeniøren 5/12 - 2008
Af Jens Ramskov
...I USA har visse kredse argumenteret for, at USA kunne
ødelægge Rusland i et overraskelsesangreb, som ikke ville
give russerne mulighed for at svare igen. Men et sådant
ensidigt angreb vil alene tilføre atmosfæren 85 teragram
sod og føre til massehungersnød over hele Jorden. Det er
en selvmordsstrategi, mener Toon, Turco og Robock. Selv en
begrænset regionalkonflikt, der 'kun' vil tilføre
atmosfæren 5 teragram vil give jordkloden en lavere
temperatur, end der har været i 1.000 år. Sodmængden vil
langt overgå, hvad der blev udsendt ved udbrud af vulkanen
Tambora i Indonesien i 1815, som bevirkede, at 1816 i
Europa og USA er kendt som året uden sommer...
hele artiklen
H.C. Hansen-notatet til USA's ambassadør Val Peterson, 16. november 1957 fra aarhus Universitet.
Den 16. november 1957 skrev stats- og udenrigsminister H.C. Hansen (S) et notat til den amerikanske ambassadør i Danmark, Val Peterson. Notatet var et svar på en forespørgsel om, hvorvidt den danske regering ønskede at blive underrettet, hvis USA stationerede atomvåben i Grønland. H.C. Hansen (1906-1960) accepterede indirekte, at USA placerede atomvåben i Grønland.
Dette var en overordentlig kontroversiel beslutning, da den officielle danske politik var, at der ikke skulle stationeres atomvåben på dansk grund i fredstid. Hverken regeringen eller Udenrigspolitisk Nævn blev underrettet om beslutningen, som derfor var i strid med de demokratiske principper. Offentligheden fik først kendskab til notatet i 1995.
Læs hele beskrivelsen